88690 to 109712 This section in essence is very similar to 34384 to 48398 yet mapped completely different. I know the vocals are slightly different so a slight change in patterning is very justifiable. I am having an issue with that it switches from jacks to light jumpstream
This hand is really out of place overall in the entire map. the sound it represents is by no means special or loud. it does introduce a new section. but following this logic it would be much better to represent places like 8106|4,8106|2 , 13361|3,13361|4 , 20369|1,20369|3 etc. These points all have a clear hit and special hi hat accompanying them which makes them better to represent with a hand.
The hand section following this is really weirdly choses in terms of patterning. In terms of representation it feels really of to the music and density it should be in compare to the mapset. It barely fits the drums and there is no change in jack patterning. Id personally see if you either nerf the jacks. or you represent the drums playing
88690 to 109712 This section in essence is very similar to 34384 to 48398 yet mapped completely different. I know the vocals are slightly different so a slight change in patterning is very justifiable. I am having an issue with that it switches from jacks to light jumpstream
edited the section to be a bit more consistent with the first half of the map
This should be a hand to stay consistent with sound representation at 73799|1,73799|4,73799|3,74018|2,74018|1,74018|4
This hand is really out of place overall in the entire map. the sound it represents is by no means special or loud. it does introduce a new section. but following this logic it would be much better to represent places like 8106|4,8106|2 , 13361|3,13361|4 , 20369|1,20369|3 etc. These points all have a clear hit and special hi hat accompanying them which makes them better to represent with a hand.
This repeats
61974|1,61974|2,61974|4 here you do chose to represent it as a hand
applied more hands similar to this sound :3
The hand section following this is really weirdly choses in terms of patterning. In terms of representation it feels really of to the music and density it should be in compare to the mapset. It barely fits the drums and there is no change in jack patterning. Id personally see if you either nerf the jacks. or you represent the drums playing
Missing vocal syllable note
(there's no sound for this jump to represent at all)
I have to agree with Kona here that this jump is really out of place and is just a ghost jump
It was intentional either way but if the common consensus is to remove it then fine ig