also if I use something like 1234 to represent consecutive drums, I like to keep using that general idea for at least a measure/bar, maybe using 4321 for another instance of the sound, or 2341, etc.
assuming the chord before stays left biased (and it probably should stay the same to avoid creating a small jack with this pattern), mirror the pattern for better hand balance
remove?, sound seems insignificant
expand to hand
reduce to jump
generally, I like to make it so that notes or chords that represent audibly different sounds have some sort of contrast to them
if one chord is left biased, i see if I can make the other right biased
if one utilizes inner columns more, I see if I can make the other use outer columns more
also if I use something like 1234 to represent consecutive drums, I like to keep using that general idea for at least a measure/bar, maybe using 4321 for another instance of the sound, or 2341, etc.
if you take another look through the map, i think you'd be able to find some places that'd benefit from these ideas
I'll look through the map
first note column 4, second note remove
move to [23]
65720|1,65786|2,65852|3,65919|4,65985|2,65985|1,66251|3,66251|4,66516|2,66516|1,66782|3,66782|4,67047|2,67047|1,67313|3,67313|2,67578|3,67578|4,67844|3,67844|2 mirror for hand balance
move column 2
apply +20 ms to entire map
apply this mod last
might wanna change the hands to jumps to be consistent with the similar pattern near the beginning of the song
rearrange beginning
mirror and shift last highlighted jump one left
also maybe make first jump a hand to emphasize the thing
remove jump (because it's mapped to nonexistent vocal?) and rearrange for better hand balance™
extra note
rearrange to [23][134]
rearrange to
change to normal note
either the guitar(?) isn't there or it's not audible enough to be significant
mirror for better hand balance
154127|2,154127|3,154392|3,154392|4,154658|3,154658|2,154923|2,154923|1 nudge first jump left one and the others accordingly for better consistently with previous similar instances of this pattern
assuming the chord before stays left biased (and it probably should stay the same to avoid creating a small jack with this pattern), mirror the pattern for better hand balance
mirror for better hand balance
84038|2,84038|3,84304|3,84304|4,84569|3,84569|2,84835|2,84835|1 nudge first jump left one and following jumps accordingly for better consistency with an earlier pattern
rearrange to remove the right hand trill
extra notes
rearrange the chords representing drums to be more consistent and swap between fingers between different drum sounds
for instance in the first four beats I would rearrange the chords to be [23][124][23][124]
and next four beats [13][124][13][124]
additionally for 123331 the first chord should have a note in column 2 for the longjack
rearrange for aesthetics
actually mirror it as well for the longjack emphasis
should be a jump
change note positions to 1[34]2
extra note
replace with jumptrill, turn hand into jump to avoid minijack
note placement noticably biased toward the right hand
193419|3,193419|4,193684|4,193817|3,193950|4,194083|3,194481|3,194481|4 as well
expand to hand to represent shout
replace with jumptrill
mapped rhythm is incorrect
move timing point to 145
mirror first chord, change last two chords to be both jumps, jumps having pattern [34][12]
swap earlier two notes, remove later note, extend ln
expand to hand to emphasize shout
remove selected notes, rearrange remaining notes to be more aesthetic
remove hands, expand jump to hand
apply to similar instances as well
rearrange chords to this
extend ln to next note
extra note?
143262|2 etc.
chord sizes should generally be 21312131
ln isn't mapped to anything?
adjust chord sizes accordingly
chord sizes should be 1,2,2?
swap chord sizes
apply above to 111138|3,111138|4,111403|2
116979|2,116979|4,117244|1,117244|2,117510|4 1,2,2
extra note?
93350|4 etc.
move to 86681, extend to next notes
216182|4,216182|3 similar for this
extra note?
73173|2 etc.
chord pattern should generally be 21312131
move to different column to better distinguish from longjack
move timing point back a beat
chord sizes should be 1,2,2?
49545|1,49545|2 should be single note?
reduce to single note
extra note?
27510|1 etc.
map drums