Kamah (Scythe)

Created by: Akiwi
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: almost 2 years ago
Source: 60k+3k+10k E.P.
Bass House, Hard Bass, Machine Gun Psystyle, Electronic, EDM, Hardcore, SV, Jacks, LN, Speed, Russian, Leeju, Akiri, Akiwi
BPM: 128
Length: 4:26
Passes/Fails: 133 / 3143

Thank you Leeju for allowing me to use this GD

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S PE Zyrty 37.37 97.82% 1,365x 3,096 1,099 127 16 2 10 1.15x 2mo
2 S HK Koshepen 34.19 98.23% 2,096x 3,256 968 106 11 2 7 None 2y
3 A RU ZeronT 29.70 94.70% 787x 2,661 1,311 295 36 14 33 1.1x 1y
4 S US KGB Official 28.74 98.01% 1,532x 3,030 1,177 123 10 1 9 0.85x 1y
5 S CN cccc 28.40 95.25% 1,120x 2,577 1,404 297 45 8 19 None 22d
6 A US Twinn0 27.62 94.81% 850x 2,688 1,269 310 47 12 24 None 8mo
7 A PH noduu 27.12 94.52% 816x 2,501 1,482 283 28 17 39 None 1y
8 A GB ExoIolite 27.08 94.49% 767x 2,632 1,314 312 52 17 23 None 3mo
9 A BR C3S4R780 25.78 93.72% 682x 2,766 1,215 236 55 22 56 None 2y
10 A DE Hekireki 25.74 93.69% 767x 2,519 1,377 345 54 13 42 None 2y
11 A US averry 23.83 92.50% 474x 2,414 1,436 345 82 19 54 None 1y
12 A US Klonoa 23.01 91.96% 908x 2,225 1,520 459 88 19 39 None 1y
13 A TW plummyyummy 22.95 91.92% 760x 2,307 1,453 452 69 25 44 None 6mo
14 A US Zenith007 22.55 91.65% 786x 2,283 1,460 450 92 27 38 None 4mo
15 S RO Qweet25 22.49 95.23% 1,057x 2,713 1,300 252 50 13 22 0.8x 2y
16 A US The One Booty 22.39 91.54% 952x 1,877 1,799 547 70 14 43 None 4mo
17 A US Tempyseemo 22.15 91.38% 820x 2,413 1,280 495 99 21 42 None 2y
18 A US entauri 22.00 91.28% 1,117x 2,328 1,355 487 127 21 32 None 1y
19 A TH LavaLambz 19.35 92.88% 1,199x 2,208 1,528 498 95 12 9 0.8x 8mo
20 B FR LuriaReimeiko 19.25 89.27% 765x 2,161 1,428 551 106 27 77 None 2d
21 A RU Jack932 19.10 92.68% 770x 2,242 1,514 481 69 12 32 0.8x 1y
22 B ID e7leopard 17.39 89.23% 767x 2,005 1,484 646 156 22 37 0.9x 1mo
23 A KR TC I Froze 14.99 91.69% 939x 2,066 1,651 490 86 22 35 0.7x 6mo