Created by: Jole
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: over 4 years ago
eurobeat 4 key dump streams jacks jumpstream
BPM: 160
Length: 2:39
Passes/Fails: 333 / 927

almost like the osu version. a few nasty two hand trills were nerfed, some jacks were nerfed, and wrong bpm was fixed but the rest is the same

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US Reshiram 40.38 99.24% 993x 2,555 501 15 1 2 3 1.2x, Mirror 3y
2 SS HK neekojpg 39.27 99.68% 3,077x 2,621 452 3 1 0 0 1.1x 2mo
3 S HK Koshepen 38.88 98.62% 801x 2,422 609 30 5 2 9 1.2x 2mo
4 SS US Matthias 38.27 99.26% 2,029x 2,427 626 17 6 0 1 1.1x 4y
5 SS US ChaosKel 37.91 99.10% 1,582x 2,479 569 22 2 2 3 1.1x 2mo
6 SS US HJPboss 37.87 99.08% 1,582x 2,433 624 10 3 2 5 1.1x 2y
7 S AR Jdrii 37.69 98.51% 1,188x 2,304 708 55 3 3 4 1.15x 10mo
8 S MY AcapCore7 37.65 98.49% 929x 2,219 809 37 1 4 7 1.15x 4y
9 S KR nooneknows 37.53 98.04% 1,502x 2,421 594 39 3 8 12 1.2x 3y
10 S US Halogen 37.20 98.79% 1,569x 2,271 755 43 4 0 4 1.1x 4y
11 SS US Eeriee 36.91 99.88% 1,888x 2,954 122 0 0 0 1 None 9mo
12 SS KR 4kplayer 36.71 99.06% 1,831x 2,353 688 31 2 0 3 1.05x 4y
13 S SV SirBeatsALot 36.53 98.49% 911x 2,255 765 44 3 1 9 1.1x 2mo
14 SS CN WilliamQiufeng 36.48 99.69% 1,764x 2,731 339 6 0 0 1 None 9mo
15 SS US ARG Keise 36.02 99.48% 1,795x 2,633 433 7 0 0 4 None 2mo
16 SS US Zim 36.00 99.47% 922x 2,772 294 5 0 1 5 None 6mo
17 SS AR laucha02 35.98 99.46% 1,904x 2,499 562 15 0 0 1 None 2y
18 S CN DawnX 35.96 97.00% 1,561x 1,961 946 142 22 1 5 1.25x 5y
19 S US ERA Puzzle 35.86 98.19% 644x 2,315 694 49 4 2 13 1.1x 2y
20 SS FI Lovelyn 35.65 99.31% 1,505x 2,464 588 23 0 0 2 None 4y
21 SS XX Fre3d 35.42 99.20% 1,371x 2,432 620 18 4 0 3 None 1mo
22 S US Jeyci 35.34 97.95% 987x 2,250 749 56 6 4 12 1.1x 4y
23 SS DE ATP lugi 35.24 99.12% 1,144x 2,394 651 28 0 0 4 None 2mo
24 SS GB 61xp 35.20 99.10% 1,307x 2,422 625 23 3 1 3 None 3y
25 SS GB mrelavatornoob 35.15 99.07% 1,126x 2,437 596 41 1 0 2 None 3y
26 SS SE Emik 35.10 99.05% 3,031x 2,349 683 43 1 0 1 None 4y
27 S US CTgaming456 34.93 98.97% 3,077x 2,358 670 45 3 1 0 None 4y
28 S AU herbert 34.90 98.95% 782x 2,454 592 18 6 1 6 None 3y
29 S RO nonameyesiknow 34.72 98.87% 1,144x 2,439 605 21 3 2 7 None 2y
30 S IE MilkCookie 34.58 98.80% 1,843x 2,229 795 49 1 1 2 None 2y
31 S US Biwwy 34.55 98.79% 1,466x 2,202 817 55 1 0 2 None 6mo
32 S RO robby250 34.53 98.78% 1,406x 2,364 662 40 6 0 5 None 4y
33 S US Mistwind 34.49 98.76% 837x 2,504 529 31 2 0 11 None 5y
34 S US Hubert 34.40 98.72% 608x 2,487 549 26 3 1 11 None 3y
35 S ES Mazorkis 34.27 98.66% 1,686x 2,242 775 53 3 2 2 None 4y
36 S US oofblocks 34.25 98.64% 2,107x 2,219 787 67 2 0 2 None 4y
37 S US Tempyseemo 34.19 98.62% 1,320x 2,353 664 47 8 2 3 None 4y
38 S AU HDAdreN 34.15 98.60% 1,527x 2,428 597 39 2 2 9 None 3y
39 S ES Nupi 33.81 98.43% 963x 2,301 700 62 9 0 5 None 3y
40 S DE Hekireki 33.69 97.65% 977x 2,348 651 43 13 6 16 1.05x 2mo
41 S TW Raybu 33.66 98.92% 957x 2,338 700 32 1 0 6 0.95x 4y
42 S GB ATP Drag0n 33.66 97.15% 916x 2,180 763 102 16 5 11 1.1x, Mirror 1y
43 S SE SebbeBest 33.65 97.15% 824x 1,980 951 120 16 4 6 1.1x 3y
44 S CA OwenJ 33.63 98.35% 629x 2,377 633 50 5 1 11 None 3y
45 S IT suca 33.62 98.34% 1,288x 2,283 706 79 4 1 4 None 4y
46 S US Mallus 33.61 98.34% 2,477x 2,186 815 61 10 1 4 None 4y
47 S US iCandy 33.44 98.26% 1,066x 2,386 621 48 10 1 11 None 4y
48 S US WaterMelonTube 33.35 98.21% 1,269x 2,289 710 61 7 2 8 None 4y
49 S KR FREEDOMDIVE 33.35 97.49% 1,206x 2,020 963 69 7 8 10 1.05x 4y
50 S CN Imax 33.28 98.17% 1,667x 1,958 1,032 79 2 0 6 None 3y