THE EARTH (feat. amelie xoxo)

Created by: WilliamQiufeng
Submitted: 22 days ago
Ranked: 3 days ago
Source: osu! World Cup 2022
complex rhythm, syncopated, psychedelic footwork, electronic, japanese, odd time signature, alien, owc, owc2022, owc2022gfnm5, osu original, video game, cj, chordjack, jumpstream
BPM: 128
Length: 2:01
Passes/Fails: 138 / 72
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S SV ARG Sound 34.70 98.92% 969x 926 190 11 2 1 1 1.9x, Mirror 2d
2 S US BrendanGaming6 33.23 97.71% 667x 975 127 12 8 0 9 2.0x 1d
3 S DK SpamL 33.19 98.77% 1,131x 898 206 25 2 0 0 1.8x, Mirror, NM 2d
4 S US Zuaver 33.05 98.12% 1,083x 859 238 28 3 1 2 1.9x 3h
5 SS ES Pedralex 32.89 99.42% 1,131x 851 275 5 0 0 0 1.7x 2d
6 S GB selling femboys 30.48 96.31% 819x 745 316 57 5 1 7 2.0x 4h
7 SS FI ssolle 29.26 99.13% 1,000x 922 200 6 1 1 1 1.55x 17h
8 SS XX AST blowit 29.09 99.84% 1,131x 1,066 63 2 0 0 0 1.5x 2d
9 S CA ALC Skrubble 28.92 97.32% 1,001x 679 395 52 3 0 2 1.7x 1d
10 S US JustinTheCat 28.17 98.06% 665x 744 351 30 5 0 1 1.6x 3d
11 S ZA 54p 27.36 98.02% 661x 787 303 38 1 0 2 1.55x 5h
12 S CA NinjaSirTens 27.32 97.56% 948x 749 349 22 5 2 4 1.6x 3d
13 S AR rodrizomber 26.79 97.25% 1,067x 783 299 39 5 2 3 1.6x 19h
14 S US Trevead 26.74 98.45% 1,131x 831 269 26 5 0 0 1.5x 3d
15 S PL Miksolek 25.60 98.34% 1,038x 872 240 11 3 2 3 1.45x 3d
16 S PL xXDarkBoyXx 25.53 96.47% 737x 707 366 45 5 4 4 1.6x 3d
17 S PE Ruv12YT 24.02 98.05% 1,131x 765 325 36 5 0 0 1.4x 32m
18 S RU bextoper 24.00 98.04% 1,131x 725 363 41 2 0 0 1.4x 5h
19 S US mrhorror 23.99 96.68% 1,131x 745 313 63 8 2 0 1.5x 2d
20 S US Empire 22.23 96.05% 483x 748 315 54 5 6 3 1.45x 3d
21 A GB evjaho 20.92 94.50% 573x 731 307 58 24 4 7 1.5x 5h
22 S AR c4rt0n 20.55 95.54% 758x 633 394 93 8 1 2 1.4x 2d
23 A US Jinny of Jacks 20.51 91.57% 458x 589 392 110 16 4 20 1.75x 5h
24 S US Island 20.43 95.44% 713x 769 293 42 15 5 7 1.4x 17h
25 S US Thoon 18.93 98.25% 666x 877 228 18 4 1 3 1.2x 10h
26 S KZ Alastor347 18.92 96.90% 1,015x 748 335 34 5 0 9 1.25x 2d
27 S US loudboi1 18.65 98.01% 1,000x 743 349 34 4 0 1 1.2x 3d
28 S US st4s1s 18.33 96.39% 818x 635 420 67 6 2 1 1.25x 1d
29 S IT Scroobz 16.95 96.46% 424x 822 251 44 3 3 8 1.2x 2d
30 S RU fdeyesx 16.68 96.21% 1,131x 629 409 85 8 0 0 1.2x 1h
31 A ES 8ReXxy8 16.41 94.64% 423x 677 367 60 13 5 9 1.25x 1d
32 S GB O K U 16.16 95.70% 933x 481 553 90 4 0 3 1.2x 3d
33 S AU HouseofSnail 16.04 95.58% 603x 727 332 52 6 1 13 1.2x 2d
34 S SV Andresreborned 15.80 96.54% 552x 614 447 63 3 2 2 1.15x 2d
35 SS US BOBA Tempy 14.67 99.99% 1,131x 1,126 5 0 0 0 0 None 3d
36 SS CL Porotito 14.39 99.68% 1,131x 961 168 2 0 0 0 None 2d
37 S US Jaggs 13.73 98.89% 1,131x 819 292 19 1 0 0 None 3d
38 S US sqpl 13.50 98.63% 1,131x 833 267 31 0 0 0 None 3d
39 B US ALC KaiserJared 13.16 88.70% 232x 521 411 146 20 10 23 1.4x 1d
40 S US WillTRM 13.00 98.00% 1,131x 700 388 41 2 0 0 None 2d
41 S SG spacewalker 12.09 96.82% 1,000x 754 310 53 12 0 2 None 6h
42 S CA vohanxz 12.00 96.71% 899x 693 366 63 7 1 1 None 3d
43 S CN CAIZHA 11.70 96.29% 208x 768 303 44 5 2 9 None 1d
44 A US zephh 11.66 91.77% 422x 593 401 96 16 6 19 1.15x 2d
45 S DE ZoiZoiZOi 11.64 96.21% 476x 721 345 46 11 1 7 None 2d
46 S GE moriahhh 11.36 95.82% 995x 680 373 60 11 2 5 None 3d
47 S US Neoscys 11.33 95.79% 1,088x 667 369 77 17 0 1 None 3d
48 S HU Sansoo 11.21 95.61% 642x 651 381 87 8 1 3 None 2d
49 S XX orangor 10.91 95.18% 1,107x 624 396 96 12 1 2 None 3d
50 S PR KiritoRL 10.82 95.05% 1,033x 639 378 94 18 0 2 None 3d