
Created by: Akiwi
Submitted: over 3 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Dubstep, HiTech, Jacks, Electronic, Hardcore, EDM, Akiri
BPM: 147
Length: 6:53
Passes/Fails: 779 / 2350

chord jack gayming

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS PE Zyrty 43.02 99.34% 2,558x 5,576 695 46 5 1 5 1.3x 2mo
2 SS US Legendary Ace 42.56 99.17% 1,517x 5,469 804 35 6 2 12 1.3x 3mo
3 SS TH BroWhatisThis 39.80 99.08% 2,501x 5,658 617 28 3 5 17 1.2x 3mo
4 S CL SSmilee 39.53 98.40% 2,270x 4,567 1,624 110 11 4 12 1.25x 4mo
5 S US Huntsman01 38.24 98.42% 1,619x 4,675 1,506 125 6 3 13 1.2x 2y
6 S US OwOMythical 37.76 98.21% 1,518x 4,687 1,500 98 19 5 19 1.2x, Mirror 2y
7 S US ry16 36.81 97.79% 1,164x 4,289 1,848 145 22 8 16 1.2x 2y
8 S ID bruhIDK 36.61 97.71% 939x 4,731 1,380 170 12 0 35 1.2x 2y
9 S US maniaosuyespls 36.06 96.91% 545x 4,225 1,844 177 36 11 35 Mirror, 1.25x 5mo
10 S ID ATP DarkK 36.00 98.52% 2,438x 4,348 1,837 127 10 1 5 1.1x 2y
11 S RO Sapphire413 35.52 98.30% 1,300x 4,095 2,102 106 6 1 18 1.1x 2mo
12 SS GB ATP Drag0n 35.35 99.70% 3,613x 5,729 579 18 1 0 1 None 1y
13 S GB CoolDudeYes 35.32 98.21% 1,114x 4,543 1,616 138 13 0 18 1.1x 1y
14 S US EatDagger 35.19 98.15% 1,050x 4,923 1,243 123 11 4 24 1.1x 2y
15 S TH Noobleh 35.11 96.03% 1,097x 4,229 1,766 226 44 27 36 1.3x 2y
16 SS DE MyAngelCrewK 35.08 99.57% 2,270x 5,664 643 14 1 2 4 None 1y
17 S PE MoaiSupremacy 34.84 98.66% 998x 4,992 1,221 89 10 2 14 1.05x 2y
18 SS US Clynntonian 34.68 99.39% 3,435x 5,285 994 44 2 0 3 None 5mo
19 SS RO nonameyesiknow 34.52 99.31% 6,328x 5,154 1,106 67 1 0 0 None 2y
20 SS CL Aaroi 34.49 99.30% 3,481x 5,164 1,108 49 4 1 2 None 2y
21 S CL Neotyy 34.48 97.82% 1,274x 4,742 1,395 133 29 4 25 1.1x 2y
22 SS FI PianoLuigi 34.48 99.29% 3,273x 5,138 1,132 51 5 1 1 None 2y
23 SS CA Zexenux 34.37 99.24% 2,641x 5,305 965 46 5 2 5 None 1y
24 SS US salmonwater 34.34 99.22% 984x 5,577 689 46 4 0 12 None 7mo
25 S US pepperonipeesah 34.24 96.07% 1,152x 4,152 1,799 272 57 14 34 1.25x 2y
26 SS US Zim 34.18 99.15% 1,983x 5,659 609 39 5 4 12 None 2y
27 S GB Mooths 34.17 98.34% 1,448x 5,133 1,051 102 18 3 21 1.05x 2y
28 SS AR agusgex 34.15 99.13% 2,257x 5,433 820 56 10 0 9 None 2y
29 S TH TheRealiAuira 34.14 98.33% 647x 4,817 1,372 101 14 0 24 1.05x 2y
30 SS NO GawrGuraFanboy1 34.10 99.11% 3,888x 4,860 1,395 65 5 2 1 None 2y
31 S CN codename AF 34.04 98.28% 1,597x 4,427 1,746 127 12 2 14 1.05x 2y
32 SS GB ExoIolite 34.00 99.06% 1,392x 4,926 1,320 70 8 0 4 None 5mo
33 SS PL SILLYFARTGIRL 33.96 99.04% 677x 5,503 767 35 2 4 17 None 2y
34 SS VE Edvo 33.91 99.02% 2,491x 4,968 1,282 65 4 1 8 None 2y
35 SS SE Elliott0ne 33.91 99.01% 2,984x 5,117 1,136 58 7 4 6 None 2y
36 S CL 0nedoor 33.88 98.20% 1,127x 4,832 1,337 119 16 2 22 1.05x 2y
37 S CL M4p1eXD 33.87 97.52% 1,243x 3,957 2,148 176 18 1 28 1.1x 2y
38 S MY StarLightEK 33.82 98.97% 1,681x 4,978 1,282 46 10 2 10 None 2y
39 S US HJPboss 33.79 98.96% 3,408x 5,223 1,008 79 9 1 8 None 2y
40 S US had and 33.59 98.86% 2,820x 4,948 1,275 91 4 0 10 None 2y
41 S RU Limitedaskish 33.58 98.85% 2,584x 5,230 977 97 20 1 3 None 1y
42 S NO fent lover 33.49 98.81% 2,799x 5,760 491 42 4 5 26 None 2y
43 S SA cuber the weeb 33.43 98.78% 1,579x 5,217 1,002 83 12 1 13 None 1y
44 S AR Igzzy 33.42 98.77% 2,110x 5,216 1,011 69 17 1 14 None 2y
45 S US ARG Firby28 33.39 98.76% 2,280x 5,237 1,009 48 10 1 23 None 2mo
46 S US JSTXN 33.37 98.75% 2,920x 4,798 1,415 102 3 3 7 None 2y
47 S GB Wildcard5020 33.34 98.73% 735x 5,140 1,100 59 5 1 23 None 2y
48 S TH notgoo126 33.31 96.66% 445x 4,437 1,633 161 29 5 63 1.15x 8mo
49 S KR Kirisame Marisa 33.28 98.70% 1,710x 5,067 1,139 101 9 4 8 None 2y
50 S US Voulaii 33.26 98.70% 2,506x 5,162 1,071 59 16 2 18 None 2y