Chocolate Discore

Created by: Kroly
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: about 4 years ago
Source: Furious Lolicore!!!
SmokeSkull Records, SSLL8B003, Perfume - Chocolate Disco, Electronic, Speedcore
BPM: 162.831
Length: 2:52
Passes/Fails: 886 / 2932

Preferable one of the both good and bad charts at once.

Pic Source

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US Matthias 35.44 99.31% 2,649x 2,362 378 17 4 1 1 1.2x 2y
2 S US CTgaming456 34.54 98.89% 1,722x 2,230 485 40 5 0 3 1.2x 3y
3 S US Hyloclus 34.04 98.65% 1,645x 2,188 526 37 5 2 5 1.2x 2y
4 S US conscious 33.75 98.51% 1,423x 2,278 440 31 1 5 8 1.2x 1mo
5 S US nmms 33.70 98.48% 1,533x 2,024 673 54 9 0 3 1.2x 3y
6 S HK Koshepen 33.59 98.43% 1,232x 2,279 423 45 7 3 6 1.2x 3y
7 S AU Spartan 32.93 98.10% 1,334x 2,154 538 48 13 3 7 1.2x 4y
8 S US Reshiram 32.78 97.22% 554x 2,120 541 66 15 3 18 1.3x, Mirror 3y
9 S GB Mooths 32.57 97.92% 1,745x 2,225 448 71 7 3 9 1.2x, Mirror 22d
10 S XX Tlharrisonv 32.35 98.59% 1,080x 2,070 643 39 4 1 6 1.15x 3y
11 S US tenko 31.72 97.49% 1,329x 2,131 531 72 13 2 14 1.2x 4y
12 S US ChaosKel 31.62 98.63% 905x 2,193 516 45 2 2 5 1.1x 9mo
13 S GG vexyc 31.53 98.59% 1,640x 2,066 645 43 3 3 3 1.1x 1y
14 S KR Kent 31.52 98.58% 2,540x 1,943 763 51 2 1 3 1.1x 4y
15 S CN easly 31.41 98.11% 2,310x 1,989 710 48 4 4 8 1.15x 18d
16 S CA CaesarSalad 31.27 98.04% 2,141x 1,931 741 78 8 1 4 1.15x 1y
17 SS CA bushidored 31.25 99.18% 1,864x 2,159 578 23 0 0 3 1.05x 2y
18 S DE ATP Retina 30.95 97.10% 2,104x 1,818 816 107 8 3 11 1.2x 3y
19 S US Buddabear 30.78 97.01% 1,391x 1,824 792 126 11 3 7 1.2x 1mo
20 S US EXO Ghost 30.69 98.15% 1,313x 1,933 753 63 8 2 4 1.1x, Mirror 2y
21 S BR Church 30.60 98.09% 2,116x 2,191 488 66 10 3 5 1.1x 8mo
22 S US Banjo 30.48 98.77% 2,728x 2,014 692 54 2 0 1 1.05x 4y
23 SS US Tempyseemo 30.45 99.61% 2,707x 2,393 364 4 0 0 2 None 3y
24 S GB Solleks 30.23 97.90% 1,216x 2,096 588 56 11 4 8 1.1x 3y
25 S FR DarkMew2 30.23 96.71% 1,375x 2,044 574 108 20 5 12 1.2x 3y
26 S US Treats 30.16 96.68% 1,364x 1,835 773 125 16 3 11 1.2x 4y
27 S IT Laba 30.14 97.44% 2,457x 2,046 598 98 10 4 7 1.15x 4mo
28 SS US ERA Puzzle 30.05 99.39% 2,097x 2,495 243 21 1 0 3 None 2y
29 S FI Lovelyn 30.05 96.61% 771x 2,163 476 77 19 4 24 1.2x 4y
30 S RU ZaTiX 29.92 96.55% 923x 1,996 646 78 13 4 26 1.2x, Mirror 4y
31 SS PL h a y 29.77 99.23% 1,606x 2,398 335 23 5 1 1 None 20d
32 SS FI PianoLuigi 29.72 99.21% 1,276x 2,271 466 20 3 0 3 None 4y
33 S NO fent lover 29.70 96.43% 554x 1,975 659 87 13 7 22 1.2x 3y
34 SS US averry 29.57 99.12% 1,640x 2,334 388 37 2 0 2 None 1y
35 S US ATP Chara 29.55 97.53% 900x 1,991 680 67 8 3 14 1.1x 1y
36 S US oofblocks 29.52 96.33% 765x 1,920 683 119 23 7 11 1.2x 4y
37 S US Hubert 29.41 96.27% 769x 1,905 714 100 16 3 25 1.2x, Mirror 4y
38 S US Mreoww 29.29 95.86% 1,884x 1,909 683 122 27 13 9 1.25x 2mo
39 S US OwOMythical 29.28 96.20% 785x 1,921 711 83 14 4 30 1.2x 3y
40 S US Velvette 29.17 96.14% 1,147x 1,913 698 107 18 6 21 1.2x 10mo
41 S BR Nights660 29.04 98.83% 2,593x 2,228 486 39 7 1 2 None 3y
42 S CN cccc 29.00 97.95% 1,641x 1,864 809 76 7 0 7 1.05x 2y
43 S AR g0reshitt 28.88 98.74% 2,596x 1,983 731 44 1 0 4 None 3y
44 S CN WilliamQiufeng 28.84 98.71% 1,771x 2,257 464 30 2 1 9 None 1y
45 S PL WYSI 28.80 95.94% 778x 2,023 621 64 12 11 32 1.2x 4y
46 S BR tlsharrison 28.79 98.68% 2,303x 2,137 575 43 3 3 2 None 4y
47 S CA CheesyPeppers 28.76 97.09% 1,645x 1,984 669 78 14 8 10 1.1x 4y
48 S US ceebus 28.73 97.07% 1,875x 1,983 661 84 20 5 10 1.1x 4y
49 S MX Sircachetes 28.70 95.88% 1,366x 1,741 822 160 24 3 13 1.2x 1y
50 S KR Kirisame Marisa 28.68 97.77% 825x 1,931 734 80 9 1 8 1.05x 4y