Disturbed Mind
Betwixt & Between

Created by: Kroly
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: over 4 years ago
Jacks, Longjacks, Control, Hardcore
BPM: 175.012
Length: 4:40
Passes/Fails: 210 / 1853

Jacking patterns are inspired by Old Hitman's chart from Stepmania.
Longjacks are mainly on the left hand. However, on the first part, it's transitioning in the left->left->right->right way.

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S MX Wateh 32.61 98.52% 1,037x 3,467 564 45 9 3 15 Mirror 10mo
2 S GB ATP Drag0n 31.65 98.03% 1,728x 3,367 605 98 20 3 10 Mirror 1y
3 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 30.99 97.68% 1,527x 3,102 845 128 10 2 16 None 4y
4 S RO nonameyesiknow 30.85 97.61% 2,624x 3,218 752 90 19 6 18 None 4mo
5 S US gbr 30.31 96.67% 1,848x 3,093 839 96 38 9 28 Mirror, 1.05x 9mo
6 S NO fent lover 29.56 96.92% 1,169x 3,172 797 74 10 8 42 None 3y
7 S DE IceDynamix 29.46 96.87% 1,098x 3,066 888 83 24 6 36 Mirror 4y
8 S TH Noobleh 29.42 96.19% 1,893x 2,774 1,108 151 33 8 29 Mirror, 1.05x 3y
9 S UA Dena3 29.14 98.23% 3,514x 2,954 1,040 88 12 2 7 0.9x 2y
10 S BE Kizuna 28.89 96.55% 2,498x 2,663 1,212 179 25 6 18 None 5y
11 S CL Arkener 28.64 98.92% 2,833x 3,565 492 29 5 8 4 0.85x 4y
12 S PL headpriest 28.61 95.74% 2,074x 2,737 1,163 122 23 15 43 1.05x 4y
13 SS CL Aaroi 28.08 99.74% 3,209x 3,784 307 11 0 0 1 0.8x 4y
14 SS RU ZaTiX 27.87 99.61% 3,424x 3,451 642 9 0 0 1 0.8x 4y
15 S GB Marksie 27.10 95.53% 1,477x 2,501 1,340 186 28 4 44 None 1y
16 S CL M4p1eXD 26.91 96.93% 1,989x 3,003 890 165 22 3 20 0.9x 8mo
17 S CA ALC Zumo 26.52 95.18% 1,265x 3,045 797 168 26 10 57 Mirror 2y
18 S GB Cuckson 26.47 95.15% 857x 3,113 771 108 29 6 76 None 2mo
19 S SE Elliott0ne 26.43 97.60% 2,486x 3,108 825 135 23 3 9 0.85x 4y
20 S US Xenternne 26.41 95.12% 1,917x 3,031 796 170 50 11 45 None 3y
21 S US TheVioletFlare 26.34 95.07% 1,365x 2,687 1,138 190 33 17 38 None 4y
22 S SE SebbeBest 26.32 95.06% 1,709x 2,437 1,335 256 37 10 28 Mirror 4y
23 S GB Kroly 26.27 95.03% 886x 2,908 955 143 22 16 59 None 5y
24 S US Rose 25.97 97.32% 1,222x 2,932 1,016 115 12 2 26 0.85x, Mirror 5y
25 S KR N1tr0 25.89 98.40% 2,048x 3,002 998 92 2 2 7 0.8x 4y
26 S KR Kent 25.73 98.29% 2,562x 2,984 1,020 82 6 5 6 0.8x 4y
27 S KR Cleep 25.69 97.14% 1,185x 2,848 1,066 151 17 3 18 0.85x 5y
28 A FR quentin5110054 25.68 94.67% 825x 2,656 1,186 149 41 17 54 None 3y
29 A RO robby250 25.50 94.56% 2,129x 2,586 1,203 214 37 10 53 None 3y
30 A US nmms 25.49 94.55% 1,793x 2,491 1,299 207 53 18 35 Mirror 3y
31 A IT xxctc1 25.47 94.54% 1,275x 2,390 1,369 253 36 4 51 None 3y
32 S RU Gucci 25.37 98.06% 1,507x 2,968 1,017 97 5 0 16 0.8x 4y
33 S TH Among drip 25.12 97.90% 2,276x 3,126 862 78 17 2 18 0.8x 3y
34 SS US Spozof 24.96 99.04% 2,796x 3,311 736 47 5 1 3 0.75x 4y
35 A US ERA Puzzle 24.90 94.19% 1,758x 3,124 667 180 59 20 53 None 2y
36 S KR nosrepa 24.48 95.42% 1,155x 2,815 1,012 189 44 13 30 0.9x, Mirror 4y
37 A VN advoid 24.24 93.77% 1,312x 2,639 1,147 189 38 12 78 None 16d
38 S RU CryZIZ 23.99 97.16% 1,149x 2,895 1,036 123 28 6 15 0.8x 1y
39 S FI Huukkeli 23.98 95.09% 982x 2,676 1,158 175 34 9 51 0.9x 1y
40 S SE Sadcat 23.91 97.10% 1,905x 3,100 817 141 23 10 12 0.8x 4y
41 S US kyota 23.87 95.02% 841x 2,874 952 182 28 5 62 0.9x 3y
42 A GB NippleJW 23.77 94.95% 1,013x 3,082 777 130 38 11 65 0.9x 2y
43 S DE MagneticJerk 23.61 98.13% 2,355x 3,134 876 56 18 0 19 0.75x, Mirror 4y
44 A PL Taktikus 23.52 94.78% 818x 2,687 1,105 215 38 8 50 0.9x 5y
45 A US RhythmDragon 23.40 93.22% 1,013x 2,409 1,338 217 56 25 58 None 3y
46 S FR Adri 23.39 96.75% 2,526x 3,093 810 141 30 8 21 0.8x 4y
47 S US AbstractApple 23.26 96.66% 874x 3,050 886 104 21 13 29 0.8x 2y
48 S US Whulf 23.22 96.63% 1,138x 2,880 1,027 143 21 13 19 0.8x 4y
49 S GB Nobort 23.13 96.57% 837x 3,107 812 107 39 6 32 0.8x 4y
50 S SE neondrakon 22.82 96.35% 1,244x 3,100 852 67 28 13 43 0.8x 4y