Mozart Drill Remix
Prod. Smurph

Created by: arabypac
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: about 3 years ago
Source: n/a
electronic trap drill classical meme Piano Sonata No. 11 in A Major, K 331: III. Alla Turca
BPM: 140
Length: 0:55
Passes/Fails: 1859 / 2017

capybara is holding a drill in one hand and is playing the piano with the other hand, so the bg is relevant and compliments the song

gds by Cuckson


Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS JP butanic 43.57 99.62% 748x 663 81 4 0 0 0 1.7x 3y
2 SS US Notfromddr 40.86 99.46% 748x 595 149 4 0 0 0 1.55x 5mo
3 S CA JSimon 40.70 98.77% 492x 533 202 12 0 0 1 Mirror, 1.65x 5mo
4 SS SE Sadcat 39.95 99.48% 748x 581 164 3 0 0 0 1.5x 3y
5 SS US Rylord 39.90 99.45% 748x 591 153 4 0 0 0 1.5x 3y
6 SS FR Mokett 39.39 99.24% 748x 576 164 8 0 0 0 1.5x 2y
7 S GB QC WandrYondr 38.89 98.04% 524x 540 183 22 1 0 2 1.65x 2mo
8 S GB xyphla 38.85 98.32% 489x 536 190 20 1 0 1 1.6x 2y
9 S US trentcard 38.75 98.97% 536x 583 159 4 0 1 1 1.5x 13d
10 S KR TC I Kana 38.25 98.76% 742x 626 111 6 3 0 2 1.5x 1mo
11 S KR HSH000 38.20 97.46% 335x 502 225 13 2 0 6 1.7x 3y
12 SS CL Adimoc 37.76 99.38% 748x 541 204 3 0 0 0 1.4x 3y
13 S KR PinguS 37.71 98.53% 748x 502 227 18 1 0 0 1.5x 3y
14 SS GB CaptainCrow 37.58 99.30% 748x 567 176 4 1 0 0 1.4x 2y
15 S JP F4L 37.27 98.33% 748x 509 224 13 0 2 0 1.5x 3y
16 S BE Vayvess 37.25 98.32% 533x 528 202 15 1 0 2 1.5x 2y
17 S PL Tendency 37.20 98.74% 430x 552 185 9 0 0 2 1.45x 10mo
18 S MY Chromata 37.17 97.91% 407x 491 240 12 1 1 3 1.55x 2y
19 S ES Jositocrack11 37.01 98.21% 748x 568 159 16 4 1 0 1.5x, Mirror 2mo
20 S CO billabong89 36.80 98.13% 324x 515 210 21 0 0 2 1.5x 2y
21 S US BMS 36.78 98.12% 299x 612 117 13 2 0 4 1.5x 1y
22 SS US cat 36.65 99.40% 748x 566 178 4 0 0 0 1.35x 1y
23 S DE Airiel 36.63 98.88% 680x 523 215 9 0 0 1 1.4x, Mirror 2y
24 S FR Jeremystherbe 36.54 98.01% 570x 549 179 15 2 1 2 1.5x 1y
25 S US heion 36.50 97.61% 362x 516 209 17 1 0 5 1.55x 10mo
26 S KR DolDol 35.76 98.49% 602x 527 207 12 0 1 1 1.4x 1y
27 S US Merlodian 35.64 98.43% 494x 541 191 14 0 1 1 1.4x 3y
28 S CL Estepato2 35.37 97.48% 371x 493 227 24 0 1 3 1.5x 2y
29 S DK Stoom 35.30 98.75% 748x 600 135 10 2 1 0 Mirror, 1.35x 2y
30 S KR HoneyGyu 35.28 98.26% 301x 530 202 12 1 0 3 1.4x 3y
31 S KR TC I CCJOHN2019 35.24 97.41% 219x 546 181 12 2 0 7 1.5x, Mirror 2y
32 S KR sero5sin 34.88 97.25% 528x 509 206 27 2 0 4 1.5x 3mo
33 S CA Mahiru Shiina 34.67 97.15% 233x 548 174 18 0 0 8 1.5x, Mirror 4mo
34 S PT Euh 34.43 97.04% 259x 516 195 32 0 0 5 1.5x 3y
35 S US Reazy Fwoof 34.38 97.46% 519x 539 187 15 2 3 2 1.45x 1y
36 S KR gyeom0915 34.37 98.87% 398x 586 152 8 0 0 2 1.3x 2y
37 S DE Frontyy 34.28 96.97% 347x 529 189 21 2 0 7 1.5x 1y
38 S GR Fevrius 33.96 97.26% 341x 513 200 30 2 1 2 1.45x 1y
39 S US qqp 33.94 98.66% 748x 537 192 19 0 0 0 1.3x 3y
40 S US hello123amogus 33.65 97.49% 247x 540 181 21 1 0 5 1.4x 2y
41 S KR Muang 33.55 96.62% 178x 540 183 13 2 2 8 1.5x 3y
42 S US muuuuuu 33.45 98.42% 449x 542 191 12 1 1 1 1.3x 9mo
43 S US uhm 33.35 96.53% 729x 420 278 46 2 1 1 1.5x 4mo
44 S PH OyomePuncher 33.35 96.15% 203x 432 268 41 1 0 6 1.55x 2y
45 S RU YaLTeR 33.33 98.37% 271x 598 135 11 0 0 4 1.3x 2y
46 S FR BaguetteDePain 33.33 98.36% 287x 588 142 15 0 0 3 1.3x 1y
47 S US Duke121 33.03 98.85% 748x 564 169 14 1 0 0 1.25x 3y
48 S US QC cake123 33.00 97.17% 257x 567 157 14 2 0 8 1.4x 3y
49 S XX KumoriNP 32.94 96.77% 256x 517 197 25 2 0 7 1.45x 1y
50 S HK Kafuu China 32.91 95.35% 524x 425 270 38 9 2 4 1.65x 2y