HAELEQUINZ -the clown of 24stairs-
orangentle / Yu_Asahina

Created by: Asherz007
Submitted: over 5 years ago
Ranked: over 5 years ago
Source: n/a
Disassociative Identity Disorder KLAMNOP NEXT-001 M3-2016 Autumn electronic instrumental
BPM: 172
Length: 3:47
Passes/Fails: 7760 / 4480

osu port (https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/657286)

One of my earlier sets that I'm still proud of; jumpstreams of varying difficulty.

(I'm running out of difficulty names for hard lol)

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US Alyca 31.84 99.66% 2,028x 1,730 293 5 0 0 0 2.0x 1y
2 SS KR Girls frontline 31.66 99.57% 1,527x 1,789 230 7 1 0 1 2.0x 5y
3 SS FI PianoLuigi 31.25 99.35% 2,028x 1,643 367 17 1 0 0 2.0x 4y
4 SS RO robby250 31.16 99.30% 1,669x 1,613 399 14 1 0 1 2.0x 5y
5 S DE ElectroYan 30.48 98.94% 893x 1,566 438 18 2 0 4 2.0x 5y
6 S US RockyAdrian 30.41 98.90% 1,527x 1,623 379 19 2 0 5 2.0x, Mirror 3y
7 S US Firby28 30.33 98.86% 936x 1,562 436 23 4 0 3 2.0x 4y
8 S US QC cake123 29.88 98.61% 1,097x 1,582 406 30 6 0 4 2.0x 2y
9 S SE neondrakon 29.74 98.54% 1,523x 1,532 460 29 0 2 5 2.0x 3y
10 S RO ShawKhanDeezNut 29.40 98.35% 1,162x 1,449 523 51 2 1 2 2.0x 3y
11 S FR BlackyDay 29.24 98.26% 603x 1,559 420 35 7 0 7 2.0x 5y
12 S CO LorDxFrown 29.21 98.24% 1,393x 1,497 462 66 0 0 3 2.0x 5y
13 S EE Progress 29.09 98.18% 755x 1,458 523 36 3 2 6 2.0x 4y
14 S ID ZenZin 29.09 98.18% 923x 1,426 552 36 9 1 4 2.0x 5y
15 S PL Archaic84 28.57 97.88% 1,256x 1,373 584 60 7 1 3 2.0x 5y
16 S US DylRod510 28.28 97.71% 502x 1,382 574 59 5 0 8 2.0x 5y
17 S US hripmster 28.15 97.64% 1,023x 1,414 549 51 2 2 10 2.0x 3y
18 S US bruh1067 27.96 97.53% 704x 1,458 495 57 8 1 9 2.0x 4y
19 S US gaming 27.47 97.24% 559x 1,193 747 76 3 1 8 2.0x 5y
20 S RO myja 27.42 97.21% 1,332x 1,414 530 66 7 5 6 2.0x 4y
21 S US Redd 27.36 97.18% 1,540x 1,332 603 77 7 2 7 2.0x 5y
22 S US Whulf 27.33 97.16% 1,449x 1,377 566 65 10 5 5 2.0x 5y
23 S AU Eplup 26.93 96.92% 662x 1,426 525 51 8 5 13 2.0x 5y
24 S US Atsuneko 26.73 96.80% 616x 1,222 703 86 6 3 8 2.0x, Mirror 5y
25 S FR Okarynn 26.70 96.78% 874x 1,395 546 63 7 6 11 2.0x 5y
26 S US Concealed 26.64 96.74% 330x 1,319 601 88 9 3 8 2.0x 3y
27 S ID Zynexy 26.60 96.72% 346x 1,316 624 61 9 1 17 2.0x 10mo
28 S KR Kirisame Marisa 26.09 96.41% 877x 1,288 628 86 13 5 8 2.0x 5y
29 S US peapot9 25.91 96.30% 1,084x 1,200 691 115 15 2 5 2.0x 3y
30 S AR depressito 25.89 97.44% 797x 1,294 639 85 6 1 3 1.85x 5y
31 S US wolfNAV 25.58 96.09% 1,088x 1,274 618 109 15 2 10 2.0x 4y
32 S US SickoUncleLou 25.56 96.08% 363x 1,251 647 104 11 2 13 2.0x 5y
33 S US GOOOBERT 25.53 98.14% 1,437x 1,366 600 57 1 1 3 1.75x 3y
34 S CA sunry 25.52 96.05% 437x 1,299 609 89 13 3 15 2.0x 5y
35 S RU DualFPM 25.46 96.01% 945x 1,402 521 72 8 6 19 2.0x 4y
36 S ID Setsuna 25.42 97.14% 517x 1,334 600 77 8 2 7 1.85x 5y
37 S RO Axacore 25.39 95.97% 448x 1,377 535 76 21 3 16 2.0x 5y
38 S AT realnihil 25.09 95.78% 444x 1,378 534 77 17 7 15 2.0x 5y
39 S GB RollingQuarries 24.99 98.38% 909x 1,379 596 49 1 0 3 1.7x 4y
40 S DE DerEntsafter 24.96 96.37% 396x 1,389 515 96 16 2 10 1.9x 5y
41 S KR GreenScreen410 24.85 95.63% 335x 1,309 600 87 5 7 20 2.0x 4y
42 S US A1ch3mist 24.63 95.49% 229x 1,296 604 89 15 5 19 2.0x 3y
43 S CA Branlae 24.46 95.38% 409x 1,208 677 111 10 5 17 2.0x 4y
44 S BR Technijk 24.30 95.27% 1,083x 1,130 741 122 19 4 12 2.0x 5y
45 S US Chime 24.19 96.77% 605x 1,290 626 90 14 1 7 1.8x 5y
46 S US N1ghtWo1fz 24.12 95.49% 651x 1,114 737 156 12 3 6 1.95x 3y
47 A US Circle 23.79 94.94% 483x 950 861 201 9 0 7 2.0x 4y
48 S US Well 23.70 97.51% 1,346x 1,330 609 80 3 1 5 1.7x 5y
49 S US Noobfile1 23.46 98.62% 1,350x 1,491 499 32 2 1 3 1.6x 3y
50 A HN Sniver 23.34 94.64% 609x 1,104 734 147 28 2 13 2.0x 5y