Cinderella (TV Size)

Created by: Subtlr
Submitted: about 2 years ago
Last updated: about 2 years ago
Source: 古見さんは、コミュ症です。
Komi Can't Communicate, Komi-san wa, Communication Shougai desu. 古見硝子, Komi Shouko, Komyu, Komisan cant Japanese, Anime, Opening, op, Jpop, pop, フジムラ, 知, Yurin, 江口亮, chordjack, handstream, jumpstream
BPM: 130
Length: 1:28
Passes/Fails: 469 / 119


@Akiresu you did this to me 😡


  1. Speech Impediment is a dense chordjack diff.
  2. Insane is a speedjack diff. (making this diff was the hardest part of the spread)
  3. Hard is a jumpstream diff.
  4. Normal is almost the same as Advanced but the streams are broken and reduced density in the opening parts.
  5. Easy is mostly just single streams.
  6. Beginner is the easiest diff, most of the notes are mapped to the vocals with jumps being used to represent really apparent sounds.
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