Luin of Celtchar

Created by: yetii
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: over 4 years ago
Source: n/a
Tokyo Bigsight instrumental cametek ctcd-19 masaya oya comiket96 c96 blackmagik blazing Electronic instrumental
BPM: 153
Length: 5:11
Passes/Fails: 423 / 1305

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Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 36.39 98.31% 1,650x 4,389 1,273 82 7 2 25 1.2x 4y
2 SS MX Plutes 35.64 99.02% 1,650x 4,630 1,094 36 3 0 15 1.1x 4y
3 S US ERA Puzzle 34.86 98.66% 1,529x 4,575 1,113 66 2 1 21 1.1x 1y
4 S KR imslow 34.65 98.56% 3,064x 4,157 1,510 96 1 3 11 1.1x 3y
5 S US pepperonipeesah 34.43 97.41% 882x 4,049 1,520 158 14 4 33 1.2x 3y
6 S US Jhonnywind12 33.83 98.68% 1,337x 4,398 1,283 77 6 3 11 1.05x 7mo
7 S AU Spartan 33.77 97.10% 1,337x 3,873 1,633 215 32 5 20 1.2x 4y
8 S US Huntsman01 33.70 97.06% 988x 3,710 1,770 257 20 5 16 1.2x 2y
9 S CN Gmaam 33.68 98.09% 2,329x 3,859 1,749 143 16 2 9 1.1x 4y
10 S DE IceDynamix 33.67 97.05% 878x 4,039 1,505 168 24 9 33 1.2x 3y
11 S US manwel 33.66 98.08% 1,023x 4,117 1,500 128 13 0 20 1.1x 2y
12 S JP allely 33.64 98.07% 972x 3,968 1,640 144 9 0 17 1.1x 3y
13 S XX dmj0537 33.51 98.01% 1,438x 3,930 1,677 146 6 3 16 1.1x 1mo
14 SS BR C3S4R780 32.99 99.18% 4,045x 4,699 1,027 42 2 2 6 None 3y
15 SS MY itsronhaha 32.95 99.16% 3,249x 4,486 1,224 62 5 0 1 None 2y
16 S CA CheesyPeppers 32.71 98.13% 1,440x 3,972 1,641 139 13 3 10 1.05x 4y
17 S US the soup fella 32.41 98.89% 1,590x 4,347 1,345 75 3 0 8 None 1y
18 S SE Elliott0ne 32.38 98.87% 2,686x 4,408 1,277 80 7 1 5 None 4y
19 S FR Bumpinho 32.30 98.83% 2,685x 4,022 1,661 88 4 0 3 None 4y
20 S IE MilkCookie 32.26 97.39% 1,600x 3,680 1,842 221 16 1 18 1.1x 2y
21 S PL h a y 32.16 98.76% 1,973x 4,524 1,162 71 9 3 9 None 1y
22 S CZ kaijuu 31.82 98.59% 1,211x 4,326 1,356 71 6 0 19 None 4y
23 S KR PmsGmd 31.75 98.55% 2,586x 4,105 1,545 113 7 0 8 None 3y
24 S NO hhhhhhhhhh 31.72 96.09% 511x 3,630 1,773 301 33 7 34 1.2x 1y
25 S US iCandy 31.69 98.52% 871x 4,593 1,072 83 11 2 17 None 3y
26 S US OwOMythical 31.68 98.52% 2,850x 4,067 1,575 124 5 1 6 None 3y
27 S US kusa 31.58 98.46% 3,733x 4,196 1,450 110 12 2 8 None 5y
28 S KR dgddgd 31.52 98.43% 1,952x 4,030 1,604 132 3 1 8 None 2y
29 S KR Meowcore 31.25 98.29% 1,740x 3,896 1,716 154 4 0 8 None 23d
30 S US dragonfighter 31.14 98.23% 1,837x 4,220 1,401 132 8 0 17 None 1y
31 S KR Kent 31.03 98.17% 2,056x 3,941 1,675 142 6 2 12 None 4y
32 S TH NoSleePz 30.99 98.16% 1,688x 4,103 1,517 125 19 2 12 Mirror 3y
33 S KR QtePote 30.95 98.13% 4,316x 3,997 1,604 152 16 2 7 None 3y
34 S US Toyin 30.80 98.05% 1,243x 4,388 1,199 164 10 2 15 None 2y
35 S PH MACRO 30.76 98.03% 1,397x 4,214 1,409 117 13 2 23 None 4y
36 S US Zim 30.71 98.00% 1,332x 4,290 1,315 139 13 5 16 None 3y
37 S KR Kirisame Marisa 30.70 98.00% 1,529x 4,034 1,555 163 13 4 9 None 3y
38 S GB underknowledge 30.66 97.98% 2,004x 4,114 1,463 172 18 2 9 Mirror 3mo
39 S DE ElectroYan 30.65 97.97% 1,128x 3,959 1,649 141 8 3 18 None 4y
40 S ID niconico 30.58 97.94% 1,249x 3,973 1,620 154 14 2 15 None 4y
41 S TH BossMadWolf 30.45 97.86% 1,955x 4,038 1,561 136 24 4 15 None 4y
42 S KR skarnerpoopcham 30.34 97.81% 1,351x 3,542 2,012 210 4 0 10 None 4y
43 S KR UniqueWheel10 30.28 97.77% 737x 3,955 1,647 140 7 4 25 None 1y
44 S TH yoth99 30.07 97.66% 1,689x 3,898 1,665 178 17 2 18 None 3y
45 S FR quentin5110054 30.00 97.62% 1,444x 4,170 1,414 146 18 6 24 None 4y
46 S KR AEM PER GOPE 29.97 97.61% 1,590x 4,011 1,557 171 12 3 24 None 1y
47 S US XtraFestive 29.92 97.58% 1,640x 3,852 1,698 185 27 2 14 None 5y
48 S CZ aeko 29.82 97.52% 1,878x 3,631 1,896 226 11 3 11 None 3y
49 S ID SentryA 29.80 97.51% 1,333x 4,172 1,402 151 21 5 27 None 1y
50 S TH Monstertoo 29.75 96.59% 954x 3,604 1,874 232 31 9 28 1.05x 3y