Inspired by this user.
I feel like they've been trying to cook something for rank but just couldn't get at least a vote :(
(not trying to mock or anything, but I kinda feel bad)
So I decided to map a song they've mapped, and it turned out alright… except for the Hard difficulty. Who knew making a map between rankable Normal and rankable(?) top diff would be that hard lol
Easy - Follows the chords and long notes
Normal - Follows the melodies (by 1/2 streams) and long notes
Hard (the most unrankable of the set) - Questionable 1/2 and 1/4 streams
Prestissimo (Insane) - The most exhilarating jump/handstream you'll ever play, perhaps. (entirely made out of 1/4 streams)
MIDI used: Here! by Bradley Smith
Piano: Hammersmith Free for Kontakt Player
BG Sauce (by panjoool) here!
# | Grade | Player | Perf. Rating | Accuracy | Max Combo | Marvelous | Perfect | Great | Good | Okay | Miss | Mods | Date |