
Created by: EscritorAnonimo
Submitted: about 2 years ago
Ranked: about 2 years ago
Source: BlackLotus
BMS, yoshikawa45, D'va;;;;;;;;5, suffrutic requiem, DnB Gothic
BPM: 173
Length: 2:22
Passes/Fails: 903 / 3065

A heartless voice echoes in the sea of reincarnation.
In the world they arrived at, they linked their fates.

Close your eyes and tell each other, "We'll always be together"

From BMS Of Fighters Ultimate 2015.
Difficulty names based on the video and lyrics.
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Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S JP butanic 39.15 98.73% 459x 1,159 152 13 3 0 5 2.0x 2y
2 S US Notfromddr 33.03 95.97% 571x 860 403 49 4 5 11 2.0x 1mo
3 S AT Fabi03 32.86 97.43% 1,244x 969 312 40 5 4 2 1.8x 2y
4 S JP F4L 30.66 97.20% 337x 861 415 45 3 0 8 1.7x 2y
5 S GB ATP WandrYondr 28.88 96.24% 459x 900 366 47 3 2 14 1.7x 1y
6 S KR HoneyGyu 27.77 95.61% 416x 834 404 69 15 2 8 1.7x 2y
7 S ID Nyuryu 27.42 95.41% 448x 803 434 71 11 2 11 1.7x 2y
8 A US Cygnus 26.84 94.20% 566x 657 544 105 14 5 7 1.8x 2y
9 A KR BIRINNAE 26.39 94.80% 554x 807 411 86 16 4 8 1.7x, Mirror 4mo
10 S US shiroupi 26.14 97.22% 722x 1,020 264 29 11 4 4 1.5x 5mo
11 S US Rat Attack 25.87 96.33% 486x 942 322 45 10 1 12 1.55x 1y
12 S CN Shaller 25.77 98.40% 1,147x 938 364 24 4 1 1 1.4x 8mo
13 S US wolfNAV 24.98 95.11% 621x 806 404 101 13 2 6 1.6x 2y
14 S RU joune 24.86 96.41% 547x 903 357 56 4 2 10 1.5x 2y
15 A MX Greninja498 23.86 90.87% 222x 764 410 99 17 8 34 2.0x, Mirror 1y
16 S US DankMeemer 23.12 95.25% 283x 884 364 54 10 1 19 1.5x 1y
17 S PL Urbanicho 23.10 96.62% 599x 894 369 50 12 3 4 1.4x 1y
18 SS KR gyeom0915 21.52 99.55% 1,332x 1,125 200 7 0 0 0 1.2x 2y
19 S AU Naeko 21.27 97.14% 433x 957 327 29 11 4 4 1.3x, Mirror 4mo
20 A JP itsuko 21.09 93.80% 377x 825 395 69 20 4 19 1.5x 2y
21 A ES KJKShiro 19.84 94.21% 462x 690 541 69 12 9 11 1.4x 2y
22 A CA Man Is Dead 19.55 92.63% 316x 538 604 159 20 1 10 1.5x 4mo
23 A CN DriverOfHeaven 19.43 92.53% 310x 708 472 108 22 8 14 1.5x 2y
24 B KR TC I PIPP9 19.08 88.99% 187x 626 503 133 23 7 40 1.8x 2y
25 S US daley 19.00 97.50% 339x 1,064 231 22 2 1 12 1.2x 1y
26 S VN lmaoCatZ 18.77 98.76% 619x 939 379 9 1 0 4 1.15x 1y
27 A JP mutex 18.62 93.21% 325x 697 499 99 16 7 14 1.4x 4mo
28 S MY Shah 17.99 95.44% 656x 885 345 85 4 5 8 1.25x 2y
29 S GB marksie 17.10 95.81% 239x 923 341 43 5 2 18 1.2x 8mo
30 S US NoobAtQuaverL 17.03 97.17% 482x 949 342 24 5 3 9 1.15x 2y
31 A DE hogman 17.02 91.83% 388x 731 440 109 24 6 22 1.4x 2mo
32 S CA Boi 16.99 97.14% 459x 976 326 12 1 4 13 1.15x 2y
33 A JP Demogorgon 16.89 90.39% 373x 668 462 144 28 7 23 1.5x 2y
34 S GB themac27 16.86 97.01% 427x 964 318 35 2 2 11 1.15x 5mo
35 S GB Garpgarp 16.81 98.58% 1,039x 985 318 23 5 0 1 1.1x 2y
36 B AU Shred 16.39 88.66% 373x 623 463 175 39 9 23 1.6x 1y
37 B US Pigeon987 16.32 88.59% 197x 690 433 136 23 9 41 1.6x 1y
38 A US N1GHT W0LF 15.33 94.08% 319x 834 392 68 15 5 18 1.2x 2y
39 S PE Cuasi71 14.87 98.36% 365x 1,063 240 21 3 1 4 1.05x 1y
40 A CN WilliamQiufeng 14.82 93.55% 257x 1,043 197 52 3 13 24 1.2x 1y
41 B US darkwiz 14.49 88.71% 396x 569 531 156 40 5 31 1.45x 2y
42 SS JP ChankyKong 14.36 99.82% 1,332x 1,257 73 1 1 0 0 None 1y
43 S MX Marxder 14.17 95.82% 281x 1,006 251 48 10 3 14 1.1x 1y
44 S PL ATP Wahoo Lover 14.03 95.66% 255x 1,023 252 24 8 3 22 1.1x 4mo
45 A NO iciclefall 14.01 92.68% 344x 785 417 77 25 5 23 1.2x 7mo
46 A PL Kawiri 13.99 92.66% 256x 674 504 112 19 2 21 1.2x 2y
47 SS RU Holycoldwater 13.93 99.31% 1,332x 1,205 111 12 4 0 0 None 1y
48 S AR romwerothiagoxd 13.86 95.47% 631x 806 443 61 5 4 13 1.1x 1y
49 S CA Chevrium 13.65 98.98% 750x 1,156 159 13 1 2 1 None 6mo
50 S JP mak1non 13.64 98.96% 1,076x 1,032 280 17 2 0 1 None 1y