Bit Howl

Created by: mechlust
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: about 1 year ago
Source: n/a
dev/null, idm, intelligent dance music, analog, breakcore, gabber, jungle, electronic, instrumental
BPM: 200
Length: 3:11
Passes/Fails: 797 / 947

Appear in
Credit to Sklitter and CosmoVibe, n' u inp, all of ya are awesome

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US OwOMythical 38.41 98.10% 574x 1,845 732 45 10 1 8 1.5x 1y
2 SS US pepperonipeesah 35.86 99.37% 1,528x 2,193 431 13 2 0 2 1.2x 7mo
3 S US Baconz 35.11 98.61% 1,369x 1,991 597 44 5 2 2 1.25x 3mo
4 S AR laucha02 34.85 98.90% 937x 2,211 401 18 3 3 5 1.2x 1y
5 S US QC Clicklyclang 34.21 98.60% 1,247x 2,123 480 24 3 3 8 1.2x 10mo
6 S GG PeyronieDisease 34.00 98.99% 2,324x 2,157 445 34 2 2 1 1.15x 6mo
7 S US Aisunax 33.86 98.43% 553x 2,107 492 22 7 1 12 1.2x 1y
8 SS US Blooper 33.72 99.44% 2,641x 2,137 486 18 0 0 0 1.1x 1y
9 SS CR AZgenial1232 33.59 99.37% 1,985x 2,141 480 19 0 0 1 1.1x 4mo
10 S DE Xe Zey 33.48 98.24% 1,361x 1,962 601 67 6 1 4 1.2x 1y
11 SS RU zDanex 33.32 99.24% 2,641x 2,082 533 22 4 0 0 1.1x 9mo
12 SS XX Fre3d 33.29 99.22% 1,376x 2,102 515 20 2 0 2 1.1x 1y
13 S US MasterSwl 33.20 98.60% 1,161x 2,152 434 41 8 0 6 1.15x 1y
14 SS CO Seor 32.86 99.01% 2,641x 2,014 585 39 3 0 0 1.1x 1y
15 S US Jhonnywind12 32.84 99.00% 856x 2,121 488 24 4 1 3 1.1x 1y
16 S US mari2g 32.81 98.98% 1,936x 2,005 598 34 2 0 2 1.1x, Mirror 5mo
17 S DE Hekirekigami 32.40 97.30% 801x 2,021 537 51 10 7 15 1.25x 1y
18 S US SickoUncleLou 32.30 98.73% 2,189x 1,915 669 54 2 0 1 1.1x 1y
19 S RO ShawKhanDeezNut 32.21 98.68% 936x 2,075 517 40 3 1 5 1.1x 1y
20 S UA dreamwasquaver 32.12 97.57% 820x 1,786 793 34 6 2 20 1.2x, Mirror 9mo
21 S US RayCurse 32.08 97.54% 986x 2,070 479 65 11 3 13 1.2x 1y
22 S KR Kirisame Marisa 31.95 98.55% 946x 2,053 541 34 4 1 8 1.1x 1y
23 S US AbstractApple 31.93 98.54% 1,245x 2,046 538 45 6 0 6 1.1x 1y
24 S US AREWHY 31.80 98.47% 1,238x 1,990 597 40 8 2 4 1.1x 2mo
25 S US ATP Chara 31.78 97.39% 599x 1,873 676 63 14 4 11 1.2x 1y
26 S US Cycreo 31.73 98.43% 2,641x 1,889 688 56 5 3 0 1.1x, Mirror 7mo
27 S NL SkyCloudGD 31.61 97.31% 1,311x 1,880 638 100 14 2 7 1.2x 4mo
28 SS US GOOOBERT 31.59 99.13% 1,571x 2,121 490 26 1 0 3 1.05x 1y
29 S US Klonoa 31.49 97.73% 551x 1,867 678 80 6 1 9 1.15x 1y
30 S US Sdraw 31.40 98.26% 1,579x 1,898 667 67 5 2 2 1.1x 7mo
31 S US Epinephrine 31.28 98.20% 1,363x 1,843 736 44 11 1 6 1.1x 4mo
32 S US redstone47 31.27 98.19% 2,637x 1,831 727 70 12 0 1 1.1x 1y
33 SS US keise 31.17 99.83% 2,641x 2,423 216 2 0 0 0 None 1y
34 SS US garfieldgaming 31.17 99.83% 2,641x 2,456 181 4 0 0 0 None 1y
35 SS US soapywater 31.09 99.78% 1,944x 2,458 179 3 0 0 1 None 3mo
36 S RU kLeRiCkS 31.07 98.09% 1,108x 1,837 726 63 9 0 6 1.1x 1y
37 SS BR Church 30.99 99.73% 2,190x 2,380 257 3 0 0 1 None 6mo
38 S FR ASSOMEUR 30.81 97.95% 1,234x 1,942 630 46 12 3 8 1.1x 9mo
39 S US Wizhaileyfa 30.80 98.72% 1,563x 2,143 454 32 5 1 6 1.05x 6mo
40 S DE Taptix 30.77 97.93% 1,225x 1,897 686 39 4 7 8 1.1x 1y
41 SS CN WilliamQiufeng 30.72 99.59% 2,190x 2,466 167 4 0 1 3 None 6mo
42 SS US Exca 30.64 99.54% 2,641x 2,236 390 15 0 0 0 None 9mo
43 SS KR ayan 30.61 99.53% 1,273x 2,356 273 9 0 0 3 None 1y
44 S US anime fan 30.58 97.83% 1,385x 1,886 662 74 13 2 4 1.1x 1y
45 S US JunnieKoh 30.56 98.59% 2,641x 1,951 626 54 10 0 0 1.05x 3mo
46 SS US Twinn0 30.53 99.49% 1,124x 2,283 343 13 0 0 2 None 10mo
47 SS VE Edvo 30.53 99.48% 2,188x 2,233 392 15 0 0 1 None 5mo
48 S CN asdasd8839 30.49 98.55% 1,278x 1,968 630 33 1 3 6 1.05x 1y
49 SS US Vex43 30.47 99.45% 981x 2,227 399 13 0 0 2 None 3mo
50 SS ES Pedralex 30.46 99.45% 2,384x 2,212 411 17 0 0 1 None 6mo