Eternal Weaving (Game Ver.)

Created by: Noch Einen
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: about 4 years ago
Source: あんさんぶるスターズ!!
japanese video game pop ensemble stars!! ESアイドルソングseason1 ES idol song season 1 斎宮宗 影片みか 高橋広樹 大須賀純 Shu Itsuki Hiroki Takahashi Mika Kagehira Oosuka Jun
BPM: 135
Length: 2:03
Passes/Fails: 913 / 1074

Game: あんさんぶるスターズ!Music

Difficulty (based on original game):
Easy = Easy Lv. 8
Normal = Normal Lv. 14
Advanced = Hard Lv. 22
Hard = Expert Lv. 28
Insane = Possesion Lv. 36

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US wolfNAV 30.02 99.21% 991x 735 246 10 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
2 SS ID Arasy 29.75 99.06% 991x 745 231 15 0 0 0 2.0x 4y
3 S SE Sadcat 29.00 98.64% 633x 775 195 18 1 0 2 2.0x 4y
4 S KR PinguS 28.82 98.54% 545x 787 184 15 2 0 3 2.0x 3y
5 S PT Euh 26.47 97.16% 549x 671 273 39 3 0 5 2.0x 4y
6 S US Reazy Fwoof 24.35 95.81% 375x 727 201 45 7 1 10 2.0x 2y
7 S US Noobfile1 24.05 98.39% 482x 737 230 19 3 0 2 1.7x 3y
8 S JP itsuko 23.77 95.43% 502x 617 311 41 12 3 7 2.0x 3y
9 S JP F4L 23.20 95.05% 539x 542 363 70 9 2 5 2.0x 4y
10 S HK ManiaCat 22.20 96.09% 492x 700 238 33 10 1 9 1.8x 8mo
11 S ID Amamiya Mocchi 21.87 98.11% 545x 728 237 21 1 1 3 1.6x 3y
12 A AU Eplup 21.83 94.08% 264x 621 280 60 17 1 12 2.0x 4y
13 S PE Cuasi71 21.49 96.04% 606x 670 248 59 9 0 5 1.75x 2y
14 A PE nikko07 21.12 93.57% 385x 530 354 83 12 3 9 2.0x 3y
15 S US kadef 20.20 96.81% 463x 684 261 30 10 0 6 1.6x 3y
16 S US hripmster 20.17 96.79% 358x 698 253 26 5 2 7 1.6x 3y
17 A RU Nhelv 17.67 90.83% 154x 578 294 70 21 7 21 2.0x 4y
18 A IT Enn3DevPlayer 17.47 90.66% 231x 528 323 97 18 4 21 2.0x 3y
19 B US NGJ 15.81 89.16% 146x 475 363 101 19 4 29 2.0x 4y
20 S DE ATP Apored 15.44 95.03% 456x 607 299 63 16 2 4 1.45x 3y
21 A AT animexamera 14.62 93.26% 341x 531 366 64 12 4 14 1.5x 2y
22 S TR SideKitty 14.46 95.00% 227x 789 144 30 8 1 19 1.4x 1y
23 B MX RimuruTempest1 13.55 89.95% 304x 515 324 99 31 6 16 1.65x 2y
24 A MY HiroMoogus217 12.75 94.11% 282x 610 295 60 11 3 12 1.35x 3y
25 S PL djbighuj 12.09 96.99% 462x 628 326 24 5 0 8 1.2x 3y
26 A BR pedro233331 11.78 91.82% 314x 471 382 106 15 1 16 1.4x 3y
27 B GR Fevrius 11.69 89.84% 133x 507 334 98 26 4 22 1.5x 3y
28 A US muuuuuu 11.44 91.17% 257x 504 349 99 17 2 20 1.4x, Mirror 3y
29 A BE Zomer 10.98 91.79% 154x 633 259 53 17 4 25 1.35x 4y
30 S ES xenwut 10.78 96.82% 386x 720 225 31 9 2 4 1.15x 2y
31 B PY MaxerGamex 10.48 86.78% 153x 421 373 127 38 7 25 1.6x 3y
32 B US Jatrick 10.12 82.77% 121x 447 327 123 34 13 47 2.0x 4y
33 B NL Daehworra 9.50 86.79% 151x 386 387 164 25 9 20 1.5x 3y
34 A AR tajin 9.46 94.73% 395x 602 317 44 17 4 7 1.15x 3y
35 S US berryblast 9.41 96.66% 540x 629 309 37 13 1 2 1.1x 3y
36 A PT not smurf trolo 8.35 94.75% 218x 622 287 60 12 4 6 1.1x 3y
37 A BE NiceBoat 8.18 90.87% 145x 400 451 93 28 1 18 1.2x 4y
38 A US avacado osu 8.13 90.79% 213x 460 377 104 37 2 11 1.2x 3y
39 SS KR jud210 7.99 99.53% 709x 909 77 3 1 0 1 None 4y
40 SS US greencnpi 7.79 99.10% 777x 818 160 11 1 0 1 None 2y
41 A US Devoted irish 7.71 93.50% 159x 635 281 42 7 1 25 1.1x 2y
42 S PL Discowy2 0 7.54 98.56% 443x 679 296 11 3 0 2 None 7mo
43 A US Avocado Grape 7.38 90.89% 353x 479 363 104 28 2 15 1.15x 3y
44 S PH xcmcx 7.34 98.11% 991x 657 299 32 3 0 0 None 2y
45 S IS Valli Vitlausi 7.18 97.77% 310x 725 231 26 6 0 3 None 2y
46 S KR sndmak8 7.17 97.74% 991x 686 267 30 7 1 0 None 4y
47 S US editeddruid620 7.15 97.71% 362x 732 230 17 7 0 5 None 4y
48 S RU im noob btw 7.08 97.54% 614x 665 284 32 9 0 1 None 3y
49 S US QC cake123 7.02 97.40% 338x 758 205 14 5 0 9 None 4y
50 S CL itourith 7.01 97.37% 335x 658 307 14 3 0 9 None 4y