Nirvana (Camellia's "BinaryHeaven" Remix)
Kors K feat. RIRE

Created by: Akiwi
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: Let's Do It Again!!
Drum & Bass, n', And, Electronic, Dubstep, Hardcore, ЯIRE, Akiri, wolfNAV, Ainer
BPM: 174
Length: 2:11
Passes/Fails: 1340 / 996

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Thanks to wolfNAV and Ainer for making guest difficulties!

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS CL rhyzt 35.21 99.04% 711x 800 198 7 1 0 2 2.0x 2y
2 S US Eeriee 34.16 98.54% 551x 766 227 10 1 1 3 2.0x 2y
3 S US hello123amogus 32.65 97.80% 551x 685 297 17 4 1 4 2.0x 2y
4 SS US TC I Nanahira 30.89 99.39% 1,008x 828 171 9 0 0 0 1.7x 1y
5 S CA Man Is Dead 30.60 96.75% 395x 670 286 40 7 2 3 2.0x 8mo
6 S CN hanSPlayer 29.30 97.59% 469x 700 273 28 1 0 6 1.8x 2y
7 S AT ElectroBeaty 29.17 98.44% 699x 778 208 13 8 0 1 1.7x 1y
8 SS XX Fre3d 29.11 99.57% 968x 862 144 1 0 0 1 1.6x 2y
9 S AR nefzsto 28.93 97.38% 604x 840 132 21 9 2 4 1.8x 2y
10 SS AR laucha02 28.33 99.11% 652x 800 199 7 0 0 2 1.6x 2y
11 S US Keise Hansen 27.53 98.64% 381x 842 152 8 1 0 5 1.6x 2y
12 S AU yuuko1 27.47 98.61% 693x 816 167 21 3 0 1 1.6x 2y
13 S ID vinex123 27.23 97.32% 618x 672 282 48 5 0 1 1.7x 2y
14 S PE LawXD 26.92 98.27% 830x 721 258 24 4 0 1 1.6x 2y
15 SS US The One Booty 26.35 99.08% 1,008x 889 106 9 3 1 0 1.5x 10mo
16 S CL djperu1 26.19 97.83% 1,008x 721 247 31 9 0 0 1.6x 1y
17 S US wolfnav 25.41 97.34% 380x 701 260 38 6 0 3 1.6x 2y
18 S TH LavaLambz 25.38 97.31% 1,008x 647 307 47 7 0 0 1.6x 2y
19 S US Higgs 25.35 98.44% 508x 697 287 22 0 0 2 1.5x 2y
20 S FI zutZzi 25.29 98.40% 595x 724 261 18 3 0 2 1.5x 2y
21 S VG sammy capella 25.25 98.38% 402x 781 205 15 4 0 3 1.5x 2y
22 S CN Hoshizora Rin 25.15 98.32% 919x 742 236 26 3 0 1 1.5x 1y
23 S FI ssolle 25.13 98.82% 569x 809 183 12 2 0 2 1.45x 2y
24 S US ERA Akiri 24.88 96.99% 361x 693 270 36 2 2 5 1.6x 2y
25 S IT Maia180873 24.42 97.83% 606x 746 223 32 5 0 2 1.5x 2y
26 S BR Sy4n0 24.40 98.96% 616x 801 191 14 1 0 1 1.4x 2y
27 S VN Techie Folf 24.29 97.75% 603x 695 272 37 2 1 1 1.5x 2y
28 S US SavDrips 24.16 98.80% 503x 797 196 12 0 0 3 1.4x 2y
29 S US TheSlayer 23.17 95.31% 381x 663 287 38 4 4 12 1.65x 9mo
30 S US l0242l 23.10 98.06% 964x 701 269 36 1 0 1 1.4x 2y
31 SS US ATP Chara 22.99 99.53% 517x 878 126 3 0 0 1 1.3x 1y
32 S US vxid 22.92 96.80% 569x 717 245 27 14 1 4 1.5x 1y
33 S CN lkalka 22.80 96.14% 402x 587 351 60 5 1 4 1.55x 2y
34 S RO BCG 22.53 98.42% 1,008x 734 244 27 3 0 0 1.35x 1mo
35 S XX AneveX 22.29 97.48% 477x 682 287 34 0 2 3 1.4x 2y
36 S RU rukyo 21.81 96.01% 380x 614 334 44 8 2 6 1.5x 2y
37 S GB mylloreo 21.57 96.34% 351x 670 285 37 8 2 6 1.45x 2y
38 A ID Flinch 21.52 91.24% 177x 593 291 85 10 5 24 2.0x, Mirror 8mo
39 S CA Tily 21.11 96.60% 344x 705 259 25 10 0 9 1.4x 2y
40 S AU Nexility 20.99 97.27% 502x 653 306 42 4 0 3 1.35x 2y
41 S SE CRIMINVL 20.89 97.18% 1,008x 601 354 47 5 1 0 1.35x 2y
42 S US funnylasagnacat 20.88 96.42% 523x 644 302 48 10 1 3 1.4x 5mo
43 A US hot chocolate 20.76 92.14% 286x 668 237 61 15 4 23 1.8x 4mo
44 S RU technic 20.70 97.04% 636x 680 283 34 6 2 3 1.35x 2y
45 SS US grrrl3 20.27 99.41% 964x 926 77 3 0 1 1 1.2x 2y
46 S US storn0way 20.17 97.38% 694x 720 245 36 2 1 4 1.3x 2y
47 S DK Nikmal01 20.02 98.20% 652x 725 256 22 2 0 3 1.25x 1y
48 S US hybridcat 19.99 95.72% 413x 663 271 59 7 1 7 1.4x 2y
49 S PH Cheeq 19.76 97.98% 919x 745 224 34 4 0 1 1.25x 10d
50 A US Czymon 18.87 94.81% 458x 613 313 61 8 0 13 1.4x 2y