i find a lot of these jacks in this part very awkward, while you can keep them I highly suggest you tone it down a bit by for example removing the 3 note jack at 246812|4 and also by having minijacks alternate between hands
Not exactly an issue, but generally;
your jumpstreams are very anchor-heavy (having notes repeat in the same column every time, example 3rd column at 95925
This can play very strangely at higher rates / generally higher BPMs so I advise you to try to avoid them the next time you create a map, unless you are intentionally trying to map them ^^
this LN is way too long lol
should be a jump
why are these suddenly jacks? lol
missing note ig
i find a lot of these jacks in this part very awkward, while you can keep them I highly suggest you tone it down a bit by for example removing the 3 note jack at 246812|4 and also by having minijacks alternate between hands
move this to column 2
this minijack is kinda awkward
same thing about drums as before
This part doesnt really have any structure, youre very indecisive about using jacks/streams and it ends up as a big mess of an inconsistent pattern
Please try to keep it more consistent and logical until 179712
if youre not capable of mapping it then please message me (discord on my profile)
these should be snapped to 1/4, they should start at 134623 already
why are these two not LNs?
both of these LNs dont really make sense lol (idk if youre actually trying to map the vocals, its off)
on further notice, it might be similar to 155570 so please correct me if im wrong
map as single LN
Map it something like this
id probably delete this LN and map it as jump again, and then map a single LN at 100362|1 to keep it consistent
Not exactly an issue, but generally;
your jumpstreams are very anchor-heavy (having notes repeat in the same column every time, example 3rd column at 95925
This can play very strangely at higher rates / generally higher BPMs so I advise you to try to avoid them the next time you create a map, unless you are intentionally trying to map them ^^
map as jump
again theres no real point in mapping this as a LN since it doesnt stand out that much compared to the drum
these two should be jumps
rearrange the pattern to make it more playable probably
i dont really see the point in mapping this as LNs
this part should be all 1/4s until 71073, or change it to the vocals
and all similar sounds in this part (the clearly audible drum); should be jumps (keep it consistent)
you should also add a single note at 43291|2
again i think you can keep mapping this LN (same for all similar parts here)
add LN here instead, just like you did at 32019|1 etc
i dont understand why this is a LN
just map this LN as a single note
add jump here since this sound is clearly louder
remove this single note
you mapped this single note here, but not at 16043, 16753 etc (just remove it)
shouldnt this also be a short LN
shouldnt be a jump
i get what youre trying to do here but i think you can just delete that single note lol
While this part is ok as is, I suggest implementing jacks to balance out the map in difficulty.
I accept but half pattern in jacks other half normal
This minijack is most likely not intentional, move the first note to col 2
Add an offset of around 20ms to the map
The map has a lot of SV changes that show a lack of SV theory. If you'd like to implement SVs in your map, then I recommend looking into this document I compiled long ago, which https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/526869603515760659/772091159992074290/sv-1.pdf or to read Evening's SV crash course https://github.com/Eve-ning/SV-Crash-Course-LaTeX/blob/master/builds/11082018.pdf. The SVs in their current state disrupt the gameplay too much in a bad sense and it puts the map in a worse state than it would be without SVs, as no SV theory is implemented. I recommend removing the SVs entirely if you want a quick fix for this.
Bruh… Accepted