Tokyo Teddy Bear
Utsu-P feat. Kagemine Rin

Created by: Linlime
Submitted: about 1 year ago
Ranked: 10 months ago
Source: VOCALOUD 01 -Breaking of the Emotion-
鬱P feat.鏡音リン, 東京テディベア, vocaloid, neru cover, metal
BPM: 200
Length: 3:06
Passes/Fails: 6185 / 7228

bangs head against a wall

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US Reshiram 39.65 98.21% 965x 1,683 500 48 6 2 4 2.0x 10mo
2 S QA djj 294 39.10 98.47% 848x 1,765 437 31 1 3 6 1.8x 10mo
3 S HK Puniru 36.26 96.76% 390x 1,531 589 98 14 2 9 2.0x 10mo
4 SS PE ALC Kitsu 35.22 99.36% 1,265x 2,057 169 10 4 1 2 1.5x 18d
5 SS US Huntsman01 34.90 99.21% 2,243x 1,859 357 25 1 1 0 1.5x 7mo
6 SS XX Fre3d 34.61 99.64% 2,243x 1,882 356 5 0 0 0 1.4x 6mo
7 SS SV Soundie 34.49 99.01% 1,640x 1,752 468 17 2 1 3 1.5x 2mo
8 S US soapywater 34.26 98.90% 1,919x 1,873 327 38 3 1 1 1.45x 7mo
9 S US maki maki 33.54 97.92% 764x 1,401 769 63 5 0 5 1.55x 9mo
10 SS US THE FNF GOD 666 33.40 99.05% 1,490x 1,814 408 16 0 2 3 1.4x 7mo
11 SS US BrenKaBoom 32.99 99.81% 1,254x 2,085 157 0 0 0 1 1.3x, Mirror 9mo
12 SS DE Taptix 32.77 99.70% 2,243x 1,968 269 6 0 0 0 1.3x 10mo
13 SS US muunii 32.65 99.22% 1,290x 1,839 381 20 1 0 2 1.35x 9mo
14 SS US ARG Firby28 32.60 99.61% 1,695x 2,032 204 4 1 0 2 1.3x 7mo
15 SS CA qc ykoz 32.54 99.58% 2,243x 1,997 237 7 1 1 0 1.3x 7mo
16 SS US MasterSwl 32.54 99.58% 2,243x 1,971 258 14 0 0 0 1.3x 9mo
17 SS US salmonwater 32.45 99.54% 1,996x 2,093 141 4 2 1 2 1.3x 8mo
18 SS US FumblnDumbln 32.33 99.06% 924x 1,803 420 14 1 1 4 1.35x 6mo
19 S RU zDanex 32.26 98.48% 1,922x 1,537 654 48 1 1 2 1.4x 6mo
20 S KR K1mFr33 32.16 98.43% 955x 1,710 489 31 5 0 8 1.4x 10mo
21 SS US A1ch3mist 32.04 99.32% 1,316x 1,844 379 18 1 0 1 1.3x 7mo
22 S US xs808xs 32.02 98.36% 1,874x 1,519 673 40 8 1 2 1.4x 6mo
23 S BR Puta 31.97 98.88% 1,392x 1,713 493 33 2 1 1 1.35x 4mo
24 SS PL maniEk203829134 31.88 99.24% 802x 1,748 477 16 0 0 2 1.3x 9mo
25 S IT JustASadDude 31.71 98.20% 1,555x 1,547 634 53 5 2 2 1.4x 1mo
26 SS TH LavaLambz 31.56 99.08% 2,243x 1,704 505 34 0 0 0 1.3x 10mo
27 S SG AVI8TOR 31.35 98.96% 885x 1,846 368 23 1 1 4 1.3x 9mo
28 S US UseLaneCover 31.32 98.95% 1,274x 1,678 532 30 1 0 2 1.3x 3mo
29 S PE DraGon01 31.18 98.47% 1,221x 1,632 568 32 5 1 5 1.35x 2mo
30 S GB TheCardUser 31.13 97.34% 1,730x 1,582 560 82 11 2 6 1.5x 18d
31 S US vicc12 30.98 98.36% 732x 1,796 399 30 11 1 6 1.35x 5mo
32 S US Slicc121 30.78 98.66% 961x 1,751 456 25 5 1 5 1.3x 9mo
33 S CN wsly 30.70 97.11% 947x 1,332 804 91 8 2 6 1.45x 9mo
34 S FR Borealiss 30.52 98.11% 1,456x 1,627 554 51 5 4 2 1.35x 10mo
35 S GB Dannyjak 30.09 98.29% 591x 1,647 553 29 4 1 9 1.3x 5mo
36 S US Posato 30.09 98.29% 770x 1,673 536 17 4 1 12 1.3x 6mo
37 S US SillyNote 30.00 97.84% 783x 1,559 608 59 11 0 6 Mirror, 1.35x 10mo
38 S CA Novicube 29.96 97.81% 1,274x 1,438 719 75 9 1 1 1.35x 10mo
39 S PR rokkc 29.95 97.27% 438x 1,576 584 58 11 3 11 1.4x 8mo
40 S PR gyoo 29.93 98.20% 959x 1,510 679 44 4 2 4 1.3x 2mo
41 SS XX mrblowit 29.79 99.79% 2,243x 2,093 149 0 0 1 0 1.2x 5mo
42 S US mrpo16 29.49 97.96% 867x 1,641 540 45 8 2 7 1.3x 9mo
43 SS CN XSUB 29.49 99.62% 2,243x 1,956 278 8 1 0 0 1.2x 4mo
44 S IT tipicalWASDPlay 29.49 97.02% 765x 1,539 606 75 8 3 12 1.4x 5mo
45 S IT runfox777 29.41 97.51% 1,061x 1,606 550 69 8 2 8 1.35x 8mo
46 S US Djonix05 29.27 97.84% 1,285x 1,804 366 55 7 2 9 1.3x 14d
47 S US SQUID KID 29.19 97.80% 912x 1,691 481 50 12 2 7 1.3x 10mo
48 SS NL Funduey 29.05 99.38% 2,016x 1,838 389 14 1 0 1 1.2x 3mo
49 SS KR jyh 29.03 99.55% 2,243x 1,834 400 9 0 0 0 1.15x 3mo
50 SS SE MrSmellySocks 28.99 99.52% 2,243x 1,861 370 12 0 0 0 1.15x 3mo