Heart Attack
Demi Lovato

Created by: Moca Lisa
Submitted: almost 3 years ago
Ranked: over 2 years ago
Source: Demi
BPM: 87
Length: 3:24
Passes/Fails: 3023 / 1775

With some help from unlucky croco

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S RU Qertucic 30.65 98.75% 530x 1,339 214 17 0 2 4 1.7x 1y
2 S US iCandy 30.25 98.54% 822x 1,255 289 25 3 2 2 1.7x 3y
3 S ID Reihynn 29.79 98.28% 1,020x 1,291 235 42 5 0 3 1.7x 2y
4 S US ERA Puzzle 29.31 97.64% 424x 1,251 283 22 8 1 11 1.75x 10mo
5 S US ChaosKel 28.22 97.40% 548x 1,240 272 47 9 2 6 1.7x 5mo
6 SS SE ParkerPyrope 27.60 99.32% 1,576x 1,393 164 16 3 0 0 1.45x 1y
7 S CL el queseson 27.39 97.84% 961x 1,229 299 33 7 0 8 1.6x 1y
8 S US Qwoper 26.64 97.39% 387x 1,014 513 36 2 3 8 1.6x 2y
9 S GB Solleks 26.50 98.14% 489x 1,303 234 24 9 2 4 1.5x 3y
10 A US HJPboss 26.37 94.98% 342x 1,128 347 61 15 6 19 1.9x 2y
11 S RU TweekFan 26.23 97.98% 958x 1,241 284 41 4 1 5 1.5x 2mo
12 S CA Fontdyla 26.10 98.40% 638x 1,357 187 22 3 3 4 1.45x 9mo
13 S CZ Swinaecologist 25.96 97.81% 461x 1,202 331 30 3 2 8 1.5x 2y
14 S ES Pedralex 25.90 97.77% 553x 1,235 303 23 3 3 9 1.5x 2mo
15 S US A1ch3mist 25.88 98.80% 727x 1,192 358 21 3 0 2 1.4x 10mo
16 S GB Eria 25.68 97.63% 463x 1,093 429 43 3 1 7 1.5x 2y
17 S US 4bfk 25.35 97.93% 1,009x 1,033 497 40 0 2 4 1.45x 2y
18 SS US Kappyyy 25.28 99.57% 1,381x 1,442 124 9 0 0 1 1.3x 5mo
19 S CA lilacs 25.03 97.72% 522x 1,092 433 39 5 1 6 1.45x 3y
20 S US Eeriee 24.91 97.14% 364x 1,125 402 28 7 4 10 1.5x 3y
21 SS CN WilliamQiufeng 24.61 99.13% 816x 1,345 218 7 2 0 4 1.3x, Mirror 3y
22 SS KR PmsGmd 24.60 99.12% 1,576x 1,241 312 22 1 0 0 1.3x 3y
23 S US Flameflan 24.60 95.20% 423x 1,059 415 67 16 9 10 1.7x 2y
24 S SE neondrakon 24.42 99.00% 903x 1,357 197 16 3 0 3 1.3x 3y
25 S FR SpaceVader 24.42 99.00% 719x 1,250 306 17 0 0 3 1.3x 2y
26 S PE ToquiTow 24.28 97.76% 960x 1,178 349 35 6 1 7 1.4x, Mirror 1y
27 S CA EliSei4ik 23.88 97.49% 553x 1,223 295 42 7 2 7 1.4x 1y
28 S CL Mooshy 23.87 98.06% 957x 1,139 400 28 1 2 6 Mirror, 1.35x 2y
29 S GB Moca Loca 23.76 98.54% 1,576x 1,172 361 39 4 0 0 1.3x 3y
30 S BR Sy4n0 23.68 98.49% 556x 1,286 259 20 7 2 2 1.3x 2y
31 S US Shubarashi 23.59 97.87% 824x 1,152 357 59 7 0 1 1.35x 2y
32 S US Devoted irish 23.56 97.27% 328x 1,270 255 26 12 2 11 1.4x 12h
33 SS US wolfNAV 23.52 99.10% 1,576x 1,203 350 23 0 0 0 1.25x 2y
34 S US SafFyre 23.42 96.64% 1,049x 960 506 103 4 1 2 1.45x 3y
35 S DE GERMarvin 23.39 97.15% 498x 1,184 320 58 4 2 8 1.4x 2y
36 S FR Borealiss 23.34 97.70% 1,020x 1,078 446 40 6 2 4 1.35x 3y
37 S VN Techie Folf 23.27 98.20% 957x 1,030 500 41 3 0 2 1.3x 1y
38 S US Jayismyname777 23.11 98.09% 1,247x 1,113 405 53 4 0 1 1.3x 2y
39 S GB Cuckson 23.04 97.48% 468x 1,297 241 17 6 5 10 1.35x 2y
40 S CA 112940 22.98 96.33% 527x 1,080 424 46 9 4 13 1.45x 1y
41 S US Reazy Fwoof 22.95 96.84% 949x 1,246 265 41 9 3 12 1.4x 2y
42 S PE EriPE 22.90 97.38% 509x 1,145 372 45 4 2 8 1.35x 10mo
43 S US Dehznik 22.87 95.77% 466x 1,172 304 69 15 4 12 1.5x 3y
44 S IL mycatsarecute 22.79 95.71% 531x 1,099 377 68 17 4 11 1.5x 2y
45 S US Jacobfov 22.51 97.66% 463x 1,214 310 37 6 1 8 1.3x 2y
46 S FI sSolle 22.50 98.37% 800x 1,230 315 22 2 1 6 1.25x 1y
47 S PE matachilenos300 22.47 98.35% 534x 1,141 397 31 3 0 4 1.25x 3y
48 S US bigman2468 22.43 98.32% 1,360x 1,229 296 46 3 0 2 1.25x 2y
49 S BE dubxr 22.40 96.45% 439x 1,108 400 39 13 3 13 1.4x 2y
50 S CA Branlae 22.31 98.23% 1,228x 1,104 439 25 2 2 4 1.25x 2y