Overall the map is fine, but it lacks of balance looking at the breaks, also because of the gameplay, the stairs should be reallocated due to how uncomfortable it can get while trying to perform it (don't get confused with the intention of nerf it to make it easier, it's just a matter of gameplay comfortability). Also some sections need to change because it looks a lot like a copypaste (and don't get me wrong, i know that you can't do very much because of the music, so take advantage of every small detail it appears in some sections like the ones i mentioned before). Hope this gets ranked!
This section needs to get 1/2 notes to emphatize more the piano (also i know that it's just the start, but the map is so dense that it feels off having such an easy part right at the start)
Overall the map is fine, but it lacks of balance looking at the breaks, also because of the gameplay, the stairs should be reallocated due to how uncomfortable it can get while trying to perform it (don't get confused with the intention of nerf it to make it easier, it's just a matter of gameplay comfortability). Also some sections need to change because it looks a lot like a copypaste (and don't get me wrong, i know that you can't do very much because of the music, so take advantage of every small detail it appears in some sections like the ones i mentioned before). Hope this gets ranked!
Same as in https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/17541/mods#mod_2022 but i'll mark it as an issue because this is completely impossible to time correctly lol
Should be mirrored to fit better in the stair
Same as in https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/17541/mods#mod_2022
This section should be something like triple -> single instead of just doubles in order to emphatize the main beat
I'm sure this can be organized in a more comfortable way (but it's okay if you leave it like that)
Same as in https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/17541/mods#mod_2017 (but kinda unsure about this one, what do you think?)
This section can be mapped as longjacks trying to emphatize the new instrument that is playing the touhou music
Also yeah, i know that it's a break, but for the same reasons as https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/17541/mods#mod_2012 it should be 1/2 streams too
I see no reason to put this here in this way, so try to reallocate it in order to keep the flow with the rest of the stair section
Should be a double here, too
Should be a double here
Should be a double here
This section needs to get 1/2 notes to emphatize more the piano (also i know that it's just the start, but the map is so dense that it feels off having such an easy part right at the start)