
Created by: Emik
Submitted: about 4 years ago
Ranked: 5 months ago
Source: n/a
electronic, sv, memorization, halcyon
BPM: 70
Length: 2:27
Passes/Fails: 82 / 791

Grand Finals Songlists:

Quaver 4K Open Tournament 1

grand finals moment (26/60) + emme (55/60) <<<

emme Dualigy

>>> Part 1 (55/60) + Part 2 (60/60)

A never-ending forest of green lines and barely-snapped notes, will you hold up?

Made for the Quaver 4K Open Tournament, as part of Halogen's pick for the warmups.

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S PH noduu 16.61 97.86% 645x 411 206 27 1 0 0 2.0x 4mo
2 B SE Emik 9.34 88.90% 364x 317 220 70 23 7 8 2.0x 3mo
3 S AU Spartan 4.23 95.04% 584x 378 209 46 9 2 1 None 5mo
4 A US averry 3.53 92.22% 485x 313 239 75 11 2 5 None 2mo
5 B CN WilliamQiufeng 2.67 88.05% 184x 319 211 74 20 2 19 None 4mo
6 B SG Rainbow Dash 2.67 88.01% 420x 256 240 114 27 2 6 None 1mo
7 B VN MACarono 1.84 82.69% 236x 212 244 131 40 9 9 None 5d
8 B CN cccc 1.61 80.93% 200x 240 229 110 36 17 13 None 5mo
9 C ES Pedralex 1.19 76.96% 179x 224 218 118 46 21 18 None 4mo
10 C GB KatsuFox 0.70 70.39% 208x 192 172 172 59 17 33 None 4d
11 D RU VaMaHS 0.36 63.08% 459x 81 139 272 128 14 11 None 4mo