chordjack patterns could generally use better hand balance
personally would've liked more melodic representation
patterns could use more repetition for the instrumental repetition
i tried
just have a hand snapped to 1/1
could move the jumps around to better represent the melody
i think this looks ugly and you should too because my opinion is always correct
snap to 1/3
extra note?
map the melody
yes i know the patterning has mostly focused on percussion
also why is this snapping inconsistent with the previous instance's snaps lol
left hand bias but tbh i kinda like it lol
227775|1 this too
heavy right hand usage, also makes the pattern look unaesthetic
missing sound
i'd expect this pattern to have more repetition considering the consistency of the sound
missing note
"grouping" of jumps in the stream is inconsistent, beginning groups two jumps together 165347|3,165347|4,165509|3,165509|4 and then there's two "separate" jumps 165672|1,165672|3,165834|4,165834|1, there's a group of three here 166482|3,166482|4,166645|3,166645|4,166807|3,166807|4 (which also start's on a 1/2 snap, feeling just a bit weird)
i'd expect the jumps to be in groups of 1, 2, or 4, always starting on a 1/1 snap
could be made harder when considering the music intensity
resnap to 1/6
sound not represented
unequal distribution of jacks across fingers
essentially the same sound with the type of pattern being inconsistent
inconsistent with other instances of sound in section
distribute some notes to column 4
distribute some notes to column 3
start of section has a slight bias towards left hand
distribute some notes to column 1
You also may or may not need to adjust the timing points like this so they're more in sync.
I talked with 2nil about this in dms.
I feel like the map would benefit from this section being mapped a lot less dense than it is currently.
390783 this section as well.
Missing jump.
chordjack patterns could generally use better hand balance
personally would've liked more melodic representation
patterns could use more repetition for the instrumental repetition
i tried
just have a hand snapped to 1/1
could move the jumps around to better represent the melody
i think this looks ugly and you should too because my opinion is always correct
snap to 1/3
extra note?
map the melody
yes i know the patterning has mostly focused on percussion
snap to 1/3
also why is this snapping inconsistent with the previous instance's snaps lol
left hand bias but tbh i kinda like it lol
snap to 1/3
227775|1 this too
heavy right hand usage, also makes the pattern look unaesthetic
missing sound
i'd expect this pattern to have more repetition considering the consistency of the sound
missing note
"grouping" of jumps in the stream is inconsistent, beginning groups two jumps together 165347|3,165347|4,165509|3,165509|4 and then there's two "separate" jumps 165672|1,165672|3,165834|4,165834|1, there's a group of three here 166482|3,166482|4,166645|3,166645|4,166807|3,166807|4 (which also start's on a 1/2 snap, feeling just a bit weird)
i'd expect the jumps to be in groups of 1, 2, or 4, always starting on a 1/1 snap
could be made harder when considering the music intensity
resnap to 1/6
sound not represented
unequal distribution of jacks across fingers
essentially the same sound with the type of pattern being inconsistent
inconsistent with other instances of sound in section
distribute some notes to column 4
distribute some notes to column 3
start of section has a slight bias towards left hand
distribute some notes to column 1
You also may or may not need to adjust the timing points like this so they're more in sync.
I talked with 2nil about this in dms.
I feel like the map would benefit from this section being mapped a lot less dense than it is currently.
390783 this section as well.
Missing jump.