Dance Till You're Dead (Nightcore)

Created by: zyglrox
Submitted: over 3 years ago
Ranked: over 3 years ago
Source: n/a
hardstyle chordjacks cj
BPM: 170
Length: 2:56
Passes/Fails: 3453 / 6019

This map is a part of Club Clarity:

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS DK zyglrox 38.79 99.39% 996x 1,843 430 10 0 0 2 1.7x 3y
2 SS US Reshiram 38.59 99.65% 1,961x 2,032 248 2 2 0 1 1.65x 3y
3 SS PE Mxara 37.84 99.32% 2,220x 1,811 457 15 1 0 1 1.65x 3y
4 S VN feralblitz 36.94 98.92% 1,237x 1,873 389 13 3 1 6 1.65x 3y
5 SS GB NippleJW 36.86 99.34% 1,370x 1,893 380 7 2 0 3 1.6x 3y
6 SS US soapywater 36.31 99.09% 604x 1,814 453 11 2 0 5 1.6x 2y
7 SS MX Ray271 35.58 99.11% 1,215x 1,742 517 24 0 0 2 1.55x 3y
8 SS CA KoolAids 35.42 99.41% 1,889x 1,816 459 7 2 0 1 1.5x 1y
9 S US Alyca 35.26 98.96% 1,585x 1,715 539 26 3 0 2 1.55x 2y
10 SS CL Jeanne Da Rin 35.26 99.33% 1,784x 1,870 398 15 0 0 2 1.5x 3y
11 SS DO elsoyar 35.22 99.31% 2,276x 1,783 486 14 1 0 1 1.5x 3y
12 S SE SebbeBest 35.12 98.54% 592x 1,772 469 36 0 1 7 1.6x 3y
13 S US Rapta 35.06 98.51% 1,091x 1,765 478 31 3 1 7 1.6x 3y
14 SS US Byeoll 34.93 99.18% 1,146x 1,869 393 19 1 0 3 1.5x 3y
15 SS UA Dena3 34.81 99.12% 2,285x 1,771 482 31 1 0 0 1.5x 3y
16 SS US RayCurse 34.81 99.12% 1,421x 1,835 425 21 1 0 3 1.5x 2y
17 S RU Strat0s 34.74 98.71% 866x 1,599 643 39 2 0 2 1.55x 8mo
18 SS AU CursorDance 34.61 99.03% 1,129x 1,928 331 19 1 0 6 1.5x 3y
19 S KR ARG P4NDIXE 34.51 97.47% 602x 1,808 430 18 4 7 18 1.7x 3y
20 S US Testydudey 34.40 98.93% 1,257x 1,973 284 18 3 1 6 1.5x 3y
21 S SA Magiccccc 33.97 97.99% 1,038x 1,648 573 48 8 2 6 1.6x 3y
22 S HK Puniru 33.91 98.69% 591x 1,951 310 7 6 2 9 1.5x 3y
23 S US AgarRolo 33.80 98.64% 714x 1,775 477 18 8 0 7 1.5x 3y
24 SS DE flezz 33.46 99.68% 2,285x 1,940 341 4 0 0 0 1.4x 2y
25 SS US dako 33.44 99.67% 2,285x 1,988 290 7 0 0 0 1.4x 10mo
26 S XX Fre3d 33.34 98.91% 1,250x 1,962 297 16 4 4 2 1.45x 3y
27 SS US entauri 33.29 99.60% 2,285x 1,890 388 7 0 0 0 1.4x 2y
28 SS US Flameflan 33.22 99.56% 2,285x 1,943 331 10 1 0 0 1.4x 3y
29 SS US ERA Zenith 33.18 99.54% 1,348x 2,129 141 13 0 1 1 1.4x 3y
30 SS GB welshevo 33.10 99.50% 2,285x 1,896 375 14 0 0 0 1.4x 3y
31 S US Butterbog727 33.10 98.29% 918x 1,875 363 32 4 4 7 1.5x, Mirror 3y
32 S US Jojo 33.06 97.56% 631x 1,609 600 56 7 2 11 1.6x 3y
33 SS US KGB Official 32.99 99.45% 2,285x 1,846 424 15 0 0 0 1.4x 2y
34 SS US Ahko 32.86 99.38% 1,781x 1,788 484 12 0 0 1 1.4x 3y
35 SS US funnycatpfp 32.77 99.34% 2,285x 1,744 525 15 1 0 0 1.4x 3y
36 SS CN XSUB 32.76 99.33% 2,110x 1,866 403 13 1 0 2 1.4x 9mo
37 S US CoolPlayer69 32.65 95.60% 611x 1,491 643 98 34 2 17 1.85x 6mo
38 SS BR Church 32.59 99.24% 1,659x 1,801 461 22 0 0 1 1.4x 3y
39 S DE GERMarvin 32.58 98.04% 788x 1,757 467 47 3 3 8 1.5x 2y
40 SS US ARG Keise 32.57 99.74% 2,285x 2,002 280 3 0 0 0 1.35x 2y
41 SS CN WilliamQiufeng 32.56 99.23% 1,662x 1,951 315 14 1 1 3 1.4x 3y
42 SS US Venomsypher 32.51 99.20% 1,943x 1,966 304 9 1 3 2 1.4x 2y
43 SS US Banjo 32.41 99.15% 2,220x 1,699 563 21 1 0 1 1.4x 3y
44 SS US Creepaminer 32.39 99.14% 1,480x 1,740 518 26 0 0 1 1.4x 3y
45 SS SA cuber the weeb 32.37 99.64% 2,285x 1,927 352 6 0 0 0 1.35x 3y
46 SS AU pork baby 32.37 99.13% 1,579x 1,876 386 19 0 1 3 1.4x 1y
47 SS CA Fontdyla 32.28 99.08% 1,595x 1,982 283 10 4 1 5 1.4x 2y
48 S US lilendili 32.25 97.87% 751x 1,641 597 28 4 6 9 1.5x 2y
49 SS GB odnovaa 32.20 99.05% 1,704x 1,835 420 27 0 1 2 1.4x 3y
50 SS KR ADGOPE 32.15 99.02% 1,357x 1,713 552 15 0 0 5 1.4x 1y