Triumph & Regret

Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: about 4 years ago
Source: Dynamix
Zyon INVAXION instrumental electronic UK hardcore stardust overdrive rhythm game lucky lotus & touitsu recordings - dawn of the sol - day Indonesia Doujin Music Circle
BPM: 175
Length: 2:02
Passes/Fails: 2235 / 3308

LN // Stream // Minijack // Burst

Original BG: here

Osu map link: here


Triumph is rice and Regret is LN

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US Reshiram 38.20 98.95% 808x 1,434 293 21 2 0 3 1.5x, Mirror 3y
2 S KR 4kplayer 35.41 98.91% 1,748x 1,355 366 30 1 0 1 1.35x 4y
3 SS AR Athanatos 35.23 99.25% 881x 1,496 239 15 1 0 2 1.3x 5mo
4 S PE Jearz 34.03 97.80% 710x 1,217 480 45 4 2 5 1.4x 2y
5 S US Huntsman01 33.63 96.87% 359x 1,286 386 57 11 1 12 1.5x 3y
6 SS US JSTXN 33.00 99.22% 1,552x 1,424 311 15 2 0 1 1.2x 2y
7 SS US Sonic123VSRG 32.94 99.19% 1,165x 1,408 330 12 1 1 1 1.2x 2y
8 S US Messyy 32.77 98.56% 1,376x 1,269 443 37 2 0 2 1.25x 4y
9 S BR Church 32.58 97.96% 1,241x 1,362 332 49 3 0 7 1.3x 2y
10 S HK Puniru 32.36 98.35% 948x 1,280 431 33 5 0 4 1.25x 4y
11 S UA Dena3 32.02 98.72% 1,753x 1,251 461 41 0 0 0 1.2x 3y
12 S GB Solleks 32.00 98.71% 826x 1,355 365 27 3 0 3 1.2x 4y
13 S FR Amyann 31.70 98.56% 933x 1,327 384 36 4 0 2 1.2x 4y
14 S US PicklezLol 31.27 97.80% 1,428x 1,162 525 57 6 1 2 1.25x 3y
15 S US HJPboss 31.18 98.28% 629x 1,314 407 22 1 2 7 1.2x 3y
16 S US ARG Firby28 31.11 98.25% 963x 1,387 331 24 2 3 6 1.2x 4y
17 S DE IceDynamix 30.93 97.12% 721x 1,293 397 41 9 6 7 1.3x 4y
18 S IT Appe 30.91 98.14% 1,122x 1,364 347 28 7 2 5 1.2x 3y
19 S RO lifill 30.84 97.07% 629x 1,180 483 74 10 1 5 1.3x 3y
20 S CO Dacraf 30.76 98.06% 1,429x 1,304 395 43 6 0 5 1.2x 2y
21 S RO myja 30.66 98.01% 1,188x 1,200 495 52 2 1 3 1.2x 4y
22 S TW Raybu 30.51 96.89% 647x 1,287 389 54 9 2 12 1.3x 4y
23 S CA Fontdyla 30.45 97.90% 709x 1,364 337 35 9 0 8 1.2x 2y
24 S US StardustStrawby 30.44 97.89% 1,750x 1,203 483 58 7 0 2 1.2x 1y
25 S MY Aswdafxc 30.42 96.85% 852x 1,023 634 79 12 0 5 1.3x 4y
26 S US Chilli 30.39 96.42% 869x 1,197 459 70 15 2 10 1.35x 2y
27 SS US ceebus 30.35 99.13% 1,753x 1,304 428 20 1 0 0 1.1x 4y
28 S KR chu myeong jong 30.29 97.81% 1,439x 1,280 410 50 9 2 2 1.2x 3y
29 S US 3r2 30.18 96.72% 785x 1,258 429 42 5 6 13 1.3x 4y
30 S MY Schew 30.15 97.74% 714x 1,288 413 37 6 3 6 1.2x 3y
31 S DE Taptix 30.12 96.69% 527x 1,169 493 69 13 4 5 1.3x 5mo
32 S AU j9suc 30.10 99.00% 1,188x 1,377 358 11 4 0 3 1.1x 3y
33 S US kyota 30.10 97.71% 874x 1,200 493 48 5 1 6 1.2x 3y
34 S US Kyakuz 29.98 97.11% 874x 1,191 488 56 8 3 7 Mirror, 1.25x 2y
35 S CA EliSei4ik 29.98 95.75% 417x 1,215 437 66 15 5 15 1.4x 7mo
36 S US Flameflan 29.95 97.63% 739x 1,178 512 49 8 1 5 1.2x 3y
37 S FR GlitchyZ 29.94 96.18% 648x 1,176 466 83 17 1 10 1.35x 2y
38 S ID Funami 29.89 97.06% 672x 1,364 321 44 10 4 10 Mirror, 1.25x 4y
39 S AU HDAdreN 29.86 97.58% 1,253x 1,274 434 26 5 2 12 1.2x 3y
40 S RU zDanex 29.81 97.02% 468x 1,066 613 53 12 1 8 1.25x 8mo
41 S RU Strat0s 29.80 96.11% 811x 1,076 555 103 10 3 6 1.35x 3mo
42 S GB Lepus4 29.75 98.22% 1,749x 1,335 359 50 8 0 1 1.15x 4mo
43 S TH QUIT Manip 29.57 97.42% 444x 1,244 449 44 4 2 10 1.2x 3y
44 S CL Mon in quaver 29.52 96.36% 412x 1,203 453 68 16 1 12 1.3x 9mo
45 S US AnimatedSouls 29.51 98.67% 1,432x 1,359 364 25 1 3 1 1.1x 4y
46 S GB ATP Drag0n 29.43 97.34% 1,095x 1,261 419 60 3 2 8 1.2x 3y
47 S UA mvrth 29.38 98.01% 853x 1,351 355 32 8 2 5 1.15x 3y
48 S CN Xeltol 29.37 97.31% 681x 1,237 453 45 6 2 10 1.2x 4y
49 A GB NippleJW 29.37 94.70% 393x 1,193 445 71 17 14 13 1.5x 3y
50 S RU Hidden Maniac 29.30 97.97% 854x 1,318 389 31 6 0 9 1.15x 3y