Ma, Zeta, Are, Omega
DJ Witch Girl Miracle

Created by: amogu
Submitted: almost 4 years ago
Ranked: almost 4 years ago
Source: MIR4CLEN 1
NGHTMRE & ZHU - Man's First Inhibition (feat. Kidd Keem) [Saint Punk Remix], Lost Frog Productions, Post Nightcore, NXC, Bassline, Speed Garage, Electronic, SV, ま、ζ、ぁレヽωʚ ♥ɞ, ღDJ魔女っ娘ミラクるんღ, Rave
BPM: 169.535
Length: 2:38
Passes/Fails: 69 / 1036

[7K] 33.81 - 7K Gleaming Glide

almost 4 years ago

Certain lines are misaligned with notes due to svs magnifying misalignment errors

My plugin worked surprisingly well to fix this so use it and it'll probably fix the issue and your map will probably be fine maybe