Darling Dance
soraru x Amatsuki

Created by: Noch Einen
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: about 4 years ago
Source: n/a
そらる×天月 ダーリンダンス japanese pop kairiki bear かいりきベア cover
BPM: 153
Length: 3:22
Passes/Fails: 1606 / 897

Replicating 2014 osu!mania pattern
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON-uAsf4uak

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 32.60 99.69% 1,937x 1,651 283 3 0 0 0 2.0x 4y
2 S US yahweh 29.70 98.15% 688x 1,326 558 45 3 1 4 2.0x 4y
3 S FR Ariabl eyeS 29.68 98.14% 736x 1,530 359 32 8 1 7 2.0x 4y
4 S US qqp 29.59 98.09% 564x 1,513 368 43 6 1 6 2.0x 4y
5 S US Zangoose 29.16 97.86% 1,372x 1,319 548 57 10 0 3 2.0x 4y
6 S BE QuaverPlayer782 28.90 97.70% 1,115x 1,324 541 60 6 1 5 2.0x 4y
7 S UZ Ruby 28.46 97.46% 1,407x 1,319 526 80 8 0 4 2.0x 4y
8 S JP F4L 27.86 97.10% 317x 1,297 557 65 5 1 12 2.0x, Mirror 4y
9 S MX Ray271 27.70 97.02% 279x 1,412 454 45 8 2 16 2.0x 3y
10 S PT Euh 27.67 97.00% 383x 1,424 433 58 7 5 10 2.0x 3y
11 S DE Riksel 26.73 97.15% 1,055x 1,219 628 72 12 2 4 1.9x 4y
12 S CL DukitanYT 26.17 96.10% 892x 1,120 689 109 7 4 8 2.0x 2y
13 S KR ShimamuraUzuki 25.55 95.72% 994x 1,167 621 123 16 4 6 2.0x 4y
14 S US Yuckykaze 25.21 95.50% 472x 988 813 111 6 2 17 2.0x 2y
15 S BE shaafs 25.15 95.47% 370x 1,217 586 103 12 8 11 2.0x 4y
16 A GB xyphla 24.31 94.93% 378x 1,294 507 93 13 4 26 2.0x 3y
17 A US QC cake123 24.12 94.80% 367x 1,220 576 93 22 5 21 2.0x 3y
18 A US wolfnav 23.89 94.66% 301x 1,178 605 114 12 4 24 2.0x 2y
19 A US BMS 23.44 94.35% 403x 1,259 540 84 18 6 30 2.0x 4y
20 S HK Erogamer sensei 23.37 95.00% 426x 1,082 700 121 15 5 14 1.9x 4y
21 A RU joune 23.24 94.22% 241x 1,033 713 152 19 4 16 2.0x 2y
22 S MY Yyonn 22.82 96.90% 668x 1,308 541 60 18 2 8 1.7x 3y
23 A RU x1mer 22.67 93.83% 341x 994 741 158 21 2 21 2.0x 4y
24 S PT Krauzi 22.59 95.45% 437x 978 807 127 12 2 11 1.8x 4y
25 A KR Yuel 22.39 93.64% 1,251x 781 876 266 9 1 4 2.0x 4y
26 S US Toxtricity 22.30 97.78% 1,364x 1,200 668 56 11 1 1 1.6x 4y
27 S LV LargeWillyMan 22.27 96.51% 572x 1,301 548 58 11 2 17 1.7x 1y
28 A US ugu1su 22.26 93.55% 200x 1,088 669 130 13 5 32 2.0x 1y
29 A CA Man Is Dead 21.10 92.72% 395x 1,090 631 158 23 10 25 2.0x 1y
30 S US Reazy Fwoof 21.09 95.06% 399x 1,330 471 95 13 5 23 1.75x 3y
31 S UA nonameorous 20.79 95.41% 349x 1,193 612 95 18 6 13 1.7x 2y
32 A JP detteiuu 20.57 93.97% 334x 1,199 594 91 14 11 28 1.8x 2y
33 A JP Amayumiki 20.53 94.63% 483x 1,047 703 155 14 0 18 1.75x 3y
34 S US Noobfile1 20.44 97.88% 830x 1,556 326 36 9 2 8 1.5x 3y
35 S CO d0zenThx 19.98 96.00% 941x 1,233 567 111 17 5 4 1.6x 9mo
36 S RU starm100 19.97 97.50% 796x 1,379 484 57 8 1 8 1.5x 3y
37 S AT animexamera 19.95 97.48% 1,937x 1,220 624 86 5 2 0 1.5x 4y
38 S PE dsdasdas 19.90 97.45% 461x 1,365 501 52 8 0 11 1.5x 3y
39 S US Hxzard 19.83 97.39% 846x 1,309 560 50 7 3 8 1.5x 1y
40 S CN killerqiaom 19.63 96.45% 383x 1,250 569 91 18 0 9 1.55x 1mo
41 A US soapywater 19.36 91.40% 169x 1,160 570 124 23 12 48 2.0x 4mo
42 S IT Enn3DevPlayer 19.11 96.79% 829x 1,269 563 89 5 2 9 1.5x 4y
43 S US CULT MEMBER 18.93 96.63% 1,468x 1,127 695 93 18 2 2 1.5x 4y
44 S JP zaoDayo 18.75 96.48% 507x 1,317 515 82 8 4 11 1.5x 4y
45 S US NERD 18.54 96.30% 472x 1,207 627 79 6 3 15 1.5x 4y
46 S CN SleepWake 18.53 95.53% 512x 1,123 674 111 12 3 14 1.55x 3y
47 S CL Mooshy 18.14 95.96% 464x 1,269 548 90 13 4 13 1.5x 3y
48 S DE hogman 17.92 95.75% 479x 1,282 521 99 20 2 13 1.5x 1y
49 A VN ryusaga 17.80 92.97% 282x 1,025 713 137 27 6 29 1.7x 3y
50 S IN Plumm 17.70 95.56% 575x 1,178 628 102 9 5 15 1.5x 1y