Nothing but Theory

Created by: amogu
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: about 2 years ago
Source: beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS
ULTRA JAZZFUNKTION, jazz, fusion, konami, bemani, 2dx, japanese, electronic, instrumental, ost, SV, Fullest, Drater, DraterTD
BPM: 160
Length: 2:01
Passes/Fails: 1046 / 10244

Thank you Fullest for making a cool LN gd

Thank you Drater for making a cool SV gd

play with vsync (60fps + input delay) or limted fps (240fps) if needed to reduce note flashing? you can change those settings in options > video > framerate. maybe the map and svs will still work fine on unlimited frames, but idk

sorry to 144hz/144fps or non-constant fps players, maybe?

sorry to 5-30 scroll speed players. playing with top lane cover and/or adjusting scroll speed might help

SV idea/concept stolen from PlayerZero's osu!mania storyboard map:

Check out PlayerZero's map on youtube:

no 7k because 1.) lazy 2.) 7k reverse scroll / splitscroll sv too crazy/obscure of a skillset to make a map for, seeing how hard the 4k diffs already are

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US svKona 23.23 99.06% 816x 1,000 182 8 1 0 3 1.2x 4mo
2 S PL Kawiri 20.30 95.26% 1,194x 377 691 125 1 0 0 1.3x 2y
3 S RU DECVEL 14.64 95.96% 528x 658 450 71 10 1 4 None 9mo
4 S VN lmaoCatZ 13.82 95.04% 1,194x 513 561 111 6 3 0 None 2y
5 A ID e7leopard 13.42 94.58% 954x 570 485 125 12 1 1 None 1y
6 A PH ESV nodu 13.36 90.33% 402x 645 378 121 18 10 22 1.2x 2mo
7 B US ESV Sweetplum 12.95 89.87% 480x 602 360 189 24 4 15 1.2x 5mo
8 A US KingScrub 12.72 93.74% 654x 655 390 127 14 2 6 None 1y
9 A KZ Varteec 11.14 91.69% 430x 518 483 165 16 6 6 None 6mo
10 A VN Lott 10.12 90.23% 416x 693 340 104 27 18 12 None 2y
11 B KR TC I GANI 9.43 89.18% 416x 633 361 136 33 8 23 None 1y
12 B CL Koriii 9.16 88.75% 431x 701 312 99 45 10 27 None 8mo
13 B CN cccc 8.80 88.15% 586x 554 406 174 28 9 23 None 7mo
14 B IL EpicCreeper 8.71 88.01% 441x 600 373 149 40 13 19 None 1y
15 B JP 7z7w 8.69 87.97% 463x 427 499 214 34 9 11 None 2y
16 B DO elsoyar 7.86 86.50% 412x 581 390 136 45 20 22 None 1mo
17 B US Awii 7.73 85.13% 261x 621 331 132 62 14 34 1.05x 2y
18 B JP dearent 7.04 84.94% 470x 536 364 210 46 17 21 None 2y
19 B US averry 6.83 84.51% 306x 632 329 124 47 15 47 None 4mo
20 B US ECPMoof 6.40 83.60% 454x 423 423 262 49 9 28 None 2y
21 B US KGB Official 3.01 83.09% 407x 647 343 82 37 24 61 0.7x 10mo