Mini Hen
Sasuke Haraguchi

Created by: TAPMACHINE
Submitted: 5 months ago
Last updated: 4 months ago
Source: ミニ偏
原口沙輔, Kasane, Teto, 2024, Jpop, J-pop, Pop, Japanese, UTAU, 重音テト, TWINDRILL, Vocaloid
BPM: 127
Length: 1:37
Passes/Fails: 13 / 141

<< #26

  • In some kanji, 偏 (hen) refers to the component (or “radical”) that’s on the left side of the character. The hen of 明 (bright) is 日 (sun), that of 語 (language) is 言 (say), and that of 技 (skill) is 扌, which is 手 (hand). As you can see in those examples, hen often show something like the “category” the kanji is in; 海 (sea, ocean), 河 (river), 泳 (swim), 汗 (sweat), 涙 (tear) all have 氵, which is 水 (water)—though kanji that don’t seem to be related to the hen, like 汝 (thou) or 法 (law) in this case, do exist. This can also mean “idea” or “concept.” ~~Wiki Fandom
  • ユ!!
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