
Created by: IceDynamix
Submitted: almost 5 years ago
Ranked: almost 5 years ago
Source: n/a
chordjack dense piano house MUSIQLO totorica forest Healing in the wind and in time Innocent Records d3ip 35 hyunesis
BPM: 130
Length: 2:28
Passes/Fails: 6397 / 6395
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS KR ARG P4NDIXE 39.79 99.32% 1,451x 1,412 347 13 0 0 1 1.5x 4y
2 SS CA King Dedede 37.66 99.24% 630x 1,468 291 11 0 0 3 1.4x 4y
3 SS US CTgaming456 37.52 99.18% 1,656x 1,474 285 8 3 0 3 1.4x 4y
4 SS CA Pig 37.41 99.13% 1,219x 1,567 192 8 1 2 3 1.4x 5y
5 S US Legendary Ace 36.95 98.93% 1,275x 1,351 401 15 3 0 3 1.4x 4y
6 S US HJPboss 36.89 98.49% 682x 1,285 463 17 1 3 4 1.45x 2y
7 S GB Zoobin4 36.86 98.89% 1,246x 1,265 480 26 1 0 1 1.4x 5y
8 S BR Edslash 36.29 98.63% 1,136x 1,392 356 13 6 0 6 1.4x 5y
9 S DE IceDynamix 36.08 98.54% 598x 1,338 409 18 0 1 7 1.4x 5y
10 SS KR decomposition 36.02 99.41% 1,186x 1,369 397 6 0 0 1 1.3x 5y
11 S GB ilovebloons 35.59 98.31% 544x 1,448 282 33 2 0 8 1.4x 2y
12 S US ERA Puzzle 35.57 98.71% 725x 1,417 334 13 2 1 6 1.35x 2y
13 SS CA Verdon 35.26 99.05% 933x 1,381 369 19 3 0 1 1.3x 2y
14 S CN MSCfuheihu 35.01 98.93% 619x 1,411 337 20 2 0 3 1.3x 4y
15 S CN hibikihibki 34.67 97.88% 1,120x 1,159 559 45 4 0 6 1.4x 5y
16 S US rin 34.59 98.73% 848x 1,338 402 29 1 0 3 1.3x 4y
17 S FR Cunu 34.57 98.72% 593x 1,338 411 17 2 1 4 1.3x 5y
18 S KR BattleMage 34.51 98.69% 1,741x 1,124 617 31 0 0 1 1.3x 5y
19 SS US soapywater 34.49 99.23% 1,068x 1,488 273 8 0 0 4 1.25x 8mo
20 S FR DemonWaves 34.47 98.68% 654x 1,301 453 8 5 0 6 1.3x 5y
21 S KR Girls frontline 34.36 98.62% 1,141x 1,397 350 18 2 3 3 1.3x 5y
22 S PL WYSI 34.32 96.90% 305x 1,395 339 5 5 0 29 1.5x 4y
23 S PT rafel 34.13 97.63% 567x 1,318 401 38 3 0 13 1.4x 10d
24 S US ChaosKel 34.12 98.51% 1,628x 1,217 519 31 2 1 2 1.3x 2y
25 SS CN AnChen 34.05 99.63% 1,773x 1,454 316 3 0 0 0 1.2x 5y
26 S US OwOMythical 33.89 98.40% 1,730x 1,108 618 46 0 0 1 1.3x 3y
27 S US Twinn0 33.83 98.91% 1,773x 1,383 365 21 2 2 0 1.25x 2y
28 S US Treats 33.81 98.36% 993x 1,320 407 40 2 1 3 1.3x 4y
29 S CN WilliamQiufeng 33.79 98.35% 384x 1,449 289 22 4 0 9 1.3x 3y
30 S US 2BillyMy1Friend 33.62 98.27% 778x 1,305 431 27 3 2 5 1.3x, Mirror 2y
31 SS FI Megumilia 33.61 99.41% 1,773x 1,447 318 6 1 1 0 1.2x 5y
32 S MX cinna 33.51 98.76% 1,509x 1,282 460 27 2 0 2 1.25x 3y
33 S US ATP Chara 33.51 98.76% 630x 1,363 385 18 2 0 5 1.25x 10mo
34 SS US ARG Firby28 33.45 99.33% 927x 1,468 296 4 3 0 2 1.2x 8mo
35 S US muunii 33.35 98.68% 694x 1,390 366 7 2 2 6 Mirror, 1.25x 1y
36 SS US salmonwater 33.32 99.92% 1,773x 1,689 84 0 0 0 0 1.15x 8mo
37 SS RU 4eptos 33.31 99.26% 1,758x 1,397 360 15 0 0 1 1.2x 1y
38 S KR Celcious 33.26 98.09% 1,377x 1,273 439 54 5 1 1 1.3x 3y
39 S US Zailscode576 33.25 98.09% 494x 1,281 446 36 2 0 8 1.3x 1y
40 S CA KoderickSalamon 33.18 98.05% 912x 1,204 507 59 0 1 2 1.3x 9mo
41 SS DE ElectroYan 33.16 99.19% 926x 1,416 341 14 0 1 1 1.2x 5y
42 S CA qc ykoz 33.14 98.58% 619x 1,480 255 28 6 1 3 1.25x 8mo
43 S US Ery 33.06 97.11% 494x 1,174 525 58 5 3 8 1.4x 5y
44 S MY Aswdafxc 33.05 98.53% 1,773x 1,248 478 44 3 0 0 1.25x 4y
45 SS BR Church 33.02 99.12% 1,741x 1,386 364 22 0 0 1 1.2x 2y
46 S RU Strat0s 33.02 97.97% 1,447x 1,188 518 64 0 0 3 1.3x 3y
47 S RO robby250 33.01 97.97% 1,744x 1,205 504 57 5 1 1 1.3x 5y
48 S ES Asesingta 32.98 97.95% 1,061x 1,175 553 36 0 1 8 1.3x 4y
49 SS US Hubert 32.97 99.09% 846x 1,390 363 17 1 0 2 1.2x 5y
50 S SG Justice 32.93 98.47% 1,633x 1,237 492 40 2 0 2 1.25x 3y