49912 to 52912 same like below mod, this section lacks of expression and needs to rearrange. i suggest you to make it like this
the rest just follow the stairs from left to right
imo this pattern lacks to express this kind of sound and looks straightforward which is underwhelming. how about make it like this so you can focus to express the wub sound with LNs and releases
these anchors feel uncomfortable to hit and seems heavy-left, make it like this should be fine for hand balance
should be double for consistency like 102974|3,102974|1
probably want to make it double or triple? because the sound is quite strong tho
this notes should be single and 138880|2 should be double because the sound is stronger than 138787. if you accept this then do it again in 139349|2,139349|3,139443|2,139443|1, of course 139396 should add a note
these should be 1/3 not 1/4, change it. same witt 133162|1,133255|4,133349|3,133443|2
49912 to 52912 same like below mod, this section lacks of expression and needs to rearrange. i suggest you to make it like this
the rest just follow the stairs from left to right
oh and ctrl + h this one after u done rearrange it 52912|1,52912|2,53005|2,53005|3,53099|1,53099|4,53193|4,53193|3,53287|3,53287|2,53380|4,53380|1,53474|2,53474|1,53568|3,53568|2,53662|1,53662|4,53755|3,53755|4,53849|3,53849|2,53943|4,53943|1,54037|2,54037|3
imo this pattern lacks to express this kind of sound and looks straightforward which is underwhelming. how about make it like this so you can focus to express the wub sound with LNs and releases![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809058076870180885/995287411955339344/unknown.png)
oof broken mod
these notes are in the wrong snap, it's not 1/4 but 1/3. make it like this should be fine![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809058076870180885/995285459330666657/unknown.png)
how about make them stacked like this to make a difference with hi-hat sound?![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809058076870180885/995281431389548604/unknown.png)
maybe add 1 note again in col 3 to make more impact for kick sound
this should be double for snare like you did in 23662|1,23662|4
there's still hi-hat if you clearly hear in 25% so add a note here
probably want to add a double in here? because there's a kick sound
missing a note here and quite noticeable, i suggest you to move 1162|1 to 1256 and add double