-ERROR (Tokoyami Towa Cover)

Created by: PyaKura
Submitted: almost 4 years ago
Ranked: almost 4 years ago
Source: n/a
hololive jun40am electronic
BPM: 200
Length: 3:48
Passes/Fails: 507 / 726

It's honestly one of the few songs I didn't grow tired off from listening to it repeatedly for mapping purposes. I really, really enjoy it.

It's also my first time mapping vocals in a stream-heavy, free-form fashion, and it was really fun to make. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S KR splzman08 46.08 97.99% 1,304x 3,391 890 66 12 6 19 1.4x 1y
2 S DE 5haco 44.70 98.57% 813x 3,399 918 43 7 2 15 1.25x 2y
3 S JP butanic 44.28 97.99% 934x 3,247 1,029 76 8 3 21 1.3x 2y
4 S KR yeonho7028 43.77 98.63% 1,054x 3,326 978 64 5 1 10 1.2x 2y
5 S TH Kanonana 43.70 97.13% 841x 2,835 1,375 136 11 11 16 1.4x 4y
6 S PL svhlb 43.10 98.87% 3,474x 3,124 1,187 69 2 0 2 Mirror, 1.15x 4mo
7 S US TheMightySlayer 42.83 98.27% 846x 3,228 1,061 68 10 1 16 1.2x 2mo
8 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 42.12 98.00% 1,013x 2,968 1,317 71 6 5 17 1.2x 4y
9 S KR youngpretty 41.91 97.91% 2,158x 2,741 1,480 151 7 0 5 1.2x 2y
10 S PE Frenarfloo 41.43 97.73% 1,228x 3,150 1,077 125 16 2 14 1.2x 8mo
11 S CL Matiias 41.21 97.64% 1,079x 2,927 1,321 106 7 7 16 1.2x 3y
12 S SE Sadcat 40.91 96.71% 849x 2,956 1,228 147 16 8 29 1.3x 4y
13 S KR Sizuku 40.63 98.39% 2,378x 3,207 1,074 85 8 2 8 1.1x 3y
14 S DE IceDynamix 40.29 97.27% 848x 3,108 1,110 119 18 3 26 1.2x 3y
15 S US yahweh 40.11 97.20% 1,107x 2,972 1,224 150 13 3 22 1.2x 4y
16 S HK Kafuu China 39.85 98.07% 1,256x 3,106 1,151 104 12 5 6 1.1x 2y
17 S PH yukina meng 39.56 96.98% 831x 2,976 1,227 135 11 6 29 1.2x 4y
18 S CA Albert 39.17 96.82% 1,054x 3,018 1,190 125 10 12 29 1.2x 2y
19 S US Tsunakko 39.17 97.79% 598x 3,154 1,114 81 6 2 27 1.1x 2y
20 S GB xyphla 39.12 96.79% 1,162x 2,905 1,309 111 19 9 31 1.2x 1y
21 S RO robby250 38.68 97.59% 1,311x 3,080 1,157 108 17 4 18 1.1x 4y
22 S FR Mokett 38.66 97.58% 1,234x 3,002 1,234 116 8 4 20 1.1x 2y
23 S US LOVE 38.65 96.60% 721x 2,686 1,474 170 27 6 21 1.2x 3y
24 S CA P P 38.61 97.04% 1,706x 2,832 1,355 159 13 6 19 1.15x 4y
25 S CR JVRed 38.46 97.49% 2,008x 2,982 1,233 130 23 3 13 1.1x 8mo
26 S BE Vayvess 38.22 97.39% 724x 3,029 1,194 125 7 2 27 1.1x 2y
27 S TH rx7 37.71 97.21% 3,162x 2,658 1,497 209 12 4 4 1.1x, Mirror 2y
28 S SG Judiciousity 37.62 96.63% 978x 2,912 1,261 161 16 13 21 1.15x 3y
29 S PT Rodrigov 37.58 98.38% 2,335x 3,274 1,006 82 13 3 6 None 3y
30 S FR Bumpinho 37.56 97.11% 1,236x 3,096 1,114 127 17 10 20 1.1x 3y
31 S KR rio1 37.54 97.10% 630x 2,936 1,311 81 15 6 35 1.1x 4y
32 S US Terni 37.46 96.10% 897x 2,983 1,173 153 26 8 41 1.2x 4y
33 S TW TDMJ 37.14 96.93% 1,534x 2,419 1,725 219 5 0 16 1.1x 2y
34 S HK andygamer0906 37.02 98.13% 4,051x 2,835 1,404 137 5 2 1 None 2mo
35 S GB Squid Game 36.98 98.11% 1,081x 2,983 1,281 98 10 1 11 None 4y
36 S DE ATP Apored 36.97 98.11% 1,026x 3,252 996 117 6 1 12 None 8mo
37 S EE fantasia1 36.92 98.09% 1,171x 3,158 1,111 91 6 2 16 None 2y
38 S AU WMountain 36.78 98.03% 1,850x 3,232 1,033 89 13 4 13 None 3y
39 S CL faz 36.53 95.70% 1,251x 2,569 1,509 248 20 7 31 1.2x 4y
40 S ES Anas 36.42 97.87% 1,043x 3,170 1,073 118 4 4 15 None 4y
41 S KR PinguS 36.40 96.60% 681x 2,836 1,320 173 25 3 27 1.1x 1y
42 S RU PhobosX 36.25 95.57% 1,226x 2,733 1,359 215 32 7 38 1.2x 1y
43 S FR LongNotes 36.22 97.11% 1,106x 2,912 1,281 149 19 7 16 1.05x 4y
44 S FI Lovelyn 36.20 96.52% 675x 3,055 1,133 129 23 9 35 1.1x 4y
45 S RU joune 36.15 97.75% 1,908x 2,948 1,283 129 9 4 11 None 1y
46 S PL Tendency 36.06 95.98% 682x 2,587 1,539 199 17 8 34 Mirror, 1.15x 5mo
47 S PH OyomePuncher 36.03 97.69% 1,195x 2,939 1,304 111 8 1 21 None 1y
48 S PH Ver 35.92 97.64% 3,319x 2,871 1,326 164 17 2 4 None 3y
49 S DE ElectroYan 35.88 97.62% 1,310x 3,143 1,082 130 9 6 14 None 3y
50 S US Huggy 35.86 96.94% 1,070x 2,894 1,308 136 12 7 27 1.05x 4y