Created by: Awii
Submitted: over 3 years ago
Ranked: over 3 years ago
Source: STILL HERE / 9
nine, cj, chordjacks, stamina, metal, easy, normal, hard, insane, expert, js, jumpstream, hs, handstream, minijacks
BPM: 270
Length: 1:39
Passes/Fails: 2777 / 4440

"a number that will always leave you wanting a little bit more."

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS GB Eliminate 42.82 99.22% 664x 1,368 145 8 0 1 3 Mirror, 1.45x 3y
2 S PE Zyrty 41.67 98.34% 617x 1,056 428 36 3 0 2 1.5x 2y
3 SS US Reshiram 40.00 99.30% 865x 1,284 233 4 1 0 3 1.3x, Mirror 3y
4 SS KR nooneknows 39.56 99.12% 1,071x 1,298 214 5 6 1 1 1.3x 3y
5 SS US hello123amogus 38.55 99.23% 656x 1,252 266 3 0 0 4 1.25x 3y
6 S US ERA Puzzle 37.83 98.92% 627x 1,223 280 18 1 0 3 1.25x 2y
7 S GB ilovebloons 37.73 98.33% 794x 1,187 306 23 2 0 7 1.3x 2y
8 S QA djj 294 37.57 98.80% 869x 1,109 390 24 0 0 2 1.25x 2y
9 SS US Zim 36.93 99.64% 1,022x 1,353 168 3 0 0 1 1.15x 2y
10 S DE Stormfighter 36.63 98.94% 997x 1,249 255 17 1 1 2 1.2x 2y
11 SS US Alyca 36.33 99.37% 1,525x 1,128 389 8 0 0 0 1.15x 3y
12 S DK Stoom 36.25 98.22% 648x 1,165 333 16 1 0 10 1.25x 2y
13 S RU 4eptos 36.22 98.76% 1,525x 1,038 458 27 2 0 0 1.2x 2y
14 S NO fent lover 36.12 98.16% 558x 1,164 333 15 4 1 8 1.25x 3y
15 S US Testdog1 35.85 98.59% 574x 1,118 373 30 2 0 2 1.2x 2mo
16 SS PE ALC Kitsu 35.69 99.07% 1,084x 1,135 375 13 0 0 2 1.15x 3y
17 S US Arsol 35.65 98.50% 523x 1,128 363 28 3 0 3 1.2x 3y
18 SS KR TC I Kana 35.49 99.64% 1,525x 1,286 235 4 0 0 0 1.1x 3y
19 S CA CaesarSalad 35.47 98.98% 611x 1,151 356 14 2 0 2 1.15x 2y
20 S US somebaconguy 35.46 97.32% 393x 1,065 411 34 3 3 9 1.3x 2y
21 S US Astrallizar 35.39 97.83% 1,060x 1,004 469 42 7 1 2 1.25x 5mo
22 S BR Church 35.33 98.35% 841x 1,070 416 34 2 0 3 1.2x 2y
23 S MX Ray271 35.28 98.88% 595x 1,103 408 9 1 0 4 1.15x 3y
24 S US WokefulWater 35.01 98.76% 584x 1,184 317 19 1 0 4 Mirror, 1.15x 3y
25 SS US Noitza 34.94 99.38% 1,525x 1,198 317 9 1 0 0 1.1x 2mo
26 SS US psycho17 34.90 99.36% 1,525x 1,214 303 7 0 1 0 1.1x 3y
27 SS BY bl3sk 34.88 99.35% 1,179x 1,349 165 8 1 1 1 1.1x 3y
28 S US funnycatpfp 34.69 98.61% 476x 1,062 435 24 1 0 3 1.15x 3y
29 S US Chromc 34.65 98.59% 815x 1,137 354 31 0 0 3 1.15x 3y
30 SS US Flameflan 34.55 99.19% 1,525x 1,167 341 16 1 0 0 1.1x 3y
31 S US HJPboss 34.51 96.01% 278x 1,001 443 56 8 4 13 1.4x 2y
32 S RU Strat0s 34.48 97.95% 1,525x 945 525 51 3 1 0 1.2x 3y
33 S TT legacydrifter 34.40 98.47% 945x 950 541 31 2 0 1 1.15x 5mo
34 SS GB NPCarl 34.39 99.11% 716x 1,174 337 11 1 0 2 1.1x 3y
35 SS US muunii 34.36 99.10% 860x 1,083 431 9 0 0 2 1.1x 2y
36 S US JSTXN 34.25 97.84% 729x 1,016 465 33 5 1 5 1.2x 2y
37 SS CO Caaptain 34.17 99.01% 1,255x 1,204 304 13 1 0 3 1.1x 4mo
38 S AR DuzzyBuzz 34.13 98.99% 1,210x 1,220 283 19 1 0 2 1.1x 3y
39 S ES fantasticsiker 34.11 97.23% 433x 1,042 428 40 3 1 11 1.25x 2y
40 S DE Taptix 33.99 98.92% 1,052x 1,188 317 16 1 0 3 1.1x 3mo
41 S DE Drach 33.91 98.88% 824x 1,045 461 17 0 0 2 1.1x 2y
42 S DE Xanpi 33.84 98.85% 429x 1,204 306 7 3 0 5 1.1x 3y
43 S ES Jositocrack11 33.74 97.59% 583x 1,064 413 37 2 3 6 1.2x 3y
44 S KR gyeom0915 33.60 98.73% 1,311x 1,167 328 26 2 0 2 1.1x 3y
45 S US Eternity308 33.56 98.71% 982x 990 511 22 0 0 2 1.1x 2y
46 S US matthew90790 33.55 98.71% 1,285x 968 534 21 0 0 2 1.1x 1y
47 A KR ARG P4NDIXE 33.47 94.81% 294x 1,062 355 74 6 1 27 1.5x 3y
48 S US The One Booty 33.41 97.44% 371x 1,033 447 30 3 1 11 1.2x 3mo
49 S SE Frozcity 33.31 98.59% 1,525x 1,103 392 26 2 2 0 1.1x 2y
50 S CA ALC Zumo 33.07 96.73% 664x 1,072 390 38 11 1 13 1.25x 3y