oddloop (Cut Ver.)

Created by: wolfNAV
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: about 1 year ago
Source: oddloop
pop, rock, japanese, dance-rock, experimental, j-pop, jpop, 山田くんと7人の魔女, ロック, フレデリック, オドループ, anime, oddl∞p, odoru, 踊る, to dance, A-Sketch
BPM: 172
Length: 1:07
Passes/Fails: 1543 / 1473
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US Rat Attack 26.34 99.79% 533x 468 65 0 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
2 SS US wolfNAV 26.22 99.71% 533x 444 89 0 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
3 SS US soapywater 25.16 99.03% 432x 454 71 7 0 0 1 2.0x 8mo
4 S CN Shaller 24.41 98.53% 533x 374 145 13 1 0 0 2.0x 9mo
5 S KR TC I PIPP9 24.20 98.38% 346x 343 181 7 0 0 2 2.0x 1y
6 S PE nikko07 24.07 98.30% 533x 357 158 18 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
7 S GB marksie 24.04 98.27% 502x 404 114 12 2 0 1 2.0x 9mo
8 S KR TC I GANI 23.47 97.89% 450x 393 124 11 3 0 2 2.0x 1y
9 S US hripmster 23.36 97.81% 371x 404 110 15 2 0 2 2.0x 1y
10 S KR BIRINNAE 23.00 97.56% 509x 315 195 21 1 0 1 2.0x 5mo
11 S US nei 22.85 97.45% 449x 320 193 17 1 1 1 2.0x 8mo
12 S CR Anthony2308cr 22.48 97.18% 391x 350 164 14 1 1 3 2.0x 4mo
13 S RU seeneru 22.35 97.09% 533x 273 227 33 0 0 0 2.0x 3mo
14 S AU Shred 22.26 97.02% 533x 295 204 33 1 0 0 2.0x 7mo
15 S TH Pooxee 21.91 96.77% 347x 337 172 17 3 0 4 2.0x 1y
16 S AR kabrito 21.78 96.67% 369x 330 177 19 4 1 2 2.0x 1mo
17 S MX Marxder 21.74 96.64% 533x 323 182 22 4 2 0 2.0x 6mo
18 S AR nefzsto 21.22 96.26% 218x 360 143 22 3 0 5 2.0x 1y
19 S PH Manspy 18.82 96.60% 377x 348 151 30 2 1 1 1.8x 2mo
20 S CN Maxturberry 18.13 97.46% 526x 345 168 16 2 1 1 1.7x 9mo
21 S DE hogman 18.02 98.24% 403x 367 150 15 0 0 1 1.65x 1mo
22 S IT Sparrose 17.69 96.34% 514x 344 161 22 2 3 1 1.75x 2mo
23 A SE Zap 17.66 93.35% 242x 317 162 41 3 2 8 2.0x 1y
24 S US Hener 17.55 95.48% 395x 351 142 31 5 2 2 1.8x 6mo
25 A AR ELISEOPERNAN 15.98 91.81% 435x 232 217 71 8 3 2 2.0x 1y
26 A AR ghostk 15.92 93.94% 366x 311 166 44 6 1 5 1.8x 1y
27 A BE Fouje 15.91 91.79% 229x 296 175 42 8 4 8 2.0x, Mirror 9mo
28 A LB epiclmao69 15.41 94.85% 411x 286 208 28 4 1 6 1.7x 1y
29 S UA nonameorous 15.08 96.28% 465x 311 193 22 3 1 3 1.6x 1y
30 A EC Steevencalero03 14.95 93.67% 242x 308 172 35 12 1 5 1.75x 15d
31 A DK FinnTheDrox 14.69 92.68% 434x 281 191 44 9 3 5 1.8x 1y
32 S US Huntsman01 14.44 97.39% 388x 394 115 19 3 0 2 1.5x 1y
33 S US joli 14.15 97.05% 351x 366 146 14 3 0 4 1.5x 4mo
34 B AT animexamera 14.13 89.95% 163x 257 196 54 13 4 9 2.0x 1y
35 B AR sanjosa 13.67 89.45% 413x 230 211 68 13 5 6 2.0x 1y
36 S US RevoltZy 13.62 96.44% 354x 418 91 14 4 1 5 1.5x 1mo
37 A US nlikdz 13.47 94.48% 354x 314 176 31 4 1 7 1.6x 10mo
38 B US spuk 13.36 89.11% 161x 229 213 68 8 4 11 2.0x 2mo
39 S RU giBaff 13.33 96.10% 533x 371 119 37 5 1 0 1.5x 7mo
40 S LV sraks 13.04 95.74% 340x 369 136 18 4 4 2 1.5x 2mo
41 S BE Zomer 12.61 95.75% 417x 343 153 25 9 0 3 1.45x 1y
42 S RU 4ikapendri 12.11 97.33% 533x 297 208 26 2 0 0 1.3x 7mo
43 S US EnderVolts 12.04 95.02% 238x 326 172 23 4 1 7 1.45x 9mo
44 A NZ ModeDesigner X 12.01 94.44% 533x 305 168 52 6 2 0 1.5x 6mo
45 S US Devoted irish 11.98 95.62% 411x 419 92 10 3 5 4 1.4x 5mo
46 S SE Irtorius 11.69 96.75% 410x 397 115 13 3 2 3 1.3x 4mo
47 S GB FrostedGem 11.67 95.20% 381x 331 162 30 5 2 3 1.4x 1y
48 S RU DualFPM 11.53 96.53% 284x 392 124 8 2 3 4 1.3x 1y
49 S GB ActivatedYeast 11.52 96.52% 231x 360 153 11 4 3 2 1.3x 7mo
50 S MX ZANAHORIA123634 11.46 96.43% 456x 316 183 28 4 0 2 1.3x 4mo