EDM Jumpers
Camellia feat. Nanahira

Created by: Asherz007
Submitted: about 5 years ago
Ranked: about 5 years ago
Source: DanceDanceRevolution (2014)
extreme cametek kamelcamellia electronic dance music jubeat plus REFLEC BEAT
BPM: 145
Length: 5:10
Passes/Fails: 700 / 1917

Nanahira, don't see much of that in Quaver… /s

osu port https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/671172

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S GB Eliminate 39.14 98.89% 1,385x 3,717 566 22 7 2 14 1.4x 3y
2 S AR Thiago 37.14 98.93% 1,050x 3,108 1,171 40 2 0 7 1.3x, Mirror 4y
3 S CA King Dedede 36.48 98.63% 1,493x 3,586 682 33 7 1 19 1.3x, Mirror 5y
4 S AR Luchito 36.08 98.93% 1,726x 3,533 753 22 7 1 12 1.25x 5y
5 SS CN Usada Pekora 35.79 99.31% 2,650x 3,619 676 26 3 1 3 1.2x 5y
6 S CA JSimon 34.48 98.70% 1,783x 3,155 1,089 76 2 0 6 1.2x 5y
7 S CN MEIDAN 33.95 97.46% 825x 3,352 850 77 13 9 27 1.3x 5y
8 S AR Igzzy 33.90 97.91% 740x 3,259 930 113 8 3 15 1.25x 1y
9 S CL Arkener 33.83 97.88% 1,260x 3,240 979 76 8 9 16 Mirror, 1.25x 5y
10 S CA CommandoBlack 33.24 98.10% 884x 3,334 903 54 12 2 23 1.2x 2y
11 SS ES oddish 33.10 99.33% 1,225x 3,551 751 19 2 0 5 1.1x 1mo
12 S US OwOMythical 32.87 97.92% 1,427x 2,839 1,323 155 5 0 6 1.2x 3y
13 S MX Nikarana 32.33 98.95% 2,888x 3,106 1,154 66 1 0 1 1.1x 1y
14 S AU donutsalad 32.31 96.66% 774x 2,865 1,256 155 20 11 21 1.3x 4y
15 S CA Neptune 32.29 98.93% 2,506x 3,209 1,050 65 1 0 3 1.1x 3y
16 S FR MillaMaxwelle 32.08 98.82% 2,908x 3,086 1,182 50 4 2 4 1.1x 3y
17 S RO robby250 31.81 97.38% 623x 3,205 988 85 19 11 20 1.2x 5y
18 S RU zDanex 31.67 98.61% 1,564x 3,178 1,057 84 3 2 4 1.1x 1y
19 S GB Marcus 31.60 97.28% 806x 3,030 1,131 123 16 2 26 1.2x 5y
20 S US Hubert 31.38 98.46% 929x 3,197 1,039 75 5 1 11 1.1x 5y
21 S US maquito 31.35 98.44% 1,632x 3,275 964 66 10 1 12 1.1x, Mirror 3y
22 S BE flyerbram002 31.26 97.74% 1,669x 2,963 1,213 126 14 8 4 1.15x 3y
23 S BR HanakoFangirl 31.23 97.72% 480x 2,780 1,416 106 3 0 23 1.15x 4y
24 S BR Church 31.17 98.35% 1,836x 2,941 1,280 93 6 0 8 1.1x 3y
25 SS KR Trance 30.99 99.03% 3,467x 3,352 928 38 4 1 5 1.05x 4y
26 S TH Mirailisc 30.90 96.91% 907x 2,900 1,262 117 8 6 35 1.2x 4y
27 S US aru 30.84 98.17% 1,100x 3,354 879 64 7 0 24 1.1x 4y
28 SS DE MyAngelCrewK 30.74 99.80% 3,851x 4,066 257 3 0 0 2 None 1y
29 S HK jhlee0133 30.71 98.10% 1,046x 3,167 1,037 100 10 1 13 1.1x 4y
30 S US Crescendo PiaNo 30.63 96.77% 693x 2,920 1,181 184 17 6 20 1.2x 5y
31 S US Flameflan 30.57 96.74% 683x 2,981 1,123 165 35 3 21 1.2x 2y
32 SS AU HDAdreN 30.44 99.64% 1,973x 3,978 334 13 0 1 2 None 3y
33 S DO xXteuk580Xx 30.42 97.95% 657x 3,214 976 113 7 0 18 1.1x 1y
34 SS KR Retsukiya 30.30 99.57% 4,328x 3,563 749 16 0 0 0 None 4y
35 SS AU Water is good 30.23 99.53% 1,851x 3,854 460 6 3 1 4 None 5y
36 S US chikenman 30.00 96.44% 650x 2,582 1,498 203 16 3 26 1.2x 2y
37 SS HK Puniru 29.96 99.38% 1,799x 3,514 786 25 0 0 3 None 4y
38 SS KR vjwhl 29.82 99.30% 3,263x 3,287 1,012 27 0 0 2 None 3y
39 SS US ERA Akiri 29.79 99.28% 1,733x 3,527 764 31 3 0 3 None 2y
40 S MY nabil59 29.78 97.60% 622x 3,050 1,166 70 10 7 25 1.1x, Mirror 4y
41 S DK Moofy 29.76 97.59% 857x 2,793 1,375 134 9 2 15 1.1x 5y
42 S TH basicmaime 29.75 96.30% 1,053x 2,856 1,218 199 22 6 27 1.2x 3y
43 SS KR Puglz 29.68 99.22% 1,641x 3,639 657 21 3 1 7 None 3y
44 SS FR SugarLoli 29.67 99.22% 3,658x 3,440 844 40 2 1 1 None 1mo
45 SS CA QC Kaede 29.65 99.21% 2,026x 3,617 669 36 0 2 4 None 3mo
46 S FI PianoLuigi 29.64 96.24% 624x 2,884 1,159 231 30 6 18 1.2x 5y
47 S CN Kyouka Hikawa 29.63 96.24% 894x 2,642 1,371 275 24 1 15 1.2x 5y
48 SS US SleepyLunarYoru 29.60 99.18% 2,453x 3,431 861 28 3 2 3 None 3y
49 SS US TheSquidster 29.59 99.17% 1,898x 3,696 592 29 3 2 6 None 5y
50 SS SE Frozcity 29.58 99.17% 1,726x 3,568 720 31 2 1 6 None 2y