The Age of Mystic Ice
Luca Turilli

Created by: Storn
Submitted: 6 months ago
Ranked: 20 days ago
Source: Prophet of the Last Eclipse
symphonic power metal, dreamquest, rhapsody of fire, Olaf Hayer, Sascha Paeth, Miro, Robert Hunecke-Rizzo
BPM: 142
Length: 4:46
Passes/Fails: 204 / 305

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Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S PH DylanTheGooberr 34.88 97.50% 993x 2,094 893 99 4 4 11 1.85x 1d
2 S PH noobiehead123 34.33 96.69% 1,099x 2,257 712 95 10 6 25 1.95x 17h
3 S GB ATP Drag0n 34.28 98.08% 827x 2,320 705 55 14 2 9 1.7x 10d
4 S GB ATP Bau Bau 32.61 98.98% 2,755x 2,458 610 29 2 1 5 1.5x 12d
5 S XX ninjasomed 31.75 98.53% 1,075x 2,572 468 48 8 2 7 1.5x 18d
6 S FR Borealiss 31.73 98.53% 1,112x 2,205 831 59 6 0 4 1.5x 4d
7 SS XX AST blowit 30.96 99.22% 1,733x 2,829 247 17 6 1 5 1.4x 18d
8 SS TH LavaLambz 30.70 99.07% 3,081x 2,541 520 39 2 0 3 1.4x 18d
9 S RU Kweerit 30.06 98.15% 864x 2,475 564 42 6 3 15 1.45x 20d
10 S ES Pedralex 29.23 98.27% 1,093x 2,457 589 36 7 3 13 1.4x 20d
11 S NL daankluijtmans 28.92 98.10% 1,015x 2,270 739 77 13 1 5 1.4x 9d
12 S DE CancerPengu bad 28.19 97.68% 913x 2,290 701 88 14 1 11 1.4x 8d
13 S DE AngelOfDarkness 27.86 97.49% 1,153x 2,207 782 91 10 5 10 1.4x 9d
14 S US Fliqqyyy 27.19 98.46% 1,604x 2,247 801 43 3 0 11 1.3x 16d
15 S US highnick11 26.70 98.88% 1,600x 2,494 570 29 6 2 4 1.25x 4d
16 S PH Lamp Eater 25.39 97.34% 1,434x 2,218 772 85 11 5 14 1.3x 18d
17 S UA AST amon2 25.02 97.10% 962x 2,209 743 127 10 2 14 1.3x 18d
18 S VN Techie Folf 23.93 98.78% 1,993x 2,198 851 53 0 0 3 1.15x 20d
19 S TR wiki0987 23.15 95.86% 1,121x 1,893 1,024 135 24 4 25 1.3x 18d
20 A US vibe dog 22.96 94.39% 466x 1,794 1,018 221 42 5 25 1.4x 19d
21 S RU 6sceseos 22.06 98.47% 963x 2,319 732 39 4 3 8 1.1x 20d
22 S RU Psyhos 22.04 96.53% 1,308x 1,660 1,261 160 11 4 9 1.2x 2d
23 A PL Luk4sz 21.75 94.86% 863x 1,648 1,227 163 32 9 26 1.3x 20d
24 S ES OmniKronos 21.56 96.18% 699x 1,920 993 153 19 7 13 1.2x 18d
25 S US kyerx 21.28 97.89% 1,083x 2,083 917 91 7 4 3 1.1x 19d
26 S UA Ayanopon 20.59 97.35% 1,172x 1,715 1,251 122 11 1 5 1.1x 10d
27 SS PH xkabuto 20.46 99.82% 3,105x 2,826 278 0 1 0 0 None 9d
28 S SE Thefendur 20.27 97.09% 698x 2,052 902 125 13 3 10 1.1x 7d
29 A GB ItsPidgey 19.72 94.76% 519x 1,799 1,061 182 24 8 31 1.2x 20d
30 SS CN master cook 19.49 99.02% 3,037x 2,258 813 31 0 2 1 None 10d
31 S SG Soaringhawk143 19.17 98.74% 1,996x 2,248 802 47 5 1 2 None 9d
32 S VN epic gaming 19.05 98.64% 1,107x 2,481 576 33 5 4 6 None 11d
33 S ZA Diz 18.98 98.57% 3,104x 2,077 957 66 4 0 1 None 3d
34 S KR KonIraaya 18.91 98.51% 1,326x 2,207 840 45 5 0 8 None 8d
35 S RO CancerPinguin 18.47 95.60% 797x 1,717 1,150 192 29 4 13 1.1x 7d
36 S PT Dommy mommy 18.14 97.83% 1,066x 2,202 802 83 5 2 11 Mirror 7d
37 S SG QWEDTV 18.03 97.73% 2,515x 2,115 884 77 22 2 5 None 14d
38 S US dami20 17.95 97.67% 1,581x 2,193 803 84 12 1 12 None 15d
39 S VN Snowreal 17.87 97.59% 2,871x 1,917 1,047 131 7 2 1 None 18d
40 S PE Padawaan 17.79 97.52% 776x 2,010 980 91 12 2 10 None 3d
41 S CA vohanxz 17.22 96.99% 1,025x 1,930 1,023 125 13 2 12 None 14d
42 S US ElactixNova 17.18 96.96% 1,297x 1,841 1,095 141 22 1 5 None 6d
43 S IT GabrielX24 17.18 96.95% 1,109x 2,016 915 151 13 2 8 None 12d
44 S PL h4untly 17.09 96.86% 2,021x 1,860 1,056 169 15 2 3 None 11d
45 S US AeroSage 17.04 96.82% 1,333x 1,846 1,075 158 20 1 5 None 7d
46 A US simplesentai 16.90 93.22% 378x 1,607 1,163 253 39 16 27 1.15x 18d
47 S NL zimbabwe 16.90 96.69% 1,134x 2,170 765 117 42 1 10 None 11d
48 S NL roodtoontje 16.84 96.63% 1,704x 1,822 1,080 179 18 1 5 None 9d
49 S TW MerAuken 16.81 96.60% 832x 1,908 998 178 9 2 10 None 4d
50 S KR sjjang 16.72 96.52% 992x 2,130 805 131 15 2 22 None 14d