excess bpm lines for 52567 53709 (can be seen at around 59138), you can hide the bpm lines by adding a new bpm point with "hide lines" option selected (and remember to resnap all svs and notes properly)
the buzzes and rapid kicks is continuous throughout this whole section, so the 1/2 (to be exact they're 5/8 lmao) pauses doesn't feel fitting.
additionally, the buzz starts to peak from 159567 to 159996, where you can hear the pitch getting higher (which indicates the buzz' density becoming higher)
this pattern is misleading. the song has rapid, consecutive kicks, so putting a 4-note-grace on each beat is not exactly a valid simplification method.
i can think of 2 solutions for this:
apply nonstop 1/6 rolls from 30281 to 30853.
use 1/4 single streams also from 30281 to 30853, but add stutter SV on top of them (i'd say this is better because it fits with the map's theme)
i also advise putting a double at 30853 for the downbeat. despite being a part of the map, SV shouldn't fully replace note emphasis, especially in cases like this. (unless you can pull out sv really well, which i haven't seen such replacement method before.)
apparently this repeats at 49566|1,49602|2,49638|3,49674|4,49852|1,49888|2,49924|3,49959|4,50138|1,50174|2,50209|3,50245|4
personally i'd remove these entirely, add a note at 49567 on col2, another note at 49638 on col3. then for 49710 to 50281, use 1 of the 2 solutions mentioned above.
i can't see any reason for this to be an LN. sure 15424|1 can be an LN cuz the snare sounds longer than usual, 18567|2 is also valid for the growl, but this, i can't see why. consider changing to a single note if that's the case.
not exactly a fan of this, the exactly same double position can be seen at 17996 and 17710 which creates odd duplicated expression. perhaps 3 consecutive notes on column 3 should work fine?
excess bpm line
this is rather undercharted for a section which is somewhat similar to 31995, just with less 1/4 kicks
svs probably?
missing double
ignore the missing double, the problem should be the other extra doubles, aka 59852 60995 61566
excess bpm lines for 52567 53709 (can be seen at around 59138), you can hide the bpm lines by adding a new bpm point with "hide lines" option selected (and remember to resnap all svs and notes properly)
could probably do some svs here
this section could really reuse 13709 these svs (without glitch effects)
1/8 or keep
if 31995 is a note then this should be as well
this is in 1/8, considering the fact that you used 1/8 bursts in the ending I suppose this could be 1/8 as well
missing svs
missing svs
instead of ln you can do some svs since you used a lot for glitch sound effects in this section
same goes for 12138 12424
not sure if this gimmick is meant to be normalized to 0.00x
I suggest using a different sv effect since this bump makes vibrato look rather mild
for a map with low density like this, i think https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/884302362733346886/1004432482646634617/unknown.png should work fine if there's SVs on top of them. (or you can use denser patterning if you want! up to you.)
this should be moved to col 2 to avoid this quite awkward bit: 158209|3,158281|4,158316|3.
reminder to check your patterns thoroughly to avoid details that doesn't go well with the rest of the map like this!
155424 to 157567 needs something more straining for the continuous kicks instead of comfy n smooth patterning. something like this should work? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/884302362733346886/1004430429341876295/unknown.png
on another note, 156496 has a kick which explains why there's a note on the last blue tick.
add a double for the cymbal won't hurt!
from 137138 to 138853, the lns (and chords) are 1/2 early compared to the vocals, so please move them accordingly.
i suggest making this, 74853, 75138 doubles for the clear piano chords
same for 83424, 83710, 83996, 84281.
are these ghost notes? hear no piano there so you may want to rehear these notes, if there's nothing, removing them is better.
nitpick concern, but this stack can be avoided by moving 66424|3 to col1. it's not that noticeable tho, so you can ignore this if you want.
(somewhat similar to https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/74767/mods#mod_8968)
made something that can work: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/884302362733346886/1004422759230734387/unknown.png
for the similar reason, doubles can be added at 104281, 104567, 104853.
can probably move 35424|4 to col3 to avoid this stack?
this pattern is misleading. the song has rapid, consecutive kicks, so putting a 4-note-grace on each beat is not exactly a valid simplification method.
i can think of 2 solutions for this:
i also advise putting a double at 30853 for the downbeat. despite being a part of the map, SV shouldn't fully replace note emphasis, especially in cases like this. (unless you can pull out sv really well, which i haven't seen such replacement method before.)
apparently this repeats at 49566|1,49602|2,49638|3,49674|4,49852|1,49888|2,49924|3,49959|4,50138|1,50174|2,50209|3,50245|4
personally i'd remove these entirely, add a note at 49567 on col2, another note at 49638 on col3. then for 49710 to 50281, use 1 of the 2 solutions mentioned above.
i can't see any reason for this to be an LN. sure 15424|1 can be an LN cuz the snare sounds longer than usual, 18567|2 is also valid for the growl, but this, i can't see why. consider changing to a single note if that's the case.
not exactly a fan of this, the exactly same double position can be seen at 17996 and 17710 which creates odd duplicated expression. perhaps 3 consecutive notes on column 3 should work fine?
according to the surrounding section's patterning, these places should be doubles (for example 14424|3,14424|1,14567|4,14567|2,14709|1,14709|3 and similar iterations). however, if you don't want the section to be too dense, you can use something like this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/884302362733346886/1004406232502784071/unknown.png
the same applies for 18996
(you can use 3-note-jacks for the whooshes if you want, however it's rarely used in the map so not rly recommended)