This part is well placed, but on 56337, patterns like 56937|1,56937|4,57087|1,57087|4,57237|4,57237|1,57237|3 doesn't work because there's not sound that can justify them, you can add on 56487 and erase notes like 56937|1,57087|4,57237|1, then rearrange them at your choice
Here you used a double but here 23037|1,23037|4 not, you can add or erase depending of the focus of the pattern
This part is well placed, but on 56337, patterns like 56937|1,56937|4,57087|1,57087|4,57237|4,57237|1,57237|3 doesn't work because there's not sound that can justify them, you can add on 56487 and erase notes like 56937|1,57087|4,57237|1, then rearrange them at your choice
Here you used a double but here 23037|1,23037|4 not, you can add or erase depending of the focus of the pattern