I'm a little confused on how these aren't jumps, but the quietest of these sounds ( 53105|1,53105|2 ) is mapped with a jump. It would make sense how these aren't jumps past 54741|3,54741|4,54741|2 because there are much stronger sounds there.
these are just slightly stronger sounds. I didnt accent them on purpose because there are stronger sounds that I emphasized with two notes like 20105|3,20105|4,20241|1,20241|2.
This note should be on an 1/8 snap at 189181
I changed to 189237
Missing instrument here.
Also see 117059
that was the intention. Note here doesnt fit for me
This has a single note when 115696|2,115696|4 is a jump.
Would suggest making this a jump since this is the same sound as the 1/2 snap after it and 1 [12] or 2 [21] jacks feel overall uncomfy usually.
You've also mapped a jump at 82014|1,82014|2
I don't think this warrants an additional note since similar sounds have strong kicks to them, this doesn't have any.
I'd also like to bring attention to 77514|2, as it's unclear why this is a single note while 86241|1,86241|2 is a jump with an LN.
I'm a little confused on how these aren't jumps, but the quietest of these sounds ( 53105|1,53105|2 ) is mapped with a jump. It would make sense how these aren't jumps past 54741|3,54741|4,54741|2 because there are much stronger sounds there.
because you can heard vocal here 53105|2,53105|1,53650|3,53651|4
I'm not sure why this is mapped when the 1/4 snap after 7286|4,7286|3 isn't.
First timestamp is supposed to be 42264|1, sorry
I really can't tell what these notes are mapped to, see 21537|1 22764|4 23719|1 24946|1 27128|2 30401|3 30673|3. In contrast, you've mapped the same sound with a single LN at 25969|4,26241|4.
I think there is sound there. I will show you this fragment on discord
There's a 1ms long LN here.
Also actually not hearing a sound here, should be removed.
There's a fairly strong sound here that can be justified with a jump.
Whoops, only 19832|4, sorry.
Apparently this happens in other places around this section like 19014|1, 19287|4, 19832|4. Check around for errors like these
these are just slightly stronger sounds. I didnt accent them on purpose because there are stronger sounds that I emphasized with two notes like 20105|3,20105|4,20241|1,20241|2.