Created by: Linlime
Submitted: 3 months ago
Ranked: 11 days ago
Source: Kisses and Kills
japanese, rock, j-rock, jrock, AZCS-1070, rice, rc
BPM: 186
Length: 4:09
Passes/Fails: 219 / 254
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS KR 20M RFT45 42.80 99.12% 1,311x 3,155 391 21 9 0 7 1.65x 2d
2 S PH Hiura Mihate 42.15 98.13% 875x 2,839 646 76 7 3 12 1.8x 8d
3 SS KR starhbk 39.21 99.59% 1,332x 3,259 314 3 3 0 4 1.4x 11d
4 S FI Tomsku 38.23 97.61% 1,174x 2,909 590 37 17 9 21 1.6x 13h
5 SS US WAVING 38.09 99.11% 2,262x 3,075 463 33 9 2 1 1.4x 6d
6 SS US BrenKaBoom 38.00 99.57% 2,165x 3,262 308 7 2 0 4 1.35x 10d
7 S US maki maki 37.29 98.76% 1,468x 2,656 874 44 1 2 6 1.4x 7d
8 SS DE Taptix 36.45 99.44% 3,271x 3,097 465 16 2 1 2 1.3x 2d
9 S US Osunothingness 36.21 98.27% 1,100x 2,568 944 53 3 4 11 1.4x 2d
10 SS FR Borealiss 35.82 99.75% 3,583x 3,104 477 2 0 0 0 1.25x 7d
11 S GB TheDarkDawn1 35.53 98.46% 1,102x 2,849 662 52 7 1 12 1.35x 2d
12 S US The Wackster 35.42 97.91% 615x 2,588 887 87 7 5 9 1.4x 10d
13 S US MasterSwl 35.36 98.93% 1,184x 3,104 433 31 5 2 8 1.3x 10d
14 S CL Xxelectro196xX 35.29 97.86% 796x 2,640 848 65 11 5 14 1.4x 4d
15 S FI Palikka123 34.79 98.67% 1,028x 2,922 618 20 8 3 12 1.3x 8d
16 S RO durere de mana 34.73 97.59% 936x 2,588 868 95 15 2 15 1.4x 8d
17 S LV Karums 34.54 98.55% 1,154x 2,694 833 38 5 2 11 1.3x 7d
18 S RU x1mer 33.88 98.23% 1,079x 2,725 757 84 7 1 9 1.3x 8d
19 SS PL BooNss 33.47 99.30% 1,422x 2,943 617 17 1 0 5 1.2x 11d
20 SS US secps 33.43 99.28% 2,159x 2,821 728 33 0 0 1 1.2x 8d
21 SS US RayCurse 33.05 99.09% 3,058x 3,142 408 19 5 3 6 1.2x 9d
22 S US PlexusGH 32.98 97.79% 946x 2,512 963 78 16 4 10 1.3x 7d
23 S RU Kweerit 32.63 98.21% 1,405x 2,877 644 34 8 10 10 1.25x 7d
24 S US swanified 32.42 98.78% 1,411x 2,868 665 35 4 1 10 1.2x 8d
25 SS US Shinxx 32.18 99.40% 3,583x 2,791 769 23 0 0 0 1.15x 7d
26 S US TheName 32.14 97.37% 787x 2,605 853 85 16 3 21 1.3x 4d
27 S KR EpsilonDelta 31.78 98.45% 991x 2,449 1,070 49 5 2 8 1.2x 7d
28 S CL TheGladiator21 30.97 98.02% 1,604x 2,125 1,365 79 3 1 10 1.2x 8d
29 SS ID e7leopard 30.56 99.40% 2,168x 2,930 639 9 1 1 3 1.1x 11d
30 S NL RhythmLeaf 30.37 98.45% 1,353x 2,480 1,040 47 6 3 7 1.15x 4h
31 SS CA rintakuu 30.28 99.24% 3,534x 2,960 600 14 3 1 5 1.1x 8d
32 S US Necross 29.64 97.31% 802x 2,549 890 108 18 5 13 1.2x 8d
33 S BR piracicaba 29.57 97.27% 1,199x 2,518 928 101 13 4 19 1.2x 2d
34 S ES owoKore 29.55 98.84% 3,137x 2,764 762 42 12 0 3 1.1x 6d
35 S AR vZerita 29.49 98.81% 2,444x 2,561 958 59 3 0 2 1.1x, Mirror 7d
36 S US BradyBay 28.73 98.38% 1,461x 2,671 821 79 4 2 6 1.1x 10d
37 S NL HyperKappy 28.55 98.27% 1,079x 2,847 650 62 13 5 6 1.1x 10d
38 S PL kellySTAR 28.45 98.22% 1,638x 2,371 1,099 108 1 0 4 1.1x 9d
39 S KR Minist 28.21 98.08% 656x 2,682 851 19 5 9 17 1.1x 7d
40 S GR mrjuni 28.03 98.92% 2,837x 2,571 972 35 0 4 1 1.05x 2d
41 SS HK Puniru 28.03 100.00% 3,583x 3,581 2 0 0 0 0 None 8d
42 SS CA XByteX 27.90 99.93% 3,583x 3,432 151 0 0 0 0 None 8d
43 SS CN Namia 27.83 99.88% 3,583x 3,364 218 1 0 0 0 None 9d
44 SS JP Sappharuby 27.83 99.88% 3,583x 3,377 204 2 0 0 0 None 18h
45 SS CA HarmlessDK 27.68 99.79% 3,583x 3,178 404 1 0 0 0 None 3d
46 SS CL Ishyro 27.55 99.72% 3,583x 3,076 503 4 0 0 0 None 1d
47 SS AU justsomefatneek 27.49 99.68% 3,583x 3,198 373 10 2 0 0 None 10d
48 SS KR hgamea 27.48 99.67% 3,583x 3,286 277 20 0 0 0 None 6d
49 SS CN macromacro 27.41 99.63% 2,507x 3,101 478 1 0 0 3 None 10d
50 SS US kusa 27.25 99.53% 2,380x 3,178 398 1 0 1 5 None 9d