
Created by: HakanTD
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: about 2 years ago
Source: Belly Of The Beast
Electronic, Bass, Music, Dubstep, Pop, Trap, SV, reading, memory, svkona, DraterTD
BPM: 150
Length: 2:59
Passes/Fails: 731 / 4739

< #38 >

BG Sauce [PS Vector is a cool guy]
Procrastination at its finest.

Oh god this map is so fucked

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S VN Lott 28.31 97.58% 671x 1,428 445 55 10 1 7 1.5x 1y
2 S PH noduu 23.16 95.52% 992x 1,130 662 124 21 6 3 1.4x 7mo
3 S US svKona 22.26 97.52% 737x 1,401 471 56 10 2 6 1.2x 2y
4 A DE Hekireki 19.93 94.52% 680x 1,228 549 121 27 6 15 1.3x 2y
5 A US KGB Official 19.41 94.98% 558x 1,200 580 130 18 3 15 1.25x 1y
6 A XX wawawawwwww 18.31 91.85% 535x 1,077 606 192 41 10 20 1.4x 10mo
7 SS US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 18.16 99.04% 1,946x 1,508 406 31 1 0 0 None 2y
8 S BR Karun 17.68 98.60% 1,946x 1,363 538 40 5 0 0 None 2y
9 S AU Spartan 16.73 97.70% 1,942x 1,372 497 61 13 1 2 None 6mo
10 A VN MACarono 16.68 91.75% 638x 954 669 270 39 8 6 1.3x 1y
11 S US kusa 16.16 97.14% 1,576x 1,208 628 100 7 0 3 None 1y
12 S XX Fre3d 16.03 97.01% 1,578x 1,352 511 58 12 1 12 None 9mo
13 A CL SirSopapo 14.73 90.71% 663x 622 921 376 12 3 12 1.25x 2y
14 A SE Emik 13.84 94.66% 412x 1,181 643 72 18 12 20 None 1y
15 A CN WilliamQiufeng 13.84 94.65% 296x 1,320 494 74 28 7 23 None 2mo
16 A US VioletFlower 13.32 90.38% 386x 934 723 214 27 15 33 Mirror, 1.15x 2y
17 A US ph03n1x 12.70 93.31% 583x 1,119 637 133 24 10 23 None 2y
18 A HK DraterTD 12.63 93.22% 662x 1,066 637 190 37 5 11 None 2y
19 A US entauri 12.30 92.81% 1,014x 1,086 622 175 39 5 19 None 1y
20 A KR TC I GANI 12.13 92.60% 423x 1,102 615 154 49 7 19 None 2y
21 A SG Rainbow Dash 11.00 91.10% 504x 1,100 561 202 47 7 29 None 3mo
22 A CN cccc 10.85 90.90% 475x 978 659 238 41 13 17 None 2y
23 A RO Qweet25 10.34 90.17% 533x 1,055 592 205 51 13 30 None 2y