Winged Boy
Deli Spice

Created by: Zola
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: about 3 years ago
Source: Espresso
korean rock kpop
BPM: 153.24
Length: 3:31
Passes/Fails: 16 / 167

convert that i made in osu for o2jam.
yes i make o2jam charts in osu because the editor is cool.

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US Berri 42.56 97.94% 1,442x 2,946 977 103 20 1 9 1.3x, Mirror 3y
2 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 32.79 98.52% 1,602x 3,076 884 81 9 1 5 None 3y
3 S JP metyabo 29.66 96.88% 904x 2,757 1,115 129 29 2 24 None 2y
4 S PH Kiokumi 28.06 95.99% 934x 2,757 1,051 170 45 3 30 None 3y
5 A US yahweh 25.72 94.61% 1,054x 2,462 1,227 272 58 6 31 None 3y
6 S US qqp 17.23 95.43% 1,205x 2,468 1,297 197 65 3 26 0.75x 3y