bring LN ends back to their original position (1/4 beat away from the next note)
svs are still not normalized to 1.00x but currently instead have an average scroll velocity of 0.7x
there should also be a stutter effect spanning the length of the ln chord (starting at ln head, sv returning to 1.00x at ln tail, with an average sv of 1.00x for the length of the ln)
LN end position are not properly normalized, ln ends should be brought back to their original positions (3/4 beat from ln head) and the stutter svs adjusted so that the ln ends stay in the same position when comparing nsv and sv versions of the map
bring LN ends back to their original position (1/4 beat away from the next note)
svs are still not normalized to 1.00x but currently instead have an average scroll velocity of 0.7x
there should also be a stutter effect spanning the length of the ln chord (starting at ln head, sv returning to 1.00x at ln tail, with an average sv of 1.00x for the length of the ln)
I changed to
I meant to change it like this
adjust LNs to end 1/4 beat before the next LNs, apply to lns here and lsightly later
LN end position are not properly normalized, ln ends should be brought back to their original positions (3/4 beat from ln head) and the stutter svs adjusted so that the ln ends stay in the same position when comparing nsv and sv versions of the map
svs overlap here, causing it to be currently treated as 1.00x instead of 1.50x
1.50x is more consistent with the rest of the map
not sure about this, but it feels like notes are early by about 15 ms, so apply about +15 ms to all objects in the map
do this after checking the other mods
i think the teleport here lacks musical justification
think it would be better to remove the sv at 234960 and 236332
visually unaesthetic
also middle chord should be jump and not hand?
Sorry missed that
remove svs from lns here and slightly later
normalize to 1.0x, normalize LN ends, extend stutter effect to last highlighted note
remove ln, rearrange other notes, keeping the other ln on column 4
change to 2 LNs of length 1/4th beat snapped to 1/2
remove svs from lns here and sligher later
extend sv stutters half a beat
normalize LN end position
current sv effect from here to the quad feels clunky to me
i recommend instead using something to the effect of a linearly increasing sv from 0 to 1
fingers used should switch on the beat for proper emphasis of the beat
sounds to me that these should be single notes