Yak Won

Created by: SyncdeathWyvern
Submitted: 2 months ago
Ranked: 10 days ago
Source: PUMP IT UP - 2013 FIESTA 2 -
waltz, electronic, piu, piuf2, yak_won, yakwon, RaspyRaspberry
BPM: 246
Length: 1:35
Passes/Fails: 302 / 202

Mapset #21

« Ranked #7

Ranked by Ainer and Revv!

Last spread of the semester, and last June upload!

Mapset ID 34007 😭 (missed 34000 rip)

Started last year and decided to finish the set this year lol

Song goes hard too so that's a plus

Holland Vibes is basically jumptrill/splittrill, chordjack, and jumptrilly jumpstream hell. Good luck with that hehehe…

Background by Coffee Milk, the original artist for the PIU Fiesta 2 background of the song.

and tell me if Yak Won has any official links to his works!

(p.s. sorry for that unfixed LN on normal :<)

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US TheDood 41.49 99.13% 1,208x 895 299 13 1 0 0 1.9x 9d
2 SS HK ATP Koshepen 40.49 99.11% 1,112x 980 211 16 0 0 1 1.8x 10d
3 S PH noobiehead123 37.25 98.99% 605x 986 210 8 1 1 2 1.55x 1d
4 SS XX AST blowit 33.47 99.28% 977x 1,072 129 4 0 1 2 1.3x 3d
5 S CA reallybadplayer 32.31 97.39% 978x 865 302 28 6 3 4 1.45x 8d
6 S GB Lyxian 32.09 98.59% 767x 927 260 15 3 1 2 1.3x, Mirror 3d
7 S US vxid 31.32 96.48% 848x 835 317 40 4 4 8 1.5x 9d
8 S CL Neruuh 30.88 97.96% 974x 874 289 41 1 0 3 1.3x 10d
9 S US tylinol 30.39 96.77% 884x 744 395 56 10 1 2 1.4x 2d
10 S GB ItsPidgey 28.17 97.12% 947x 717 423 64 2 1 1 1.25x 10d
11 S US Thingerthing 27.33 98.97% 1,208x 921 267 18 2 0 0 1.1x 2d
12 S GB chrisybray 27.26 98.08% 775x 875 296 30 4 0 3 1.15x 6d
13 S ID e7leopard 26.69 98.58% 1,208x 780 399 29 0 0 0 1.1x 9d
14 S VN Techie Folf 26.66 98.56% 1,208x 841 339 27 0 1 0 1.1x 9d
15 A US Pr0digy 26.50 94.59% 320x 731 385 64 11 5 12 1.4x 6d
16 S RO breter98 26.45 95.46% 542x 702 412 76 10 3 5 1.3x 10d
17 S BO TotoMocoLoco 26.33 96.03% 364x 720 396 83 2 0 7 1.25x 10d
18 S MX IgnHyper 26.05 97.34% 1,116x 801 355 44 4 3 1 1.15x 2d
19 A US PlagueboyRite 25.96 94.26% 1,003x 630 431 128 16 1 2 1.4x 17h
20 S ID SyncdeathWyvern 25.88 98.08% 443x 924 254 23 1 2 4 1.1x 8d
21 SS FI ssolle 25.30 99.74% 1,208x 1,066 140 2 0 0 0 None 9d
22 S GB StellaVSRGgamer 25.21 96.06% 718x 711 406 80 6 1 4 1.2x 6d
23 S US adrw 25.11 97.58% 1,046x 763 390 51 2 0 2 1.1x 7d
24 SS FR MaxBet 25.10 99.61% 1,208x 977 229 2 0 0 0 None 7d
25 S US TecKami 24.99 95.20% 372x 739 369 83 6 3 8 1.25x 5d
26 SS UA AST amon2 24.86 99.45% 646x 1,075 127 4 0 0 2 None 3d
27 SS TH Ten25 24.77 99.39% 1,208x 939 261 8 0 0 0 None 9d
28 SS US 2yrup 24.69 99.34% 1,208x 981 216 10 1 0 0 None 10d
29 SS CN xbcmzll 24.67 99.32% 1,208x 969 227 12 0 0 0 None 1d
30 SS CA Ze7ex 24.59 99.27% 1,208x 972 223 12 1 0 0 None 7d
31 SS CL scpfoundationnn 24.58 99.26% 1,208x 887 311 10 0 0 0 None 6d
32 SS GB user555 24.57 99.26% 1,032x 993 204 9 1 0 1 None 3d
33 S NO MilkManJohn52 24.52 98.06% 1,049x 866 300 37 3 0 2 1.05x 9h
34 SS US MeowMeow24 24.45 99.17% 776x 977 220 9 0 0 2 None 2d
35 SS CO lucasta 24.39 99.13% 1,208x 856 339 13 0 0 0 None 10d
36 SS RU LuckyRabbit2342 24.21 99.01% 853x 922 272 12 0 0 2 Mirror 1d
37 S US Beamer810 24.18 96.97% 944x 819 333 43 7 3 3 1.1x 5d
38 S JP da1sy cat 24.11 96.09% 564x 736 407 48 5 3 9 1.15x 6d
39 S US WWHY 24.11 98.94% 965x 945 250 9 1 0 3 None 2d
40 S CZ DarkBotCZ 24.05 98.91% 1,208x 855 333 19 1 0 0 None 8d
41 S US FaDeDDDD 23.79 95.88% 599x 720 422 49 3 4 10 1.15x 9d
42 S XX Friskzips 23.72 98.67% 1,208x 884 294 29 1 0 0 None 9d
43 S HK ImNotAnson 23.70 98.66% 1,208x 839 341 27 1 0 0 None 1d
44 S CN wangquanzl 23.70 98.66% 883x 842 345 19 0 1 1 None 4d
45 S US Airbotic 23.68 98.65% 1,007x 876 312 16 1 0 3 None 15h
46 S ID AwiZaNewbie 23.60 98.59% 1,208x 859 326 18 4 1 0 None 9d
47 S US floofy1614 23.59 98.59% 1,208x 833 347 25 3 0 0 None 9d
48 S ES AndravidYT 23.53 98.54% 1,208x 791 386 31 0 0 0 None 4d
49 S PH MegaRoll 23.52 98.53% 896x 816 364 26 1 0 1 None 9d
50 S IL meyt 23.51 98.53% 1,208x 822 354 31 1 0 0 None 6d