Thru The Crowd (Original Mix)

Created by: 2nil
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: almost 3 years ago
Source: Speedcore for DJs
BPM: 150
Length: 3:36
Passes/Fails: 5333 / 3575

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Hope u like the jacks lol nerd

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS SG Xvenn70 42.84 99.40% 2,470x 2,273 216 24 2 0 1 1.7x 2y
2 SS US Huntsman01 41.84 99.01% 2,093x 2,035 443 32 4 0 2 1.7x 2y
3 S US OwOMythical 40.00 98.27% 860x 2,145 325 26 5 5 10 1.7x 1y
4 S SG Aluthion 39.80 98.19% 803x 1,933 525 39 9 2 8 1.7x 1y
5 S QA djj 294 39.58 98.09% 997x 1,882 557 62 8 0 7 1.7x 2y
6 S NL KeyC0unt 39.33 97.99% 639x 1,802 635 64 8 1 6 1.7x 3y
7 SS XX Tlharrisonv 38.82 99.05% 2,194x 2,066 427 14 4 2 3 1.55x 3y
8 SS US Kidsbtw 38.54 99.08% 1,429x 2,143 347 18 3 2 3 1.5x 3y
9 SS MX Flur 38.49 99.06% 1,513x 2,032 456 22 2 1 3 1.5x 3y
10 S CA bushidored 38.35 99.00% 1,634x 2,084 398 27 3 1 3 1.5x 2y
11 S AR laucha02 38.26 98.96% 1,710x 2,176 299 32 5 0 4 1.5x 2y
12 S US ASharpp 38.12 98.90% 775x 2,208 276 19 5 1 7 1.5x 3y
13 S US ERA Puzzle 37.88 97.80% 845x 1,978 469 43 10 1 15 1.65x 2y
14 S XX Fre3d 37.84 98.78% 1,513x 2,147 330 27 4 1 7 1.5x 2y
15 SS US ERA Zenith 37.25 99.45% 2,193x 2,419 87 3 1 3 3 1.4x 2y
16 SS US Cuyzon 37.17 99.42% 2,315x 2,035 469 10 0 0 2 1.4x 3y
17 S US Hamz 37.07 98.44% 854x 2,131 334 29 15 3 4 1.5x 2y
18 S HK Ww5582Man 36.61 98.09% 573x 1,956 487 56 8 1 8 1.55x 3y
19 S CA crqzii 36.53 98.61% 787x 2,045 425 34 3 0 9 1.45x 3y
20 S US 2nil 36.49 98.58% 1,018x 2,085 384 34 4 1 8 1.45x 2y
21 SS TH buzt9r 36.29 99.02% 1,513x 2,103 384 19 5 0 5 1.4x 2y
22 S JP M1y4 36.27 98.49% 2,093x 1,907 565 32 4 4 4 1.45x 3y
23 S KR HoneyGyu 36.20 98.45% 1,692x 1,935 533 38 1 4 5 1.45x 3y
24 S FR KirinThnd 36.10 98.94% 1,603x 2,051 431 25 4 0 5 1.4x 2d
25 SS US nhainpoi 36.07 99.43% 2,303x 2,204 295 14 1 1 1 1.35x 3y
26 SS PE Reily445 35.77 99.29% 2,516x 2,019 472 23 2 0 0 1.35x 2y
27 SS US Kappyyy 35.76 99.29% 963x 2,293 201 14 4 1 3 1.35x 1y
28 SS US JSTXN 35.75 99.28% 2,516x 1,961 530 25 0 0 0 1.35x 2y
29 S BY bl3sk 35.72 98.76% 1,215x 2,075 406 24 3 3 5 1.4x 3y
30 SS AR Camiiloo 35.63 99.23% 1,513x 2,152 342 17 0 0 5 1.35x 2y
31 S CN XSUB 35.63 98.72% 899x 2,154 336 14 0 7 5 1.4x 6mo
32 S US ChaosKel 35.55 98.68% 1,515x 1,994 478 28 12 0 4 1.4x 2y
33 S CL M4p1eXD 35.39 98.61% 1,221x 1,971 511 21 3 3 7 1.4x, Mirror 3y
34 S RO eMich 35.39 97.53% 793x 1,788 647 57 9 3 12 1.55x 2y
35 S PH gawrgg233 35.36 98.59% 1,241x 2,034 445 21 7 3 6 1.4x 9mo
36 SS TW diablorex1234 35.08 99.68% 2,093x 2,198 314 3 0 0 1 1.3x 2y
37 S US entauri 34.99 98.93% 828x 2,041 447 19 2 1 6 1.35x 2y
38 S KR SO SOME 34.98 97.49% 673x 1,667 752 77 10 1 9 1.5x 3y
39 S IT Laba 34.92 95.86% 667x 1,548 802 124 25 5 12 1.75x 23d
40 S GB Glades 34.88 98.37% 1,456x 1,874 590 40 3 2 7 1.4x 2y
41 S DE Taptix 34.87 98.36% 1,180x 2,023 440 35 9 2 7 1.4x 1y
42 S CL joaquin1787 osu 34.81 97.82% 658x 1,930 520 46 3 4 13 1.45x 2y
43 S US Cerbus 34.81 98.34% 1,105x 1,929 525 52 2 2 6 1.4x 2y
44 S US Explosive 34.81 98.33% 1,491x 1,993 455 52 11 0 5 1.4x 2y
45 S PL h a y 34.80 98.84% 2,297x 2,020 450 41 2 2 1 1.35x 2y
46 S US maki maki 34.79 97.40% 1,312x 1,672 735 92 9 3 5 1.5x 2y
47 S AR noseqponer15e8 34.71 98.80% 1,969x 2,096 382 26 6 2 4 1.35x 2y
48 S TH popeif 34.70 98.28% 1,487x 1,953 514 32 8 7 2 1.4x 9mo
49 S KR AEM PER GOPE 34.62 97.33% 830x 1,792 626 73 11 3 11 1.5x 1y
50 S DE GERMarvin 34.51 98.19% 1,119x 2,007 448 44 5 1 11 1.4x 1y