THE EARTH (feat. amelie xoxo)

Created by: WilliamQiufeng
Submitted: 7 months ago
Ranked: 7 months ago
Source: osu! World Cup 2022
complex rhythm, syncopated, psychedelic footwork, electronic, japanese, odd time signature, alien, owc, owc2022, owc2022gfnm5, osu original, video game, cj, chordjack, jumpstream
BPM: 128
Length: 2:01
Passes/Fails: 903 / 847
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S KR ARG P4NDIXE 38.11 97.86% 680x 1,110 269 33 3 0 8 1.7x 6mo
2 S GB QC WandrYondr 36.15 98.67% 983x 1,111 290 16 1 0 5 1.5x 6mo
3 S FR Lolodu9222 35.52 98.38% 456x 1,044 346 27 2 0 4 1.5x 5mo
4 S US Zuaver 35.41 98.74% 675x 1,106 297 15 0 0 5 1.45x 6mo
5 S US Huntsman01 34.69 97.99% 665x 1,082 297 36 3 2 3 1.5x 5mo
6 S BR Gantominho 34.04 97.68% 1,120x 995 377 41 4 0 6 1.5x 3mo
7 SS CN XSUB 33.31 99.42% 1,363x 1,275 138 8 0 0 2 1.3x 6mo
8 S PH noobiehead123 32.67 97.93% 980x 976 396 43 6 0 2 1.4x 6mo
9 SS US insanespaceman 32.43 99.59% 1,393x 1,295 123 2 2 0 1 1.25x 3mo
10 S US Kalu 32.16 98.84% 930x 1,138 267 13 1 1 3 1.3x 21d
11 S CA KoderickSalamon 32.08 97.12% 1,065x 971 381 60 5 1 5 1.45x 5mo
12 S SE Emik 32.07 98.79% 1,423x 1,112 277 33 1 0 0 1.3x 21d
13 S GB Froese 31.75 96.56% 387x 952 396 58 5 0 12 1.5x 3mo
14 S SV SirBeatsALot 31.52 98.51% 506x 1,193 197 25 4 0 4 1.3x 5mo
15 SS TH Kaify 31.20 99.77% 1,423x 1,256 166 1 0 0 0 1.2x 5mo
16 S US soapywater 30.74 96.94% 348x 1,046 318 40 6 0 13 1.4x 1mo
17 S US ARG Marsky 30.72 98.09% 983x 1,142 247 21 6 1 6 1.3x 2mo
18 SS US Keise Hansen 30.52 99.41% 1,423x 1,270 143 7 2 1 0 1.2x 3mo
19 SS US Klonoa 30.03 99.14% 1,402x 1,119 290 12 0 0 2 1.2x 5mo
20 SS DE Taptix 29.98 99.11% 568x 1,136 272 12 1 0 2 1.2x 6mo
21 SS ES Pedralex 29.84 99.03% 1,263x 1,158 249 12 1 0 3 1.2x 7mo
22 SS CO Tokody 29.82 99.02% 1,313x 1,125 281 13 2 0 2 1.2x 6mo
23 S DE weesxy 29.73 98.97% 638x 1,129 277 13 1 0 3 1.2x 6mo
24 S JP hasumochi 29.65 98.93% 865x 1,045 365 9 1 1 2 1.2x 5mo
25 S BR LessS7n 29.49 97.42% 608x 964 411 35 3 0 10 1.3x 3mo
26 S US WaduHekQuaver 29.31 98.74% 1,058x 1,186 207 26 1 0 3 1.2x 3mo
27 SS US ComboCatt 29.21 99.45% 1,423x 1,146 268 9 0 0 0 1.15x 3mo
28 S US Cyllene 29.15 97.23% 318x 1,004 372 31 4 2 10 1.3x 7mo
29 S TR wddg 28.90 98.50% 1,313x 1,139 255 21 4 1 3 1.2x 3mo
30 S US DoubleDotKing 28.77 98.43% 951x 1,092 299 26 2 1 3 1.2x 7mo
31 S VN ToyBon 28.77 98.43% 757x 1,188 208 17 3 0 7 1.2x 4mo
32 S MX sums 28.65 98.36% 1,253x 1,022 371 23 3 1 3 1.2x 4mo
33 S US The Wackster 28.54 95.75% 644x 945 395 56 12 5 10 1.4x 2mo
34 SS MY StarLightEK 28.27 99.85% 1,423x 1,302 121 0 0 0 0 1.1x 4mo
35 S US matthew90790 28.20 97.30% 650x 1,011 352 48 4 1 7 1.25x 1mo
36 S US Valz 28.15 98.84% 1,147x 1,048 357 15 0 1 2 1.15x 2mo
37 S GB Lepus4 28.07 98.03% 1,051x 1,054 325 36 3 0 5 1.2x 6mo
38 SS US Junglesnipes 27.92 99.65% 1,423x 1,304 115 0 4 0 0 1.1x 7mo
39 S KR GodKorea 27.78 97.86% 454x 1,095 285 30 6 0 7 1.2x 6h
40 S CL Doshayy 27.78 95.83% 639x 923 427 46 9 4 14 Mirror, 1.35x 7d
41 SS US iSummershade 27.71 99.52% 1,179x 1,224 196 1 0 0 2 1.1x, Mirror 18d
42 S US Demmy 27.65 98.54% 1,247x 1,022 369 28 2 0 2 1.15x 9d
43 A US CoolPlayer69 27.58 94.32% 562x 979 350 57 7 9 21 1.5x 6mo
44 S BR AnzuDreamz 27.54 97.72% 1,129x 916 449 51 5 0 2 1.2x 5mo
45 SS IE spocs 27.49 99.39% 889x 1,233 181 5 3 0 1 1.1x 4mo
46 SS PE ToquiTow 27.29 99.27% 1,263x 1,263 148 8 2 1 1 1.1x 3mo
47 S AU FAPH 26.65 98.88% 1,423x 1,115 286 17 4 1 0 1.1x 6mo
48 S DE misc1 26.27 98.64% 1,262x 1,144 256 14 6 2 1 1.1x 3mo
49 S US Necross 26.15 95.49% 363x 872 455 74 5 2 15 1.3x 1mo
50 S FI Pissa 25.98 96.77% 449x 1,034 325 45 6 1 12 1.2x 3mo