Summoning 101

Created by: Reihynn
Submitted: almost 3 years ago
Ranked: almost 2 years ago
Source: Millennium Mother
english, pop, indie, momocashew, Cassie Wei, Yamato Kasai, projectmili, sncl-00018
BPM: 186
Length: 2:48
Passes/Fails: 1797 / 2436

[4K] 18.33 - 4K I live, even though you die, I w...

almost 3 years ago

Tags currently blank and it should be added, i suggest you to add these to tags: "english indie pop yamato kasai cassie wei"

english, indie pop: language and genre
yamato kasai, cassie wei: songwriter of this song

almost 3 years ago

28542 - Consider moving note and adding an LN to convey bass guitar hum instead of leaving the section empty, as the sections above have LNs to convey the same hum

39833 - Consider mapping the hi-hat ticks here to fill the empty space, and/or continuing upward as the hi-hat gets more intense up until the crash cymbal hits

75639 - Personal preference but I find using notes here or 1/1 LNs rather than 2/2 LNs is more fun and represents the piano better, as there are two notes here for each LN. An example of what I found more fun was at 96284 where each separate piano note was mapped, and the LN ends were not used to represent another stroke like at 75639, however it is a unique touch and very much player by player preference as stated.

80155 - LN for guitar hum like previous sections?

87574|3 - Map the bass drum here it feels awkward to not hit something when the rest of the drum is mapped

105962 - The piano slide would be fun to play here if you get the timing down, may have to move stuff to not cram the space though, as 168542|2 was very satisfying and it feels a tad inconsistent to not have it here too.

114349|3 - Used sparingly, I feel like this transition warrants an extra note as every instrument strikes here as a lead in for the bridge and build up

160478|4 should be moved to 160478|3 to represent the 3 bass kicks better

85639|1,85639|2,85800|2,85800|1 - Not really sure why these are here

108220 - The section around here is missing some cymbal hits and seems to go in and out of representing them or not, though I could be hearing it wrong

157252 - Accompaniment guitar is mapped here wonderfully, but stops at 158865, please get each string in :(

Fun map! Hope you can get those timing errors fixed, live performance mapping is really rough and I feel that you did the song justice

almost 3 years ago

Many timing issues, discussed in dms, more timing points as its a live recording

6285|1 - What exactly is this here for? I can't make out a sound
6769|3 - Presumably mapped from the section before it ( ^^^ ) however, again, there is no sound here, and if its for the vocals that start near here, the timing is off
8839|2 - Should have two notes for the kick like the section before it (8213|1)
9331|3 - Same as above. (consistency and representation)
13865|2, 14187|4, 14833|2, 15478|4, 16123|2, 16445|1, 17736|1 - There is no sound here. If for rank fix, if for fun keep, depends on rs
9331|3 - This is a kick, louder than the beats, and is represented as a beat, add a note to represent the kick like at 8213|1,8213|3

almost 3 years ago

ok first of all the offset is off, please apply offset +24. also the bpm could be set to 186

second, i noticed that the first section (3382 - 13704) some kicks were off. to fix this you need to add some timing points to make them on beat.
7575 200bpm
7725 197bpm
7877 181bpm
8042 175bpm
8213 197bpm
8517 165bpm
8698 212bpm
8981 167bpm
9160 175bpm
9331 179bpm
9498 179bpm
9833 179bpm
11138 192bpm
11607 190bpm
11766 196.5bpm
11918 188bpm
12077 189bpm
12235 179bpm
12402 193bpm
12712 188bpm
13028 187bpm
13704 186bpm

also hide lines in all timing points except 8517, 9833, 11138, 12402, and 13704

i'll continue mod after you apply this mod first

almost 3 years ago

wtf lol

almost 3 years ago

my brain (applied offset and timing points)