hashi dashi 2: return of the funubashi

Created by: Vala
Submitted: over 3 years ago
Last updated: 12 months ago
Source: my love feels all wrong
BPM: 118
Length: 1:30
Passes/Fails: 0 / 17

2023-06-20: added non-vibro ending version

my first VSRG map ever :)
I love this goreshit album and every time this song came on it inspired me to make a 7k map.
during the latter half of the song I doubled the BPM from 118 to 236 and mapped at 25% speed on the 1/16th notes (rookie mistake, I only realized how insanely difficult it was after it was too late to turn back). so I tried to map to every sound I could make out and now have an impossible dump map.

I think being insanely hard fits the song perfectly though, so I'm happy with it

please give me your feedback, especially if you can play it unrated O_O

ending dump is really stupid lol

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