Tay K Returns to Dreamland 4

Created by: arabypac
Submitted: almost 3 years ago
Ranked: almost 3 years ago
Source: n/a
mashup remix rap Tay K Megaman Kirby Super Star Gladiator explicit trap
BPM: 154
Length: 1:33
Passes/Fails: 422 / 417
Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS JP butanic 50.35 99.64% 1,981x 1,740 237 3 0 1 0 1.55x 1y
2 SS CN tyrcs 49.39 99.32% 1,981x 1,607 353 21 0 0 0 1.55x 2mo
3 S JP Torayjin 43.84 97.37% 440x 1,427 497 35 5 4 13 1.55x 2y
4 SS US Berri 43.47 99.43% 1,981x 1,375 604 2 0 0 0 Mirror, 1.25x 7mo
5 S FI Maffe 43.09 98.92% 805x 1,499 457 21 0 0 4 1.3x 3mo
6 S US yahweh 42.58 97.92% 526x 1,472 456 38 4 1 10 1.4x 2y
7 S CA P P 42.43 98.24% 711x 1,315 615 46 0 1 4 1.35x 2mo
8 SS KR TC I Rinomi 42.36 99.68% 1,981x 1,773 200 8 0 0 0 1.2x 2y
9 S US seth rogan 41.97 98.49% 461x 1,535 404 31 6 0 5 1.3x 1y
10 S US Rylord 41.78 98.85% 1,277x 1,477 468 33 2 0 1 1.25x 3y
11 S CL Adimoc 40.63 98.99% 681x 1,542 417 17 1 0 4 1.2x 3y
12 S IT FakeException 40.63 97.96% 503x 1,422 511 35 1 1 11 1.3x 3y
13 S US cat 40.42 98.91% 860x 1,420 537 20 1 0 3 1.2x 2y
14 S JP Monkeyboard 39.83 97.64% 563x 1,160 748 65 2 1 5 1.3x 2y
15 S JP metyabo 39.62 96.75% 320x 1,423 478 53 6 3 18 1.4x 2y
16 S SE Nakano Yuko 39.54 98.55% 1,222x 1,413 524 39 2 0 3 1.2x 3y
17 S KR Sizuku 39.41 98.49% 565x 1,632 311 25 5 0 8 1.2x 3y
18 S PL Lambard 38.63 98.16% 952x 1,433 490 46 9 1 2 1.2x 2y
19 S US trentcard 38.59 98.15% 611x 1,564 367 38 2 1 9 1.2x 8mo
20 SS RU StepoS 38.33 99.37% 1,981x 1,639 326 13 3 0 0 1.1x 2y
21 S VN c86 38.09 96.88% 1,025x 1,237 638 94 3 4 5 1.3x, Mirror 2mo
22 S PL Tendency 37.87 97.25% 393x 1,425 489 45 5 2 15 1.25x 5mo
23 S FR Jeremystherbe 37.61 97.13% 728x 1,352 542 68 8 2 9 1.25x 6mo
24 S FR Mokett 37.53 97.69% 700x 1,429 500 35 3 3 11 1.2x 2y
25 S BE Vayvess 37.52 97.69% 814x 1,381 521 67 7 1 4 1.2x 2y
26 S JP F4L 37.14 97.47% 351x 1,338 581 45 3 2 12 1.2x, Mirror 3y
27 S GB xyphla 36.72 97.34% 309x 1,399 521 39 6 3 13 1.2x 2y
28 S KR Muang 35.76 98.23% 1,572x 1,200 726 52 1 1 1 1.1x 3y
29 S KR HSH000 35.69 95.87% 291x 1,110 725 127 5 0 14 1.3x 2y
30 S US bad at osumania 35.69 98.19% 531x 1,564 374 28 4 0 11 1.1x 1y
31 S PE Iassys 35.47 96.77% 636x 1,135 723 110 9 0 4 1.2x 10mo
32 S PH OyomePuncher 35.18 96.64% 914x 1,302 584 73 5 3 14 1.2x 1y
33 S AU DatN3rdyGuy 34.99 97.87% 413x 1,513 420 31 4 3 10 1.1x 2y
34 S US BMS 34.68 96.41% 491x 1,233 654 66 8 1 19 1.2x 6mo
35 S AT Fabi03 34.58 96.99% 465x 1,328 566 67 7 3 10 1.15x 2y
36 S US qqp 34.50 98.41% 482x 1,473 464 37 0 0 7 1.05x 3y
37 S DE ATP Apored 34.34 97.56% 584x 1,459 460 40 11 3 8 1.1x 1y
38 S US Reazy Fwoof 33.98 96.71% 462x 1,207 677 76 7 1 13 1.15x 6mo
39 S ID Funami 33.95 97.38% 452x 1,320 592 51 5 1 12 1.1x 2y
40 S US Atomic Ant 33.83 98.98% 1,698x 1,548 403 25 4 0 1 None 1y
41 S SG dabreadosanv2 33.69 97.17% 471x 1,218 690 54 8 5 6 1.1x, Mirror 1y
42 S CL Estepato2 33.33 97.08% 475x 1,374 529 54 9 1 14 1.1x 1y
43 S RU YaLTeR 33.15 96.99% 538x 1,387 513 56 10 2 13 1.1x 3y
44 S GB QC Yashikii 32.83 96.83% 395x 1,282 611 63 12 3 10 1.1x 3mo
45 S US heion 32.74 96.79% 568x 1,194 683 86 8 1 9 1.1x 1y
46 S RU joune 32.70 98.42% 1,132x 1,436 497 41 3 0 4 None 2y
47 S CL Andere 32.42 97.39% 523x 1,440 466 50 16 1 8 1.05x 3y
48 A DK Stoom 32.13 94.62% 276x 1,176 670 94 4 7 30 1.25x 2y
49 S US QC cake123 31.90 96.37% 335x 1,349 545 53 13 5 16 1.1x 3y
50 S AE FullOptions 31.87 98.00% 1,326x 1,411 505 56 5 3 1 None 1y