(can you) understand me?
Komiya Mao

Created by: Sterben
Submitted: over 6 years ago
Ranked: about 6 years ago
Source: ??????? Double Dealing Character.
ALiCE'S EMOTiON Precious Ray ?????????? ??Project Touhou Reverse Ideology ZUN Kijin Seija ?? ?? Short Version [ Scarlet Red ]
BPM: 185
Length: 1:30
Passes/Fails: 334 / 840

A full 4K and 7K set by Sterben, [ Scarlet Red ], Adri, and Cindsa. Please comment on things that we can improve upon!

Personally first time mapping mania for myself so any way of help for me would be great!

4K Set By:
Easy - Me |
Normal - Me |
Hard - Me |
Insane - Adri |
Expert - Scarlet

7K Set By:
Easy - Scarlet |
Normal - Scarlet |
Hard - Cindsa |
Insane - Cindsa |
Expert - Cindsa

Players Within The Chart:
Sterben |
cindsa |
adri |

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US Berri 39.42 98.06% 1,169x 906 519 34 4 0 3 1.7x, Mirror 4y
2 S CN VanWilder 38.04 98.09% 1,466x 923 491 49 3 0 0 1.6x 5y
3 S KR chickenpizza 38.00 98.07% 1,278x 1,072 348 39 4 2 1 1.6x 5y
4 S CL Skalim 37.57 98.81% 1,466x 1,036 405 21 4 0 0 1.5x 4y
5 S ES aitor98 36.80 98.47% 1,278x 1,058 370 35 1 0 2 1.5x 6y
6 S US yahweh 35.90 98.06% 1,266x 1,050 368 42 3 1 2 1.5x 4y
7 S KR CHAEWON 33.38 96.88% 519x 1,031 373 42 10 4 6 1.5x 5y
8 S ID Arasy 32.79 96.59% 802x 923 439 95 6 0 3 1.5x 5y
9 S PH yukina meng 31.46 96.84% 571x 1,005 387 61 3 2 8 1.4x 4y
10 S GB Melon 31.34 97.87% 776x 1,163 262 32 0 4 5 1.3x 5y
11 S RU PexZe 30.96 96.58% 607x 866 509 80 5 1 5 1.4x 2mo
12 S BR UrsoManso 30.80 96.50% 714x 937 443 71 5 0 10 1.4x 6y
13 S TH PanicP 30.63 97.49% 1,075x 958 452 46 5 3 2 1.3x 4y
14 S AR lxLucasxl 30.46 95.42% 464x 868 483 95 8 3 9 1.5x 5y
15 S GB Squid Game 30.15 95.25% 366x 883 467 92 11 3 10 1.5x 5y
16 S CN Sweetsoul 29.59 95.85% 810x 932 441 71 9 4 9 1.4x 5y
17 S RO robby250 28.59 96.38% 679x 951 437 59 7 3 9 1.3x 6y
18 S ID Elferia 27.65 95.84% 627x 887 465 98 8 1 7 1.3x 6y
19 A US LOVE 27.22 93.64% 479x 843 470 117 16 4 16 1.5x 3y
20 S KR firsw 27.15 96.16% 785x 937 438 72 8 2 9 1.25x 5y
21 A BR Gengaozo 26.87 93.44% 327x 883 446 89 23 5 20 1.5x 4y
22 S CN Yukee 26.48 98.48% 1,075x 1,089 345 25 4 0 3 1.1x 5y
23 A VN c86 25.89 94.80% 998x 773 537 136 15 1 4 1.3x 2y
24 A US Zangoose 25.63 94.01% 560x 769 546 122 14 5 10 1.35x 5y
25 S US Aritimis 23.63 95.67% 630x 919 425 106 8 2 6 1.15x 4y
26 A PT CurlMike 23.47 93.26% 419x 892 428 103 15 4 24 1.3x 3y
27 S DE nightnebu 23.24 96.36% 286x 837 543 71 6 2 7 1.1x 6y
28 A GB CaptainCrow 23.16 93.06% 741x 851 455 111 30 8 11 1.3x 4y
29 SS PE ninki617 23.11 99.09% 785x 1,263 185 14 1 0 3 None 4y
30 S IS Genkur 23.00 96.19% 710x 902 472 68 17 1 6 1.1x 5y
31 S FR Kyzoid 22.42 95.79% 431x 1,055 334 49 7 4 17 1.1x 6y
32 S NL Redon 22.38 98.56% 720x 1,267 165 27 3 1 3 None 6y
33 S SE Stug 22.30 98.50% 1,380x 1,091 339 33 0 0 3 None 5y
34 S RU Lolinee 22.29 95.69% 261x 881 481 85 6 2 11 1.1x 6y
35 S CA Hellnote 22.03 96.72% 339x 1,049 358 35 10 2 12 1.05x 5y
36 S RU joune 21.98 98.26% 1,314x 1,124 288 52 1 0 1 None 3y
37 A US Pigeon987 21.89 92.77% 349x 709 597 121 11 6 22 1.25x 4y
38 S MY dugi 21.84 95.36% 333x 886 486 69 5 6 13 1.1x 6y
39 S US awemanrankIOO 21.65 98.02% 885x 1,109 307 42 4 0 4 None 5y
40 S DE rETlom 21.62 97.99% 881x 1,057 361 41 3 1 3 None 6y
41 S NO QQ7k 21.25 97.71% 1,037x 1,009 404 45 3 2 3 None 4mo
42 S ES Anas 21.11 97.61% 813x 1,041 372 41 5 0 7 None 5y
43 S CA Hinpoppo 20.91 97.45% 510x 1,118 305 28 1 1 13 None 4y
44 S NL Tyronix 20.89 97.43% 695x 897 517 41 3 0 8 None 5y
45 S CA Arnauudddd 20.67 97.26% 436x 910 497 47 4 0 8 None 2mo
46 S DE LordTimeWaste 20.38 97.04% 614x 1,056 338 58 5 0 9 None 5y
47 S US afrono 20.26 96.94% 522x 1,047 346 56 9 1 7 None 6y
48 S CO Taka201 20.23 96.91% 990x 1,016 376 62 2 1 9 None 3y
49 S RU pashazhesky 20.22 96.91% 629x 1,158 255 31 6 3 13 None 6y
50 S CH Haprapra 20.21 96.89% 401x 1,146 264 34 6 1 15 None 6y